View Full Version : Roleplaying with NPC's

Bullet Witch
10-17-07, 11:27 PM
I have a question on that. In a short time I'm going to be making a thread where one of my characters and two-three others will be involved in. However, from my account I will be playing the role of the main NPC, Regrasoon. Alot of stuff will be from his POV, even though my char's POV and the others will be included as well. But alot of it will be his own.

I plan on continuing Regrasoon after the first thread into maybe other threads as well, where I would role play as him but not get any EXP or gold from it. Would that be allowed?

Cyrus the virus
10-17-07, 11:34 PM
Unless things have changed in recent months, yes. I've done quests that don't involve my characters whatsoever. A sensible judge will realize that while your character isn't involved, this is still his story, and he needn't be present in some of the subplots.

10-17-07, 11:41 PM
Right, thanks.

Amaril Torrun
10-18-07, 12:11 AM
Also, people have made a separate account for NPCs that are going to be permanent. Actually, I've only seen Zieg and Yari use that option, and it was for characters that had a huge impact on Althanas. I'm sure the same rules would apply for anyone's NPC though.

Bullet Witch
10-18-07, 12:16 AM
I was considering it, as Regrasoon is a pretty high level NPC and detailed. Would you recommend it?

10-18-07, 12:20 AM
If the NPCs are going to be pivotal as well as critical, might as well make a separate account for it. You can just RP it out with the main account, just make sure that it affects the main character in some way.


10-18-07, 12:23 AM
Hmm....might as well make another account. I wouldn't want to accidentally not include my characters in it through forgetfulness. Thank you, I'll get it up soon under Regrasoon--EX Bladewraith

10-18-07, 12:53 AM
Is there a way you can say that the character is a fixed NPC, that they don't gain levels or anything? Because I don't want someone saying that i'm powergaming if Regrasoon uses something un-Level 0 ish and gets hated on for it because it says "level 0 [0 exp]" and stuff like that under the profile?

And do we specify what level the NPC is at? Like, for example, Regrasoon would have the skills and abilities of a level 7 NPC. (Not confirmed, used for example) Would we have to say that, and have it listed in the profile somewheres?

And lastly, this may seem like a stupid question but we do make a seperate profile sheet for NPC's(important ones), right?

Cyrus the virus
10-18-07, 06:15 AM
It's probably a better idea to put your NPC profile in with your main character's, at a mid-level update or whenever else it would be convenient for you. This will make it a lot simpler, as nobody new to Althanas will see your NPC profile and believe a level 0 may be so powerful. In fact, I'm pretty much asking you to do this.

10-18-07, 06:57 AM
Right, that makes it easier on me too. I'll put Regrasoon down below Ifrit's update when he levels up to level 1. I don't plan on doing anything singularly with Regrasoon until then, with the exception of first meeting him.

Alright, thanks mods for being so cooperative and giving me advice.