Koli took one more look around at the world that he was so loathing of before he pushed open the door to The Rusty Wheel. Koli had only been in these parts once. The rich, clean cobblestone roads of Radasanth spoke a lot of the society itself. The only way that sanitation and cleanliness is forced upon a society is from political figures, which is a tell tale sign of oppression. The brilliantly constructed, zoned buildings, and the bright and festive adornments on not only the personal, but also the public buildings such as the town hall, and the citadel were extremely lavish with seasonal decorations such as flowers and lush, ripe fruits from the harvest. Koli assumed that all of this was a mandated adornment. The brilliant blue sky blazed overhead as the ex-priest stepped to the door of the pub. He took a deep breath, and entered.

“Koli!” The priest heard from a corner of the lonely, deserted place. “You’re here too! I’m so glad!”

Koli looked to the corner of the room and noticed the familiar figure of boy in his very late teens, who had dirty blonde hair, and was dressed like that of an esquire. He was rushing Koli’s way, and the monk could tell that he was going to hug him. Koli disliked such physical contact, and so he sharply stuck out his hand for the boy to shake. Drake was a half angel, but he was too caught up in the family and fellowship aspect of gatherings. The boy shook the monk’s hand very vigorously and put his arm around him, leading the man back to the table. Koli could not help but to break a smile. The enthusiasm of Drake was, although at times excessive, always very uplifting and fun.

Koli sat down at the table and looked smugly at Drake. This was the monk’s favorite part of the night. Drake always wanted to talk Koli’s ear off, but Koli did not ever speak- and Drake knew that. It was interesting how Drake found ways to get Koli to communicate with him.

“Koli, blink twice if you had a good trip!” Drake said. Koli stared back with no reply because, in fact, he did not have a good trip. Drake looked puzzled after a few seconds. Koli loved being frank with Drake, because he always was so easily confused.

“Why did you not have a good trip?” Drake asked puzzledly. Koli raised an eyebrow at his half angel friend. “A rough voyage?” Koli gave Drake a look. “Burglars?” Koli cocked his head. “Disease?” Koli sighed and looked away out of the corner of his eye. “Ohhhhh! Monster attacks!”

That was the one. Koli gave a smirk and turned his eyes ice blue for a split second. Drake shivered all over. “Did Gavner invite you here too?” the half angel asked. “He gave me this invitation.”

Koli pulled out his own and set it on the table for Drake to enjoy. They waited for Gavner to arrive as Drake tried to communicate with the priest some more