Name: Pteromer Han
Human, Male; Age: 24

- Slim figure
- Pale skin
- Green eyes
- Light Brown Hair
- Elegant outfit
- Metalic Wings coming out his back

- What seems to be a cold and bitter man, behind that mask lays a broken man that would do anything to make everyone's life better, but it's stubbornness and trauma prevents him.

- History books
- Notebooks
- Writer kit
- Tool box kit
- Brass-bound cutlass
- Metalic Mask

- Engineering (Experienced)
- Swordsmanship (Intermediate)
- Smithery (Experienced)
- History (Master)
- Investigation (Experienced)
- Deception (Experienced)
- Persuasiune (Experienced)

- Flight (Average Ability): Thanks to the metalic wings stuck to his back, he has the ability to fly through the air. But at the end of each day he has to twik the wings back to peak performance (ex. Oiling rigide parts, fixing broken parts.), otherwise he can not use this ability.

Background / History:
- Han was once a brilliant student at the prestigious engineering university in Radasanth, Corone. His future seemed bright, filled with promise and potential. But all that changed during an expedition to Tiren, Salvar, a rare opportunity offered by his university. It was there, that he met Ila, a young Elf woman whose beauty and spirit captivated him instantly. Their connection was swift and profound, a love that blossomed over just a few days, intense and all-consuming.

As the expedition drew to a close, Han and Ila made a solemn vow to keep their love alive across the miles that would soon separate them. They promised to write each other daily, pouring their hearts into every letter. For over eight months, their words bridged the gap between them, each letter a lifeline in a world that felt unbearably empty without the other. But the distance became too much for Han to bear. The loneliness gnawed at him, and the thought of a future without Ila became a torment he could no longer endure.

Desperate to be with her, Han was willing to sacrifice everything—his education, his bright future, even his own fears. The journey back to Tiren was fraught with challenges; travel was expensive and perilous. But Han’s love for Ila gave him courage, and he resolved to create a pair of wings that would carry him to her, defying both gravity and his own fear of flying.

After days of tireless effort, Han completed his creation. With his heart in his throat and no second thoughts, he took to the skies, his makeshift wings trembling against the wind. The journey was long and terrifying, each moment a battle against the elements and his own terror. But nothing could deter him. He flew towards Ila, clinging to the hope that soon, they would be together.

When he finally arrived at her home, exhaustion and relief flooding his body, he found the door ajar. Inside, his world shattered. Ila lay lifeless on the floor, her body cold and still. She had been brutally robbed, her life stolen by an unknown assailant.

The sight of her broke something deep within Han. The sorrow and agony of that moment transformed him from a naive, hopeful youth into a cold, bitter man. Grief and rage consumed him, and he swore to find the one responsible, vowing to tear through every soul in that town if it meant avenging her. Han’s once-bright future was gone, replaced by a single, burning purpose: to bring justice to the woman he loved, no matter the cost.