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Thread: Erissa Caedron, Level 4

  1. #1
    EXP: 15,148, Level: 5
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    Level completed: 20%,
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    Sagequeen's Avatar

    Erissa Alanorah Tarsul-Caedron
    High Elf
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    Silver-tinged White
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    5'5", 105
    Finery tailor, Ixian Knight

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    Erissa Caedron, Level 4

    Level 3 here.

    Name: Erissa Alanorah Tarsul-Caedron

    Age: Appears to be 25

    Race: High Elf

    Hair Color: White

    Eye Color: Green-blue

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 105

    Occupation: Tailor turned adventurer, Ixian Knight

    Personality: Can come across as overly formal, but genuinely cares about the welfare of others. She is (usually) very couth and proper.

    Her time away from home and in the company of Jensen Ambrose have brought the elf out of her shell considerably.

    Appearance: A beautiful and cultured high elf, of obviously pure blood. She is graceful and efficient in her movement, but allows the smallest bit of flourish to manifest. Her hair is white, shimmering silver, and her eyes are green-blue. She needn't wear makeup. She bears a single visible scar, on the first finger of her left hand.

    History: Erissa's childhood was quiet and sheltered for a time. Her brother was killed in warfare before she reached young adulthood, and she did not handle it well as they were close. She honed her skills as a tailor, and, after betrayal by both her servant and her parents, she left home, hoping to disappear in the city of Radasanth.

    Once there, she met Zerith Dracosius and Jensen Ambrose of the Ixian Knights, and was recruited by Zerith, much to Jensen's displeasure. Due to her knowledge of Raiaera (having grown up there) and of her teacher Troyas' knowledge and experience of Red Forest, Erissa was paired with Jensen for a mission that began there, to search for Pode, the Red Witch, and clues of the Fifth of the Forgotten.

    Erissa and Jensen teamed up once again to take on Oblivion, the Fifth of the Forgotten. ***They miscalculated Oblivion's power greatly, and Erissa was taken hostage by him.


    -Trained in song, to lift the spirits and entertain. This includes her own original material from time to time.

    -A celebrated tailor who once crafted items not for combat but for affluent members of society.

    -A creative problem solver and mediator.


    -Wise with most animals, strongly excepting birds. She is honing this skill into an ability.

    -Having grown up in relative wealth, she understands how to blend into high class society.

    -Diplomacy, as she serves as an IK diplomat from time to time.



    Energy Shield – can withstand 1 deathblow, 5 very hard hits, or several smaller hits. This shield may also be applied to another person or object.

    Psi Ball – a damaging orb of energy that she can hurl at enemies or obstructions. A direct hit would be about like being kicked full force. The orb can be manipulated to different sizes and shapes to suit her needs, or to serve as a light in dark places.

    Psionic Swordplay - her delyn sword allows her to channel her own magic/spellsinging/psi energy or absorb other magical energy into the blade. When she channels Psi Ball through the blade, it becomes 25% more potent. She may store it for several hours or discharge it at her will. However, if she absorbs or channels too much energy, the delyn sword will explode violently. Erissa is as competant as a well-trained soldier with her sword (up from average soldier; moved this designation from 'Skills' as it makes more sense here.)

    Telekenesis – she can manipulate items by use of her mind, the weight up to a horse (***up from a heavy man). The greater the physical weight of an object, the greater effort and attention she will exert in manipulating it. In addition, objects under the mental control of another player will be treated as though they weigh more than they normally would.

    ***Revised! Healing – ability to regenerate living things. When she heals herself or others, she expends energy, depending on the seriousness of the wounds. She can safe a life, heal two grevious wounds, 5 moderate, or up to 15 minor wounds at a cost of half her energy each. In addition, once per thread, she can work with Jensen's Breath of the Undying to heal him completely, at a cost of 25%. All healing during a thread day is cumulative, and if she goes beyond 100%, she is incompacitated for two turns/posts and then only at 25% capacity until she can sleep. Her own natural healing is twice as fast as the normal person's. In addition, she does not age and will not die of natural causes, but she can be killed.

    (Old - Healing - her ability to manipulate matter also allows her to regenerate living things. However, when she heals herself or others, she is left exhausted, depending on how grievous the wounds. Her own natural healing is twice as fast as the normal person's. In addition, she does not age and will not die of natural causes, but she can be killed.)

    Memory Reading – she can usually, when she focuses on a living being, read that being's memories.

    Suggestion - the ability to mentally superimpose ideas, behaviors, or actions into the subconscious of her target for a short period of time. This works best against weak-willed individuals, and the effectiveness varies. Works best if she speaks directly to her target and maintains eye contact, though she can accomplish Suggestion to a lesser degree by focusing silently on her target.

    Illusion - the book she took from the Knights of Apocalypse library is filled with Psyonic spellcasting. The latest ability she has begun to master is Illusion. Erissa can cause her target to see something that is not there, or an altered version of something that is. As with Suggestion, this works best if she is in close range to her target, and cannot be used if she is not within eyesight of her target. At present, she can cunjure objects up to human size perfectly, but the larger the illusion, the less 'solid' it will seem. She can use this skill on one person at a time.


