View Full Version : Gone shopping

07-24-07, 06:53 AM
Kaiser Nightwind, can be considered your average adventurer on your first glance, casual clothes, scars, and a war hardened air about him. He however diverges from being average from two points; the first is that there is a somewhat long and functional silver furred tail happily swinging behind him.

His other defining feature, is that he is among the very few, and by that it’s counted on one hand, few people who fight without any weapons, magic not included.

Now there could only be a few reasons Kai would venture out to a place such as a bazaar, he has currently realised his fighting style has a slight flaw in its design, nothing too serious has happened yet, but it might, and luckily for him the solution is pretty simple, wear something protective.

Well, it’s not like he was too short on money for the time being … plus maybe he could get a second opinion on an item he had been hoarding since a little incident with a witch and a behemoth of a man.

The line up of shops and the general Saturday market was booming with people and gold, being traded for items, well the usual when one wants to buy a nice looking sword with a few, measly printed coins … stupid trade, really … what can a gold coin do compared to a sword …

Buy the sword of cause

The silvet had to groan at his own answer, before he spotted the universal symbol that he was looking for … a chest plate of armour along with a tan sack in the corner, along with a sword hanging behind it with a lance crossing over it … the usual symbol for a store that specialises in nothing, but had quite a selection … just what he needed.

The silvet stepped up and opened the door which was accompanied by a charming little bell, which he cast a quick glance to before ignoring it and casually browsing the shop. It had a general layout, the walls were covered with an adventurer’s wet dream, Items here, potions there, Swords there, and armour here, the whole room was separated by a single isle which seemed to hold the items and the smaller weapons.

Meh it wasn’t what he was after and by the looks of things, he was going to have to ask for it.

He approached the man on the counter and casually raised his hand in a greeting

“Yo” he spoke casually before scratching his head before recalling exactly what he needed … best go with a demonstration. He thought while slipping off his iron bangles.

“I need something like this, but maybe a bit longer and with some leather in it to stop it from actually biting into my skin or something” true, while they are thick enough to parry sword swings, they didn’t half do a number on his skin with the impacts.

“That and I am going to need some Shin guards for my legs, nothing to really defend me, just something to protect my leg incase I happen to accidentally kick a super heat slab of metal”

“And…” he added lifting up a finger, but didn’t explain and instead let the man on the till wait for him.

“I am going to need a second opinion on this” Kai said while fishing into his jacket pocket with pulling out a simple stud earring … well it would have been simple if it didn’t look like solid water, and that wasn’t ice either.

“Got this a while back from a … friend, Anyway, I know what it does; it’s supposed to increase your strength, or something. I just want to know how it does it, does it work during impact or would it actually make me stronger … I personally don’t trust magic trinkets as far as I could throw it”

And yes kai knew that he could probably throw the earring very far, something he had just become painfully aware of after saying it.

07-24-07, 03:10 PM
Aaron smiled as the young fighter entered the store, quietly eyeing him as he walked down the isle and browsing the wares. He was slightly surprised by the presence of a very real, very silver tail that swished behind the young man happily but decided against his curiosity about asking if it was indeed real.

"OK, sir. I believe we have some of those bangles in steel and damascus with leather backing. For the steel ones, they're 15 Coronian Pieces each and 75 for ones of Damascus. As for shin guards..."

The short-hair man rounded the counter and walked off to the shelves of armors, looking at the items to make sure he had what the young fighter needed. It took him a few moments to realized he had a few in the back store room and excused himself to get them. It took him another five minutes to return to the counter with the greaves in hand.

"Alright, sir. These are some of the one we have in stock. We have... Steel, Delyn and Mythril. The prices are 52, 420 and 720 Coronian pieces accordingly. As for fitting, we can do that here."

Of course, there was also the matter with the earring. Aaron was not really knowledgable when it came to jewelry - enchanted or not. Therefore, it would be better for the customer to seek out someone else with better knowledge on the matter.

"As for the earring, I think you may have to ask either a mage or a jeweller on that. I know this one shop not far from here, called the Aquamarine run by some feline merchants. If you go there, you may be able to get somemore information on that there."

That was now a matter beyond him, so the storekeeper now had that off his mind. One less thing to worry about, he thought.

"So, would you like to try them on and see which ones you like?"

((Please attach a link to the thread you obtained the earring in an OOC note in your next post.))

07-25-07, 04:51 AM
Kai whistled to himself, slightly in awe at what was in his price range, sure it was only a pair of shin guards, but mythril isn’t exactly poor quality metal, err if it is even a metal at all. Too be honest it was perfect for his situation, nice light armour but tougher than nails …

“Whoa tempting” Kai murmured to himself while doing the calculations in his head.

The Damascus arm guards, while it had that usual wave pattern in them were also beneficial for him, although cheap compared to the shin guards … 75? My, bangles are cheap, and it looked to have about an inch more width than his old ones … and more durable … still not less nerve wracking though.

“It would break the bank … but for 795 gold pieces … Deal for the Damascus Bangles and the mythril shins”

Kai cheered out but mentally he groaned at what he was going to have to accomplish to break even with this purchase, was it him, or did all shop keepers sell you something that breaks your bank?

Maybe he should have gone for that three sections staff he had noticed.

Nope Mythril shin guards it was … and Damascus Bangles with it … unfortunately he didn’t get the information on the earring, but oh well, he already knew it made a person stronger, but to what degree? The original owner had not known either.

