View Full Version : Spy Vs. Spy

08-23-07, 05:46 PM
Séreméla looked across the vast mountain range, the air was crisp and slightly chilled due to the altitude she was at. She embraced the view from her current location. She had just entered the Valinatal Pass and was heading towards the northern corner where the mountains became the Kachuck Mountains. Her goal was to hopefully gather some metals around the mines and take them to a shop back in Ettermire where she could upgrade some of her weaponry. She smiled as a bird circled around above her. Séreméla looked closer as the bird circled above her, she could tell there was something attached to its leg, some sort of paper.

She knew it was probably some sort of homing bird delivering a message back to Ettermire, but she wondered why then that it wasn’t moving on away from her. With a sudden change in direction the bird swooped down by Séreméla and landed a few feet in front of her. No one knew she was there so why would a messenger bird be stopping for her. The bird removed the small note and placed it at her feet waiting for her to pick it up.

She hesitated, then bent down and picked up the paper.

Help, I have been injured in a fight with a Raiaerian spy. At the moment he is unconscious and tied up with me. I am located somewhere along the northern part of the Mountains of Dawn. Please send help, before I knocked him out, he informed me that there was a small scouting group looking for him. Soon our location will be revealed and I would rather it be a friendly face rather than that of a foe’s. Please hurry, my leg is injured and it takes great strength to walk. My bird will guide you along the way. Follow her and find us before Raiaerians do.

Séreméla looked over the note again and then looked at the bird. “Why is it that whenever I see a bird it just can’t look pretty and fly away, always has to bring something to me to take care of?” She said laughing a little to herself.

“Okay, I guess lead the way little one.” Séreméla said as the bird rose from the ground and began hovering at shoulder height and headed north with Séreméla close behind.