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  1. #1
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile

    Felicity Rhyolite ~ Level IX

    All the changes to the profile are made here. Ability changes and new equipment highlighted for clarity. The following has been changed:
    • Personality section edited.
    • Removed anti-magic weaknesses from all Magic Affinity abilities.
    • Renamed Neanderthal Toughness "Toughness." and edited the cause. Decreased Endurance from 9xs to 8xs.
    • Renamed Neanderthal Bones "Unbreaking Bones" and edited the cause. Ability unchanged.
    • Renamed Neanderthal Durability "Durability" and edited the cause. Ability unchanged.
    • "Discipline's" cause has been edited. Strength decreased from 7xs to 4xs.
    • Removed some negative side effects of Magic Affinity Detection.
    • Berserk Rage Part III's activation has been bumped from third bleed to second.
    • Added new ability, Magic Affinity, Bound in Love.
    • Added new ability, Apprentice of Osiris, Vault of Garah.
    • Removed Magic Affinity from Weaknesses.
    • Renamed Little Ragechild weakness "Little Ragegirl."
    • Edited PTSD description under Weaknesses.
    • Moved Skill of Battle to Skills section as requested by the RoG staff.
    • Heavily edited skills wording across the board. My writing was so cheesy, oh Thayne...
    • Added new skill, Intimidation.
    • Added new skill, Leoric's Martial Arts.
    • Added new skill, Leoric's Training.
    • Rewrote physical appearance, adding more details and removing fluff.
    • Adding new weakness, "Leoric Blackwell." Kind of a joke, kind of not. Haha Felicity's heart strings go pluck.
    • Edited Age. Happy birthday!
    • Edited Big Five Personality Type.
    • Removed History cause it's way too long and ugh!
    • Removed Leadership from Skills.
    • Removed swept hilt dagger from equipment.
    • Added trident dagger and automatic stiletto to equipment.
    Felicity Rhyolite.
    Gender: Female.
    Age: 19.
    Race: Human-Neanderthal Hybrid.
    Eye Color: Green.
    Hair Color: Red.
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 160
    Handedness: Right Preference.

    Alias/ Nickname(s): Fel, Lassie.
    Occupation: Apprentice of Shinsou Vaan Osiris.
    IQ: Average.
    Big Five Personality Type: RECGS, the Motivator.
    MBTI Type: ENFP, the Campaigner.
    5x5 Alignment: Rebel Good.
    Vice: Wrath.
    Virtue: Kindness.

    Felicity has a multilayered, complex personality. After her journey through Salvar and Corone, and her numerous adventures along the way, Felicity's stoic front has twisted into something more depressed yet apathetic. Felicity has been broken. Again. And Shinsou Vaan Osiris is determined to reforge her. She has finally let go of her desire to please the world. Instead, Felicity has dedicated herself to protecting her circle of loved ones and, to a lesser degree now, innocents wherever she goes. She always wanted to be a hero after all... yet, that dream is nearly dead. Her heroism is usually enacted by her true self, too wounded and buried to surface regularly. After Whitevale's fall and her intense fling with Leoric, she has fallen into a heavy blanket of deep sadness, insecurity, and shame. She has become clingy towards her loved ones. Now, her only goal is her dedication to Shinsou Vaan Osiris. She has lost the interest she once had of exploration and has become docile in her persuits of heroics. She just wants to be near Shinsou Vaan Osiris and keep him alive. Her two objects of her obsession are Shinsou Vaan Osiris and Leoric Blackwell.

    Felicity has seemingly entered a pit of negative energy. Her recent hurts at Leoric's hands have damaged her in a distinct way that shows in her frequent bouts of sadness and timidity. She has seen so much, and she still struggles with her past. She speaks in a simple yet intelligent manner. She has picked up on loopholing monologs and ramblings, trying to get the jumbled thoughts in her head out in a poetic fashion. Her energetic, curious, and spunky nature have been buried deep beneath, beyond notice...

