View Full Version : raiding the hawks nest

03-25-06, 06:58 PM
((Osato has my permission. sorry to those that I turned down but I thought it was filled but I got tired of waiting. those who joined still can))

Spring, it was Sakura’s favorite time of year, even if the girl only seen it once before. The melting of the snow and all the plants growing back gave the world a feeling of rebirth that often gave the young Kiko hope, also all her older siblings would run off with a fox from a nearby family, even though Sakura’s older sisters tended to smell funny and have quite a temper.

Being away from the foxes made spring no worse, the day time was filled with songs while the peasants played rice and other plants, Sakura took Aiko to a rice crop once to see why the humans played in the patties, though what she discovered was a dirty puddle with many plants, not as nice and clean as the stream. But still the face of the farmer who caught two kitsunes digging up the rice was very memorable; they had to run really fast.

Sakura first smiled sweetly in remembrance but it faded when she realized why she was walking past the fields, towards the destination of cold mountains, still covered in snow. Aiko, her sister was gone and the tengu goblins from that mountain took her. Why the young girl couldn’t fathom but it had something to do with her family. Sakura needed to be quick; she needed to save her younger sister.

The fields and huts seemed to go on forever with the only break being the town in the center. When not sleeping or farming, the villagers would gather there and sing more songs, drink funny drink and exchange items. Sakura went there despite the fact that Foxes simply didn’t go to villages. Stories of how humans hunted them and feared them and that they were worse than tengu. But Sakura spent the last couple of seasons with Hiroshi and he wasn’t so bad, he was nicer to Sakura and Aiko than any of the siblings.

A tavern approached Sakura, who’s walk showed how tired she was as her bo was more a third leg than a weapon. She needed rest and the tavern was the kind of place for it, Hiroshi said they were happy places where one could sleep in a soft bed for a little coin. Good thing Hiroshi liked to give the daughters he never had some spending money.

Ok don’t look so glum. Sakura put a fake smile on her face and forced her tail to wag, some rest would be nice and maybe there would be someone who could help her with finding her sister.

Sakura could rear the noise of the tavern cease when she entered, several eyes looked at her and a few held distain but the barkeep smiled. “Welcome little fox, we don’t get your kind. What can I get you?”

Something about the room made the girl’s façade fail, her smile became nervous and her tail shuddered more than wagged and she had to fight for the bravery to say, “Uh some water and a room.” And take her seat. I find you sis. Sakura promised in her mind to keep resolve, the tengu mountains were going to be much worse than the town. She couldn’t cower now or when she reached the mountains.

03-30-06, 04:24 PM
The ever thriving world of Althanas had called to yet another traveler. This time, instead of putting away the call, or drowning it out with marriage or drink (as so many of Althanas’ denizens did) the adventurer answered it.

Across the fields of rice, saturated with the necessary pools of water, the deep blue eyes of the young traveler peered out. A single bead of sweat fell from his high cheek bones, dropping lightly to the ground below. Summer was always the worst for his completion, though the darker skin always made him feel more alluring. It was vanity that was almost always at the forefront of Osato’s mind.

The young sell-sword, having left his home among the southern islands off Corone’s coast, was a wanderer of sorts. He was always looking for work and yet always seemed to find conflict instead. Althanas, as he had come to realize, was not yet used to seeing many soulless beings. His eyes, though of a deep blue, were lacking pupils. His hair, of the deepest shade of purple, caught any peasant off guard and normally to arms. As the first lesson of life in Althanas, Osato had learned that people fear the unknown more then they are willing to understand it.

“There he is!”

“Speak of the devil,” Osato murmured to himself as he turned sharply towards the loud call. Apparently a wide brimmed hat, woven from some plants of a light brown color, was not enough to throw them off. Osato had known, as he was not that stupid, that the men would not be fooled by the hat alone. But to change his clothing, especially into some of the dirty peasants clothes was something he would not sink so low to do.