    Heartsong – If Erissa can learn the rhythm of a person's heart, she can sing his or her Heartsong to find them anywhere in the world. Learning the heartbeat requires her to actually hear it, and takes several minutes.

    Master of Morale – she can sing various songs that can dishearten/frighten/disorient her foes. This all depends on the targets' relative well-being at the time, and can be resisted. Her songs can also hearten her allies, restoring their vitality to heal **very** minor wounds and some physical exhaustion.

    Elvish Heritage:

    Her senses are superior to the average person's. She can see a wider array of colors, and for much farther distances. She can smell and taste very subtle substances. Additionally, her sense of hearing allows her to hear far more than the average person, including speech and movement from far away, or through normal doors and walls.

    Erissa's elvish heritage grants her natural agility. She has mastery over her body, excellent balance, and enhanced reflexes. This includes dodging attacks and performing physical feats like leaping through trees, walking a tightrope, etc.

    Shieldmaiden's Blessing:

    When she is near death, the realm-bound demi-goddess spirit freed from the corrupted tree in the Red Forest manifests from within Erissa's body. She glows with golden light, and the power of her abilities are doubled for two posts. She is at her most powerful, and most vulnerable, in this state. Oddly enough, Erissa is not yet fully aware of this ability, as she's never been so close to death.


    (Removed/Combined under Healing ability) - Once per thread, Erissa can work with Jensen's Breath of the Undying to heal him completely, but she will be incapacitated for three posts/turns. This ability cannot be used during combat as it takes several minutes to complete.)


    A small, mythril dagger named Mercy. The dagger was taken from a cursed bladesinger in the forest, and it enhances her own spellsinging.

    Erissa purchased a delyn sword from the Bazaar, whose magical properties make it very complimentary to her spellcasting.

    Adventurer’s Crown Spoils: "Destiny’s Book – The faded leather binding of this tome look worn and well-used, yet somehow still timeless. Within the pages of this massive tome is knowledge of everything that ever way, and everything that even may be. Because of the fluid nature of time, the words on the pages, and even the pages themselves, are as shifting as events themselves. But even though nothing is set in stone, this book senses the reader’s desires and shows them what they want to know with the greatest possible accuracy. Still, even with the book’s help this tome’s massive size and fluid nature make it a necessity to study if the user wants to find what they are looking for. The owner of this tome can, if they so desire, know just about anything, although Destiny’s Book cannot be used at all in combat situations thanks to the difficulty one has reading it."

    Familiars: A black and white dog named Osher.
    Last edited by Sagequeen; 05-13-14 at 12:58 PM.
    Le onen guil hen, le velt farn a chuinad han - You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

  2. #2
    Innocence & Instincts
    EXP: 14,804, Level: 5
    Level completed: 14%, EXP required for next level: 5,196
    Level completed: 14%,
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    black shadow's Avatar

    Black Shadow
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    Sorry for the delay Sagequeen. Okay, looks good so far, but i would like you to clarify a few things.

    First there is the attributes. It says that her senses are twice as acute as a normal human. So what exactly does that mean? Same with the quickness, She has 3x Quickness, but what do you mean by quickness? Speed? Agility?

    Also, for your memory reading and suggestion abilities, these abilities can't be bunnied.

    Thanks for your patience.
    Last edited by black shadow; 05-13-14 at 06:52 AM.
    "The lives of others are more important than my own."
    ~Black Shadow~

    "I live with the choices I have made. And though I may not be proud of what I have done, the consequences are with me every day."
    ~Black Shadow~

    "Your family is still your family, no matter what they do to you. They may make you angry, push you away, or even try to kill you, but in the end, they are still your family."
    ~Black Shadow~

  3. #3
    EXP: 15,148, Level: 5
    Level completed: 20%, EXP required for next level: 4,852
    Level completed: 20%,
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    Sagequeen's Avatar

    Erissa Alanorah Tarsul-Caedron
    High Elf
    Hair Color
    Silver-tinged White
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    5'5", 105
    Finery tailor, Ixian Knight

    View Profile
    No problem at all!

    Changes made to better describe attributes.

    Additionally, Memory Reading and Suggestion will be treated like any other attack, able to be resisted by the PC.
    Last edited by Sagequeen; 05-13-14 at 01:18 PM.
    Le onen guil hen, le velt farn a chuinad han - You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

  4. #4
    Innocence & Instincts
    EXP: 14,804, Level: 5
    Level completed: 14%, EXP required for next level: 5,196
    Level completed: 14%,
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    black shadow's Avatar

    Black Shadow
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    6'3" / 147lbs

    Alright, cool. I don't see any problem then, so you are Approved.
    "The lives of others are more important than my own."
    ~Black Shadow~

    "I live with the choices I have made. And though I may not be proud of what I have done, the consequences are with me every day."
    ~Black Shadow~

    "Your family is still your family, no matter what they do to you. They may make you angry, push you away, or even try to kill you, but in the end, they are still your family."
    ~Black Shadow~

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