    Her PTSD has not faded away. It simply has taken a different form. Felicity has accepted the past, but refuses to let it happen again. In the shadow of her mistakes, she is obsessed with control and keeping her loved ones safe. Felicity is desperate for some level of control over situations and events. She tries to control her berserk powers the best she can, trying to learn to fight without them. Losing her friends is a paranoid, irrational fear. She is overprotective, overbearing, and demanding. Felicity is especially dedicated to keeping Shinsou Vaan Osiris alive, even at her own expense. Felicity is fiercely loyal to Osiris. She believes that she owes her life to her mentor and would die for him. To get to Shinsou, anyone needs to get through Felicity. Felicity's current goal is to protect Osiris and carry out his will. Whitevale's fall has further agitated these issues.

    Felicity has been devastated by the things that have happened between herself and Leoric Blackwell, the drunk brawler who toyed with her emotions and took her virginity. She had wanted him to become a better person, tried to guide him towards being better. She enjoyed his snark and was, is, attracted to his mentoring, gentle side. She had hoped he would be there, yet felt like he betrayed her trust for what she thought was his sick pleasure. After believing no man would ever want her, along came one who did but not in a healthy way (at first.) He insulted her, targeted her insecurities one moment - and complimented her the next. She certainly felt intense emotions with how he treated her. She developed romantic feelings, but feared she was just another girl to him. He drowned her in a state of confusion and insecurity. Since they brutally parted ways, she has become a lot more cynical and untrusting towards strangers and has detached herself from people outside her inner circle of loved ones. She is even more insecure about her physical appearance than before. Seeing romantic couples in public or paid lovers in bars makes her severely uncomfortable. Her moods tend to shift less rapidly than before, with sadness being more frequent than her other emotions, even anger. She seldom talks about Leoric, how could she, but carries shattered feelings of betrayal and shame deep down. She tends to have bouts of sadness and shame, huddling in a corner and hugging herself. Despite everything, she still cares about him and she hates it. Her thoughts are constantly on him. Essentially, her heart was broken by a friend, or something more, who confused and mistreated her.

    Felicity has an ill temper. Previously, her anger has shown through passive aggression, sarcasm, and brief violent explosions. Now more assertive and confident in her skills, Felicity no longer shrinks from using her rage or feels guilt for being angry. This has allowed for her to show and express her temper more easily. The short, violent explosions have faded, but cooler and more frequent showings of temper have taken their place. Felicity is very cold and apathetic in her anger, as opposed to explosive and hot headed.

    Of course, Felicity is a clever and unorthodox thinker. Since going to Salvar and learning to hide her powers from the Church of the Ethereal Sway, she has become less reliant on her nuclear powers. In combat she can come up with interesting and bizarre tactics, keeping her opponents on her toes. Despite her ability to kill, she prefers not to and uses tactics to overpower her foes. However, she is very bullheaded and impatient as well. She can become quite agitated when things don't go her way, and is susceptible to defeat from more discreet and thoughtful fighters.

    Felicity still is afraid of becoming a monster, but that fear is not as intense anymore. She has become more selfish and closed off. She no longer cares for the plights of others and follows her morale code - or at least tries not to care - and now puts her own goals first. She is willing to go places she usually would not go to keep her loved ones safe. Her anger has been getting worse. Apathetic, uncaring, depressed, and flooded with bitter sadness. This is not who Felicity truly is, but she's been so hurt and betrayed her whole life that this front has become a twisted reality.

    A young adult, female woman. Felicity has green eyes and red hair, both traits from her neanderthal bloodline. Her hair is curled in the 2A type. Her smooth, fair skin is more akin to her human side. Felicity is a physically fit endomorph with a sturdy yet curved frame. She is a beast with trim muscles and abs; though she's not overly buff and heavy. She has stocky bones and a wider forehead, traits once again inherited from her neanderthal blood. Her thin, diamond shape face is very much human. Though Felicity would shyly deny it, many have considered her physically attractive. Leoric certainly would confirm this!

    Felicity prefers more modest attire, as she is far from the suggestive type. She hardly cares about her physical hygiene and dresses in a slobbish manner. Her hair, recently curled, has been completely neglected and is losing its neatness and form. She has a habit of wearing heavier clothes, thanks to her background in colder climates. She has taken to regularly wearing a headband over her forehead due to insecurity. She tends to wear clothes in a way that provides padding so she doesn't accidentally cut herself.

    - Swordsmanship: Felicity has great skill in a diversity of swordsmanship styles. Trained personally by some of the greatest duelists in all of Althanas, Felicity maintains a deep level of skill and knowledge of martial arts, ranging from Akashiman sword jutsus to Coronian historical martial arts. Felicity prefers to use her arming swords and a side arm, especially skilled with the simple one handed swords. Felicity also has trained hard with her katana, though she is not as effective with it as with her western blades.

