View Full Version : Playing War

06-27-07, 05:08 AM
((Open, PM me if you have any questions))

Myrias walked down the cobblestone streets of Radasanth with barely restrained energy. All around him people slumbered and even the night owls no longer stirred, yet he could not have been more awake. This would be his first chance to test over two weeks’ worth of learning.

While he may have been unable to contact the Master General Emien Harthworth himself, Myrias did have success in finding many lower ranking commanders from all four of Corone’s armed forces. Many questions later, he had a rough idea of how to command military forces in a variety of situations and had learned all that he could short of enlisting. Today he would be putting himself to the test in a way uniquely possible in only this one location.

Just as the sky began to brighten with the rising sun, he arrived before the impending stone building. Taking the steps two at a time, Myrias pushed through the huge metal doors and hesitated at the sudden darkness. Before his eyes could adjust, a soft whispery voice addressed him.

“Welcome. Name your desire.”

This gave him pause. How do I explain? “I am here to battle, but not myself. I am not here to duel; I don’t want arcane battles of wizardry or even to wield a blade myself. I am here to command.” The same voice answered, making him strain just to hear.


That was a difficult question. What should the answer be? There were so many different situations and scenarios he wanted to attempt, but which would he learn the most from? After waiting several minutes, Myrias replied. “I think the terrain should be some form of flat land, be it sand, stone, grass, it doesn’t matter. My forces shall all be humans, consisting of a variety including ranged, foot, and mounted units. The enemy forces should not number more than a thousand. The only limit I would place is that Aleran ballistic technology be disallowed. I trust that you can arrange these in such a way that the battle’s outcome will be decided by the commander’s actions.”

“It shall be done. Follow me to your room. It may take some time to find a challenger, given the unusual circumstances.”

10-02-09, 03:29 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Citadel Archive forum.
