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Thread: Return of a Legend

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  1. #1
    The Demon Knight
    EXP: 40,922, Level: 7
    Level completed: 66%, EXP required for next level: 3,078
    Level completed: 66%,
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    Zieg dil' Tulfried's Avatar

    Zieg dil' Tulfried
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Blood Red
    6'4" / 290 lbs
    High General of the Haidian Army in Haidia

    Return of a Legend

    ((Closed until we actually are in the Garden itself. Once we, being Sorahn and myself, are in the Garden, feel free to interact with us!))

    The frigid, blistering winds of the far northern reaches of Salvar were nothing to be trifled with. No, without the proper equipment and garb, one would surely find death's cold embrace in that rigid land. It was not enough to keep nomads and adventurer's from journeying to the barren lands seeking treasure or food or new lands. The scattering of frozen bone and flesh was testament to that.

    Still, somehow in an ancient time, perhaps one where Salvar was not the frozen tundra it was now, man had built a massive structure. One would likely consider it a castle or a fortress. It had withstood the ravages of time and the destructive nature of the cold land. The decrepit building was not without its flaws, but yet it stood as a frozen statement of times past.

    Inside the massive structure were the preserved and mostly untouched remains of some ruler from the past. Banners still hung, though torn and chewed upon by resilient furred creatures. Dust laid thick over wooden tables and chairs throughout the structure. Burnt out torches still sat in their holders in the hallways. Bronze sculptures still sat magnificently, yet green and sickly. It was a shrine that seemed frozen in time.

    However, the entire castle was not empty. In one small corner of the building, torches were lit and the dust had been swept away. A single bedroom with a connected kitchen was warmed by fireplace. A warm arctic pelt draped across a large bed and another pelt lay upon a smaller bed. A young platinum haired boy sat at an oak table eating some sort of porridge, with a slice of bacon from some Salvarian creature. A small brown dog sat under the boy's chair, watching diligently for any food that might fall into his grasp.

    Massive armor hung from a stand across the room from the massive bed. A large horned helmet sat perched atop it. The blue and black armor was polished and light from the fire flickered off it brilliantly. A single short sword leaned against the wall behind the armor, almost hidden from the room.

    The boy glanced at the window. It's snowing again outside, he thought to himself as he slid another spoonful of the porridge down his throat. He really did not like porridge, but he suffered it for his father. The boy fingered a long thin wooden wand that sat on the table in front of him. He was becoming an expert wizard, having mastered yet another spell.

    The door to the room opened, and wizard boy looked pridefully up at his father, the great Zieg dil' Tulfried, High General of the Demon Army. His father would probably disagree with the great part. He would likely also deny being the High General anymore, as well. Still, his son knew him well enough. Zieg dil' Tulfried was a great demon.

    Zieg had his long crimson locks tied back into a ponytail, much as he always did. He wore a simple cream colored shirt and black pants, with his delyn boots upon his feet. One arm, however, still wore that blue and black armor, for underneath was an arm made entirely of fire. Another short sword, identical to the one that leaned up against the wall, hung at his hip. His blood red eyes narrowed as he saw his son staring up at him.

    "Why haven't you finished your supper yet, Kaza? You need to get your evening training in before bed." Zieg strode over to the fireplace and stirred up the flames with a metal poker.

    "Papa, when are we going to leave this place?" Kaza asked suddenly. His face became very serious as he looked up at his father. "I want to go home."

    Zieg pulled out a chair across from his son and looked the boy in the eyes. "Kaz, this is our home now. We have nowhere else to go."

    Kaza stood up violently, grabbing his wand in his tiny eight-year-old hand. "No, papa! This is not our home! Our home is in Haidia, with all of our people. With Aidos," he shouted, referring to the young king that had become his friend, "with the demon people that look up to you!"

    Zieg eyes slid down to look at the table in front of him. "Son, the people of Haidia will never accept me back. I've let them down too many times." He pulled out the emerald headband from his pocket, rubbed his fingers over its surface. "Rakthean would have done so much better for them. He would have led them to the surface, would have kept everyone safe. Instead, that job fell to me and I failed them, all Haidians."

    You know that is not true. A voice stated in both Zieg's and Kaza's heads. The only time you let them down was when you ran away to here. It is not too late to change that fact. The dog trotted out from under the table and looked up at the demon knight.

    "I only wish that were true, Xeppa." Zieg stood and walked over to the window and stared silently and wistfully out at the wilderness.
    Last edited by Zieg dil' Tulfried; 12-11-08 at 12:26 PM.

    "The one who does not have the courage to look at the truth is called a coward. A coward is afraid..."

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