    - Knife Fighting: Felicity has been professionally trained to effectively use smaller blades in a diversity of cultural martial arts styles. She can proficiently duel wield with two knives, as well as a sword and knife.

    - Karate: Felicity has been trained under Akashima’s unarmed martial arts jutsu. She is no master, but her skills are still rather impressive.

    - Boxing and Kickboxing: Felicity is much more proficient in boxing than karate, delivering punches and kicks quite well. This is her preferred unarmed combat style.

    - Leoric's Martial Arts: Felicity has learned some of Leoric's unique martial arts and can use it at a beginner's level.

    - Leoric's Training: Felicity has learned a lot more than just a new martial arts style from Leoric. He taught her better tact, form, and techniques such as how to deal with larger opponents than herself.

    - Wrestling: Felicity has learned to wrestle rather effectively. She is now at a journeyman level with the art.

    - Archery: Felicity knows how to use a bow and crossbow when needed. She learned how to use handheld crossbows as well. She is not at the same level of archery as her swordsmanship, but her talymar war bow compliments her incredible strength quite well.

    - Pole-Arms: Felicity knows how to use small and medium pole-arms and javelins. She is above the basics, although not a master either.

    - Survivalist: Felicity has become well adapted to surviving outside civilization. She's good at tracking, identifying and using herbs, coping to extreme weather, and hunting.

    - Alchemy: Felicity has an expansive understanding of the art of alchemy, in both nature and application. She has about two years worth of training.

    - Botany and Chemistry: As a growing alchemist, Felicity has learned about many plants, herbs, and chemicals throughout the lands. Her knowledge mostly extends to Scara Brae and Corone, but she also has lesser knowledge of the natural lore of other lands as well, including Raiaera, Eiskalt (not like it has much), Salvar, and Dheathian.

    - Anatomy: Felicity has learned the beyond basics anatomy of the humanoid body. Anything too far from the human structure is foreign to her. She can apply this knowledge in both medicine and combat.

    - Medic: Felicity is skilled in the basics and beyond of medical care. She can treat patients with common ailments and diseases. She can also apply the skills and knowledge she has to rarer afflictions in research and application. She’s not a licensed doctor, or completely skilled in the medical field, but she’s still obviously gifted.

    - Arcane Knowledge: Felicity is growing in basic identification and understanding of the principles and marks of magic, enchantment, alchemy, spells, runes, potions, and the like.

    - Angsting: Felicity is an expert in the art of Angst. Edgy!

    - Intimidation: Felicity no longer fears using her prowess to get her way. Visibly muscular and sturdy, Felicity can impose quite the presence despite her small size. Prone to anger, Felicity is more than capable of frightening anyone unwilling to do things her way. Of course, Felicity could also look like a brat with her temper tantrums, but... She is strong, has explosive potent powers, and is a skilled warrior. Who would not be scared? Or at least slightly unnerved?

    - Blessing of the Thayne ~ Skill of Battle: Felicity's grandfather, and his bloodline, was blessed by Hromagh with the fortitude, power, and skill of battle. Felicity already has the raw strength, endurance, and survivability. In Skill, Felicity can learn new skills and traits up to five times faster than the average person. Whether it be in her competitive skills or even her alchemy, skills that may take years to learn can be learned in months instead. She can also pick up on learned traits given off by other people, catching onto personality, intentions, and even fighting styles. This can help make less mistakes and more accurate predictions in combat.

    - Toughness:
    Felicity has developed the natural stamina and endurance of her neanderthal kin, as well as inheriting the blessings of the Thayne. Felicity can stay energetic and unexhausted in combat for eight times as much of the time than normal humans. When pain settles in, she can deal with it and jump back into combat quite impressively. She has a pain threshold that can take more than grown men could bear. She is one tough cookie, and it takes effort to beat her down and keep her down. Having slumped into an unenthusiastic, depressive state, Felicity no longer works out as much. Thus, she has lost some of her physical might.
    [8xs better endurance than the average human.]

