View Full Version : Somewhere in the Plains (closed to Jaina StormBlade)

07-11-07, 01:47 AM
Kaylith DragonHeart looked around as she walked across the plains. She guessed that she was somewhere south of Trenyce, further south she could see the Red Forest. She had left there several days ago, and had not been sad to see the back of the city, it was certainly not to her taste. She had come initially to see her family, but had quickly grown tired of their company. She had stayed long enough for the wedding of one of her close cousins, then had promptly left the following day.

As she looked to the east, she saw the blinding expanse of the Black Desert beyond the Western Marches. She was infinitely grateful that the sky was clear, and she wouldn't have to put up with a storm.

She had gone perhaps another mile when she saw, in the distance, no more than a mile away, what appeared to be a white lump on the ground, and she instantly walked to wards it. It was heading to wards nightfall, and she hoped it wasn't something that would attack her.

As Kaylith got closer, she could make out the form of a person, the flowing blond hair gave it away as a female, although she had met quite a few males that liked to keep their hair long.

She got as close as ten meters and the woman had still not noticed her, Kaylith guessed her age at about seventeen, although it was not an exact science. She herself was three hundred and fifty-two, yet she only looked about twenty-two.

As she neared, something familiar about the girl popped into her head, although she could not place it, she knew her. She decided to ignore it until she figured it out. "Are you lost?" She decided to say instead.

Jaina StormBlade
07-11-07, 06:36 AM
Jaina StormBlade was so much lost in thought. She had come to this country to visit the various places, to meet with the Elves, to visit the great Istien University, which she had heard great things about. Currently she was slightly lost, she was on her way to the University now, but she had lost her way.

So much was she thinking, that when a vioce spoke to her, she almost jumped out of her skin. She quickly stood up, her hand automatically going to the hilt of her sword. When she was standing up and looking at the woman before her, a small image came to her mind from a few years ago, an image of the same woman, and her name came to mind instantly.

"Kaylith?" Jaina asked. At the puzzled look on the woman's face she chuckled. "Kaylith, it's me, Jaina StormBlade. We met about five years ago when you came to visit my parents." She explained.

07-11-07, 06:50 AM
Kaylith realized who she was facing, and a sense of relief came over her. "Jaina, it's good to see you again, although I am a little puzzled as to why you are out here alone. I'm surprised even more that your parents even let you out of their sight after what happened to your sister."

Kaylith had visited Jaina's parents, after Jaina's older sister had run away from home and had been involved in the almost total destruction of a small village. She had gone to warn them that if they could do nothing for their eldest daughter, then the Elves would be forced to do something. She had been told, under no circumstances would they ever be involved with their eldest daughter again, and the Elves were free to do whatever they thought would be the correct punishment for her crimes. Kaylith had not been happy with the reply, but she had been greeted by Jaina with more kindness than she feared the child's parents had in both of them put together.

Kaylith also remembered that at the time she was there, Jaina's unique powers had started to show themselves, and Kaylith had taught her some basic skills on how to try to control them.

"How are your powers developing?"

Jaina StormBlade
07-14-07, 02:38 AM
"Very slowly. I can do those spells I was trying to learn when I saw you last. They have come in useful a couple of times."

Jaina sat down on the grass and tried unsuccessfully to rub a crease out of her dress. As she only managed to rub a small stain into it, she opened her bag and pulled out her mess remover. She put a small amount onto her finger and rubbed it into the stain. It would be dry and the stain gone in a few minutes.

"You know, I never did find out why you came to visit. I know there was some raised voices when you talked to my parents, but I didn't hear what was said and my parents wouldn't tell me. They said I was too young to understand."