View Full Version : Citadel done solo?

07-01-07, 12:48 PM
I was wondering if it was possible to do a fight in the citadel solo.

I had this idea for a fight versus my mirror self.

Imagine Life the Universe and everything, without exception. all dimensions, Planes, Universes Realites, EVERYTHING. Now, that's just half the picture. Flip it all over, like a giant coin, and there it is again. The Mirror is a place where everything is exactly the same as it is here, except diametricly opposed. Good becomes Evil, Day becomes night, Law becomes Chaos, you get the idea. This switch even effects. For each person here, there is a person there that looks exactly like them, but is completly reversed. An evil Xos, that instead wanting to further his own knowledge and that of Althanas, he simply wishes to kill harm maim and generally destroy those he comes accross.

I was wondering if I could do a solo battle in the Citadel, where by a freak accident, the two Xos's encounter each other.

Due to antipathy, they want to destroy each other. The original and the Mirror always want to destroy each other.

They fight, and just barely, Xos manages to send soX, from the Mirror, back to the Mirror. It could lead to some very interesting quests and events, with The Mirror Universe.

07-01-07, 12:54 PM
Yes, but they would have to be seperate, approved characters.

07-01-07, 01:08 PM
I see. Ok.

Amaril Torrun
07-01-07, 02:17 PM
Or maybe you could do a solo quest. Like maybe your character is just staying the night at an inn somewhere, and the mirror is in there... etc.

From my understanding, the monks from the Citadel do a pretty good job of keeping away freak accidents.

07-01-07, 05:34 PM
You wouldn't have to have two separately approved characters.

There are soloquests that are done, so I don't see why a solobattle wouldn't work. And I think this'd be a really interesting concept, as well. I say go for it.

07-01-07, 05:37 PM
This reminds me of something I've seen before on one of my old forums. I was going to participate, but pretty much quit that forum by the time that arc was beginning.

07-01-07, 05:45 PM
Well, after I'm done in Scara Brae and use my 300 GP voucher in the Bazaar, I'll go to the Citadel and I'll do a Solo Battle in demonstration of what I'm talking about. I'll even submit it like normal so everyone on staff can get a better look at it with all your super secret mod and admin tools and make a better decision on a concept like this. If its well recieved I could help organise something on a much larger scale in the future. I understand a concept like the Mirror isn't for everyone, but I can't make that decision for you, and seeing a demonstration of what I am speaking of would help you better understand.

Amaril Torrun
07-01-07, 05:59 PM
I like the sound of what you want to do, and if you're planning a large scale version, involving many althanians, I'd probably be willing to participate in some way.

07-01-07, 06:04 PM
Well, like I said, the bosses would have to approve it first.

Amaril Torrun
07-01-07, 06:20 PM
I think you might be understimating the creative freedom allowed on Althanas. :D

07-01-07, 06:31 PM
well, maybe, but I always felt a world effecting event such as a Military invasion from The mirror Universe should be properly approved. It wouldn't just effect one portion of Althanas, it would effect the entire world at once. If done wrong, Althanas would become a desolate wasteland. If done right, there would still be wide spread destruction, but there would also be near infinite fodder for future quests and events wose limits are only those of the individual RP'ers in the thread.

Amaril Torrun
07-01-07, 06:39 PM
Yeah, you got me there. A worldwide war between our world and the mirror world would require a lot of approval. Essentially, if enough people were interested in it though, I'm sure it would happen.