    - Unbreaking Bones:
    Another trait she has gained from her neanderthal relatives and the Thayne, Felicity has a skeletal structure six times stronger than the average person. Her bones are harder to fracture and break, as well as being more easily relocated if pulled out of place.
    [6xs stronger bones than the average person.]

    - Durability:
    Felicity is tough as nails, and a lot of it is thanks to her neanderthal blood and Thayne Blessings. Not only can she withstand pain, but she can take four times more damage than the average person before getting to the point of dying. It will take more than one stab to the gut, one concussion's worth of head whacking, and more than the usual barrage of arrows to take her down in battle and keep her corpse there.
    [It is 4xs harder to kill Felicity as opposed to the average person.]

    - Discipline:
    Thanks to her genetics and blessings, Felicity has become a natural weightlifter. She has turned from a young girl to a trim and toned little warrior. She can lift 500 ibs. with effort and can handle up to 400 ibs. with natural ease. Having slumped into an unenthusiastic, depressive state, Felicity no longer works out as much. Thus, she has lost some of her physical might.
    [4xs better strength than the average person.]

    - Blood Runs Thicker:
    Felicity has an increased blood supply of 2xs that of normal humans. It takes double the blood loss to negatively affect her and jeopardize her. Any lost blood will replenish twice as fast. As her major ability requires bleeds, this was a necessary rapid adaption her own body and magical affinity made.

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part I:
    [NOTICE: Any abilities under the Berserk Rage categories do not affect Felicity’s own equipment, clothes, etc.]
    Felicity has a lot of anger under her smiles, and she's able to unleash it in combat. Every time she receives an injury that makes her bleed, she gains improved physical strength. Each hit boosts her strength up by 0.5 starting with 15 seconds, stacking another 0.5xs and increasing her Berserk Rage's timer by 15 seconds. The current max stack is 10xs strength for 90 seconds.
    *There is a very negative side effect to this power, however. For every time the ability is boosted, she becomes more enraged and slowly losses her mind. By the third to fourth hits she may go completely berserk and blank out. The right drugs have proven affective at keeping the rage under better, but not complete, control. One would have to know about the sciences of this alchemy forged power to make such a drug in pre-meditation.*

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part II:
    During her berserk rage (explained above) she becomes oblivious to pain. Any wounds and bruises still apply their damage - and increased activities during berserk mode may further open wounds - however, Felicity won't feel them until berserk mode has turned off.

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part III:
    If she reaches the second knockback boost, an orangeish-red nuclear energy cloak will surround her body. This nuclear cloak behaves similarly to fire to anyone who gets close to or makes physical contact with it. If anyone gets close to it, the cloak can burn and melt hair, fur, feathers, clothing and leather; metals and woods can heat up intensely. it will cause second degree burns on flesh - and third degree burns with prolonged closeness. If anyone makes physical contact with the cloak itself, they can experience severe, painful burns, skin melting, and deterioration. This cloak lasts up until time runs out. After the cloak leaves and Berserk Mode turns off, Felicity may experience memory fog or complete loss of memory from when the power was activated.

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part IV:
    When Berserk Rage is first activated, the radiation from her nuclear powers seeps through. In a fifteen feet long radius around her, people will experience mild to moderate feelings of sickness: runny noses, teary eyes, nausea, lightheadedness, headaches, physical weakness in the body... the results will vary per person. When Berserk Rage turns off, this ability does too. It is up to the opponent to the effects and these will only be distracting.

    Berserk Rage ~ Part V:
    When blood is drawn from Felicity, Felicity's nuclear blood combines nuclear fusion with her magic affinity. All magic within a fifteen feet long radius is drained from all sources at a rate of 2xs faster speed than normal, absorbed into Felicity's person through the magic and put through nuclear fusion. The absorbed magic grants Felicity extra stamina for 2xs longer time than normal to be extended per Berserk Rage activation. This way, Felicity no longer faints or feels weakness after her fully powered Berserk Rage turns off, and she has plenty of stamina to use yet in combat, remaining refreshed and energized.

    - Berserk Blood: Felicity’s blood, thanks to the serum that birthed her Berserk Rage, is potent. If physical contact is made, a person will feel slight burning, tingling, and/ or numbness. If taken into another body, it causes a milder variation of the effects of BRP-IV for about three minutes.

