View Full Version : New Battle GP Discussion

06-19-07, 09:41 PM
New Battle GP Reward Guidelines have been announced - they can be found here: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5780.

Please feel free to discuss these new guidelines and ask any questions you may have about them in this thread.

06-19-07, 09:54 PM
so winner gets 500 gold for beat a level 0-4 1000 for a 5-10?

I'm kinda not a fan of the extra money for faster posts. it seems like half assed battles that are concluded in a day would earn more than someone having a battle that lasts a week or so and they put lots of effort into it. It's also really tough for people with job, significant others and children or a combination to post multiple times in a thread. Then it seems that Althanas is more about quality and not quantity, so the reward for speed could be counter active.

06-19-07, 09:59 PM
so winner gets 500 gold for beat a level 0-4 1000 for a 5-10?

I'm kinda not a fan of the extra money for faster posts. it seems like half assed battles that are concluded in a day would earn more than someone having a battle that lasts a week or so and they put lots of effort into it. It's also really tough for people with job, significant others and children or a combination to post multiple times in a thread. Then it seems that Althanas is more about quality and not quantity, so the reward for speed could be counter active.

That's not completely accurate because the score of the battle is one of the modifiers, and a larger one then time between posts. People who take awhile between posts but earn a higher score will receive more GP then those who speed through a battle quickly but score lower. The most effective rewards, of course, will be earned by those who can strike a balance between writing exceptionally and efficiently (which are, oftentimes enough, the same thing).

Also, keep in mind that you can always submit a thread that has heavy detail, and long backstory, as a quest, where you can submit requests for spoils.

06-19-07, 11:02 PM
I generally don't like the idea of getting so much money from a battle... it's just a fight. Nothing more. If someone had a backstory sure, that'd be different... then they could get something a little extra added for the story element. But a Citadel battle? I go, I fight, I get an assload of money for nothing... lol.

But, if we are going to add more money for a battle, so be it. The time thing bothers me too, since I don't think how long it takes you to post should have anything to do with your battle...

06-19-07, 11:18 PM
I generally don't like the idea of getting so much money from a battle... it's just a fight. Nothing more

I'm not really sure how calling something "just a fight" necessarily means it shouldn't be worth "so much money." There have been people throughout history that have made quite a bit of money participating in "just a fight." That logic is rather flawed or at least incomplete, I think.

06-19-07, 11:29 PM
UFC fighters, for example.

06-19-07, 11:35 PM
But UFC fighters are being paid to fight, by an outside entity. If there was some system where we could bet on our own fights, or have others bet on them, that'd be sick...

And almost every fight I can think about in history has had some political movement behind it, or some form of gain accompanied with it. I'm not sure there is a historical reference that can be tagged along with something like a Citadel fight...

06-19-07, 11:40 PM
But UFC fighters are being paid to fight, by an outside entity. If there was some system where we could bet on our own fights, or have others bet on them, that'd be sick...

And almost every fight I can think about in history has had some political movement behind it, or some form of gain accompanied with it. I'm not sure there is a historical reference that can be tagged along with something like a Citadel fight...

And Citadel combatants aren't being paid to fight by an outside entity? It depends on the story, really - there's nothing that can be said to cement any fact about the fairness of the rule because people can write anything they want on the site.

And also, I can think of thousands and thousands of "historical" fights that took place inside boxing rings, or wrestling rings, or whatever other combat sport you'd like to bring up.

06-19-07, 11:46 PM
In my view, Althanas is a fantasy world and shouldn't be based on real life 100% anyways. Maybe the monks reward you? You are their business after all.

The Barbarian
06-20-07, 12:48 AM
I like the idea of moola for the fights. We as writers put effort into it. Getting a little something for our effort seems like a good idea.

And yea, let's say the monks gave the cash. They're monks. Why do they need it? :p

Storm Veritas
06-20-07, 07:04 AM
I love the idea of money coming in more heavily for faster fights (and no, I had nothing to do with the development of this rubric).

I've seen Althanas trend towards being too longwinded for its own good, and lots of threads die because people never respond in time. If people post back and forth quickly, you may see a slight step back in quality, but the passion for writing has direct incentive.

I think that there are also enough really good writers here that simple pride will keep Althanas from becoming some glorified turn-based text RPG, as some may fear with the institution of a time-based system.

Amaril Torrun
06-20-07, 08:54 AM
So the new rules state that the flat rate for beating a level 5 opponent will be 500 gold, correct?

So if a person beats say, a level 3, does that mean the winner receives 300 gold plus the bonuses gained?