“Tch no sweat bout the earring … can always field test it if I don’t go to that aquamarine place”

He said as he picked up the small blue object, tossing it into the air before catching it lazily and placing it into his jacket pocket

His hand then wondered down to his oversized shirt and reached under it for a hidden pouch on an unseen belt and withdrew a small pouch of gold, because he was manly and didn’t have a purse!

Macho-ness aside

“Damn, this would be easier if I just took out what I needed to keep” he muttered before taking out 55 gold pieces, leaving the 795 majority within the pouch as he placed it on the counter, and dropped the loose change back into the pouch, with the intent to sort it out later.

“Your best off on checking if that’s right,” kai said while reaching for one of the shin guards and knelt down to place it on his leg to see it was a good fit, as he was mindful of the straps that would keep the thing in place, he figured that he was best of knowing exactly how these materials stood up … For kais ancient wisdom, the only thing he knew about mythril and Damascus was that they are more durable, and lighter than iron.

“So what do Mythril and Damascus actually stand up against, say sword swings or stabs … any defence against an element for that matter?”

He said while never taking his eyes off his hands fiddling with the straps on the grieves.

((OOC: I was going to have to get it run by when I updated my character stats, just thought I would get it done now Getting Sidetracked (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2658)))

07-26-07, 07:21 AM
Aaron meticulously arranged the coins from the customer's pouch into stacks of 100s, 10s and 1s. It was not at all a hard feat to achieve, thanks to the way Coronian currency had the tendency to be made in different sizes for different values. After making sure the amount was correct, he quickly swept them into a secret deposit box safely hidden away behind the counter and gave the flappy pouch back to his customer.

"All's right and ready, sir. As for the properties..." The storekeeper grinned, taking one of the wares of the same metal composition and holding it up for a demonstration.

"Mythril... Very light, very durable. Strikes with any bladed weapon will glance off like nothing at all, even if you're up against a Dragon's teeth. Well, the shin guards would survive the encounter, at least. Hehe. Same deal here with Mythril, although I'd be a bit wary about using them as defenses against magical attacks. I wouldn't recommend you use that to defend against magic, sir. But physical attacks shouldn't give you much problem."

There was always a chance the bangles and shin guards could be dented, of course, but it all depended on the attacker. Aaron never really had a chance to see how the defenses stood against inhuman attacks.

((You could still have it run by the Bazaar merchants, although I would recommend you have it approved by the RoG first before going crazy with it. :)))

07-26-07, 08:19 AM
Kai stopped what he was doing with one of the straps and looked at Aaron with a light grin on his face, before he chuckled and ran a hand through his wild hair. The thought of him fighting a dragon unarmed was … somewhat of a cute scene involving kai running like hell while the dragon has actually flipped onto it’s back laughing its scaly ass off.

Still at least the grieves would survive when he got eaten alive …

“Who defends against magical attacks?” kai asked when the man said that he should be wary about using it to defend, they were only grieves, it wasn’t like he was going to stop a fire ball … although the mental image of his kicking such a thing back at the user was slightly amusing, he was not going to be trying it anytime soon.

“See something glowing racing towards you, you get the hell away from where your standing, never mind deciding to test its effectiveness for whomever the hell threw it”

The grin on his face faded slightly but it was still present, he was probably mulling over the facts that as of recently, his ‘Magic’ was little better than a frog in a desert.

The Grieves now that he was done trying it on was a relatively comfy fit, ‘good’ and the design would allow him to wear it under his pants, nothing like surprising the hell out of someone, and besides he tended to throw out more kicks than punches, mainly because they had slightly more range, but grapples were ten times better.

“Can’t complain about these …” he mumbled before taking one of the bangles and squeezed his hand through the rang before adjusting the leather inside so that it fit to his contentment “Not bad either … should serve me well until I get the funds for a better material for the bangles”

He was actually talking to himself rather than Aaron, but it didn’t matter as he pulled his pants leg over the Grieves and started to place the other one on his other leg, and yet again pulling his pants leg down over it, concealing his two new purchases from sight. Before picking up the other new bangle and started to slide it onto his wrist.

It was as he was doing this he noticed that the gold he was using to pay for them had gone missing, he had to grin at the thought

‘ couldn’t wait to take my money eh? ’ he wisely kept the comment to himself.

“Pleasure doing business with ya” he said with a mock salute before taking the now empty money pouch and the two iron bangles he had took off for his example, he had not intended to sell them, infact he still intended to wear them, and double them up with the Damascus bangles … if they all fit on his lower arm at least, he thought with a mental groan.

And with his business done and slid his hands into his pants pockets and turned on his heal to leave the store.

07-31-07, 01:06 AM
"Pleasure doing business with you, too, sir." Aaron called after the fighter, waiting until he was out the door before returning to his duties. It was going to be somewhat of a slow day, overcast throwing its shadows against the well-traveled footpaths outside.

Then again, perhaps it would mean more business for him? Customers usually come with the rain, as his supervisor had once said. If only that was true all the time...

((Transaction Complete.

Kai loses 795 GP in exchange for a matching pair of Mythril half-greaves (covering only the shin) and Damascus bangles with leather lining. Kai has 55 GP remaining at the end of transaction and receives 100 EXP bonus for good IC interactions.))