    - Magic Affinity ~ Sixth Sense: Felicity is strongly attuned to magic, thus can "feel" if there is magic in a specific area. In areas like Berevar, or in the trees of Dheathian's capital, or in magic wielding people, she can sense if magic is there. What kind of magic, its purpose and use, she cannot perceive. For example, she can't tell if a person can either shoot fireballs, turn invisible, or summon the undead, she just knows they can use magic. As this is a sort of sixth sense, alongside vision, hearing, touch, etc. it is permanently on. As a sixth sense, it can be disturbed (pained like in touch, or disgusted like in taste, or overstimulated like with sensory disorders.) Depending on how strong the magic is and the power level, the stronger or weaker her sense feels it. She can also sense the “alignment” of the magic. She can sense where the magic lies on the 5x5 Alignment chart. The darker the magic, the more it repels her (like a bad smell or physical discomfort. The worst of worsts can make her feel pain.)

    - Magic Affinity ~ Detection:
    As this ability invites meta-gaming, this can only be used on other PC's with permission from the player, confirmed in an OOC note! This cannot be used in the Citadel.
    Felicity has become able to perceive the world on a magical level. For sixty seconds at a time, Felicity can switch from a physical view of the world to a magical one. All senses will be exposed to all forms of magical properties, objects, people, etc. and she can use this ability to detect a figure's "magic signature." This signature carries a combination of the magic itself and, if it's a person, the person's personality. For example, if a fire mage is in the room when Felicity uses this, all five senses become loaded with the effects of physical fire. If the fire mage is hot tempered, the fire is wild and out of control. If the mage is more stoic and calmer, the fire is more controlled and contained. This sense extends to a sixty feet radius surrounding her.

    However, Felicity's magical affinity is mostly focused on keeping her alive from her Berserk Rage and the serum permanently inside of her. If she uses her magic sense for too long, she risks even death because part of her affinity is taken from keeping her body functional. For these reasons, Felicity avoids using this for more than sixty seconds at a time. Felicity needs to take an hour to recharge this ability between uses.

    - Magic Affinity ~ Healing: Felicity is strongly connected to magical energy. With this connection, Felicity's healing is advanced. Her magic affinity actively works to rapidly heal her body. Smaller wounds heal in minutes, average wounds in up to an hour, and (survived) life threatening wounds up to a week. Her body can also recover from poisoning (after the poison, venom, etc. is completely cured.) at a much faster rate.

    - Magic Affinity ~ Magical Fusion: Felicity can create her own energy. Combining nuclear fusion in her bloodstream and magic absorption, Felicity can actively produce the energy and nutrients needed to survive and stay healthy. Felicity does not need to eat. However, still needs water and sleep. Plus, she can always eat for pleasure.

    - Magic Affinity ~ Bound in Love:
    Felicity can use Magelight in conjunction with Detection, able to sense the magical presence of people she has formed a deep connection to. By ICly binding her magical aura with a consenting individual, Felicity maintains a permanent bond and can sense where her friend is even from far away. She can maintain a certain level of telepathic connection, sensing their emotional and physical states as if they were her own. Since this puts a strain in her magical affinity, she can only use this ability three times per 24 hour day, sixty seconds max per use. The person she is connected to will also be able to sense Felicity the same way when Felicity activates this, sensing her location and condition. They can cut the connection off themselves if they want to, allowing for active consent between both parties. If the connection is severed by the host, it still counts as one of the three uses. Only Felicity can turn this power on.

    She is currently connected to:

    • Shinsou Vaan Osiris.
    • Leoric Blackwell.

    - Apprentice of Osiris ~ The Vault of Garah:
    An ability directly taught to Felicity by her mentor, Shinsou Vaan Osiris. Once per thread, Felicity may create a key made from Tap Magic. This key allows her to open up a small expanse of magical void behind her and pull from it a copy of any weapon that Felicity has physically seen with her own eyes.

    The weapon that Felicity chooses is not the original, but has all of the original's characteristics, abilities and enchantments (according to those that have been approved through the Realm of Greeting). Felicity can use these at will, according to their originally approved limitations.

    In order for this ability to work, any weapon summoned MUST have been previously approved through Realm of Greeting, or otherwise been previously purchased in the Bazaar. In both cases, Felicity MUST have seen the weapon being used, IN PERSON, during her time (This includes Althanas 3.1 threads).

    This ability can be called upon once per thread and remains in effect until the weapon dissipates at the end of a third consecutive post.

    - Berserk Rage:
    See Berserk Rage, Parts I and III. With each time Felicity's ability is triggered, she becomes more blinded by rage. It can get to the point where she can blank out; becoming nothing but anger, fighting friend and foe alike. Her movements and stature become sloppy, and she cannot think rationally - if at all. The right drugs have proven affective at keeping the rage under better, but not complete, control.

    - Little Ragegirl:
    Felicity is angry. Very angry. Almost all the time. The physical side effects of anger are strictly clear. If left untreated, her blood will become thick and even chunky; forming blood clots frequently. Her risk of situationally high blood pressure is high. She could suffer lightheadedness, sweating, and even very young heart issues. She is regularly in danger of headaches and physical weakness, numbness, etc. She needs to take medicine and pills to lighten the symptoms. Being physically active and having a healthy diet also helps her. If it weren't for getting help from fellow alchemists to dumb down these symptoms, she could literally be killing herself with her anger.

    Felicity has become more confrontational, willing to let her anger show more. Cold anger has also become common, a bitter determination to reach her goals.

    - PTSD:
    Felicity steadily developed PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) symptoms due to her family’s deaths and Ashla’s former downfall. To avoid thinking about and remembering these events, she has become a sort of workaholic. While she can relax, her “leisurely” activities are energy consuming and even dangerous (studying a dangerous potion, reckless thrill seeking, etc.) She can push herself to the ground, both metaphorically and physically, with these activities. She seldom sleeps well.

    Recently, Felicity has entered a change Felicity rarely has melt downs anymore and is unlikely to fall weak in combat. Her PTSD has morphed into something less helpless and more domineering. She has moved from denial and depression to bargaining and anger. She is insanely overprotective of her current friends and family, especially Shinsou Vaan Osiris. She rushes recklessly to protect what she has and prevent further loss. Felicity is overbearing, hovering like a low flying bird. She is meddling and controlling, far more than before. She thinks she is control now, but it is only an illusion...

    - Shorter Limbs:
    Felicity has neanderthal arms. While the size difference is small, it still provides several weaknesses. In combat, she has a shorter reach distance than full blooded humans. Thus, smaller arms may be a major weakness. Even long weapons, like two handed swords and spears, may not provide as much reach as usual. Despite being tall, Felicity may have to stand on her toes and bend to reach some objects. Although small, the meager tiny annoyances can make a huge difference.

    - Leoric Blackwell:
    Ah, the power of hormones and relationship drama!


    • Splicer, a prevalida arming sword.
    • Heart, a delyn arming sword.
    • Seeker, a talymar warbow.
    • Copycat, a prevalida katana.
    • Arrows: Six Redwood Arrows.
    • Ikiyoka, a prevalida trident parrying dagger.
    • Whisper, a steel ten inch Stiletto Automatic Knife

    - Boiled magim leather boots good for handling tough terrain and fighting - although not clunky and heavy - that are ankle sized.

    Alchemist Tools and Toys:

    - Specialized knife.
    - Pow with spigot.
    - Burner, and spigot.
    - Mortar and pestle.
    - 5 small glass vials (1 cup).
    - 3 large glass vials (1 gallon).
    - 3 small hide packets.

    Potions, Pills, Meds, Etc.:
    - Blood Thinners. Zero combat use, just helps Felicity's blood to be a not salsa.
    - PTSD Medication: To help with her PTSD symptoms. Duh.

    Herbs and Natural/ Magical Ingredients:
    - Currently none.

    - Blue Robin: A small metal robin, expertly painted to resemble the real thing. It can sing, fly around and generally be awesome. It can be used as a distraction through a psycho-kinetic link with the owner that allows he or she to control where it flies. It also contains as small amount of gunpowder, which can detonate in a flash of light, and burning anything it was touching. It is enchanted to recombine overnight.
    - Journals: She has various journals written with various herb, plant, etc. classifications and information, potion and medicine recipes, and some seemingly random magical finds and writings. There are several complete journals listing the plantlife of the following lands: Corone, Scara Brae, and Dheathian. These journals are useful as alchemy cook books, a guide to plantlife and herbs in the wilderness, and personal logs for things Felicity finds interesting.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

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    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Hey Flamebird. You are approved with no further changes required!

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