With a small smirk rising on his face, the mischievous grin that he had become so infamous for, Osato was off. A light wind drifted over the rice patties, giving him a quick boost that relieved the heat of the day by only a little. He constantly watched the setting around him as he moved. Even with the band of ten men behind him, chasing after with hoes and spades, Osato could not help but be mesmerized by the beauty of the place.

“And this is all because of my eyes…” the boy said as he leapt around a corner and charged across the adjoining dirt road. It must have been a main road because it was heavily packed down, and had pot-holes that could swallow a small child. Osato had just enough time to notice the ice-laden mountains on the horizon, taking note of the jagged peaks and rocky valleys, before ducking into the lone tavern. In the back of his mind the thought of adventuring into those mountains lurked, though the chances of such were more then likely slim to none.

“Barkeep,” Osato called through heavy pants, “I need water, please.” A spurt of courtesy fell out on its own, after Osato noted the size and look of the man of course. The last thing he needed was to cause a stir, again, and be thrown out of a tavern, again. Especially with the waiting and searching mob that would be building, or hopefully disbanding with his disappearance, outside.

The sell-sword sighed as he took his seat. To his left was a female of some sort, looked to be a mix of either a fox or a wolf. Osato felt a pull towards her. She looked to be the type that was given the same reaction as he was one of misunderstanding and mistrust. Being a soulless being was a hard life, and it appeared that the fox woman was the type to have the same problems.

“Hi there,” Osato’s perky tone was accompanied by a flip of his hair. The lock of loose hair that fell delicately across his forehead rose quickly but fell directly back in place. The man brushed his hand across his face and allowed the lining of sweat to be wiped across his open skirt. “My names Osato Lysser, you can call me just Osato though. Or just O. Ha,” he laughed, obviously amused at his own inside joke. His tone was one of pleasure and caution. “People used to call me O back home… though I don’t know why exactly.”

03-30-06, 08:25 PM
Sakura found herself sipping her water slowly and when not doing that she was staring at the faint reflection in the cup. She looked ok as her fur wasn’t messy and her eyes had some spark left in them, what was wrong was in her heart, but she still felt like it was so bad it would show on her face but all it did was steal her smile.

The vixen hardly noticed the stranger sit next to her but she barely noticed what anyone else was doing, the time she spent not talking she was brooding and that was just making things worse. Could I save my sister? Am I capable of outfoxing the tengu? Sakura almost answered her question when someone started talking to her.

“oh hi!” Sakura said somewhat surprised, her tail even puffed up as it nervously swished. What also surprised her was that the man who addressed her was very pretty and more so talkative. And the fact that lots of people called him oh was that he was no stranger to the ‘oh hi’ surprise and must be good at it. “I’m um… Sakura.” The vixen responder with a blush under her fur, it’d take a really close look to see the change in color.

It was a little awkward a meeting but that was mostly her fault for getting lost in her worry. The man was hansom but that virtue was not what she needed and his eyes had an eccentricity but that was all that was wrong. It’d take more than a couple of sweet smiles to save Sis. Sakura thought as she inadvertently looked down with a little despair. Though her tail wagged with what she saw, a sword. Maybe this man could be a help. A swordsman would really help if it came to a fight.

“Uh sir Osato?” The girl found herself asking with hope that he’d help. “Do you think you could help me. I need a swordsman to help me rescue my sister from the tengu. I saw your blade and thought that you might be pretty good with it.” Sakura smiled at him with hopes though there was the problem of the fact that he was probably a ronin mercenary and would want money, which she didn’t have or something else, which she wasn’t ready to give.

03-31-06, 06:57 AM
Even while speaking the man’s hands seemed busy. At all times he flourished them, moved them, and used them in place of some expressions. It was a habit. Osato had always used visual expressions and body language, almost as much and at times more so then facial expressions.

His rice hat, as he had come to think of it, had been removed. He was working over the glass of water that had been brought, as well as looking around the room. He might have seemed rude, as most humans normally would have taken his type of personality. In truth though, Osato was just a very curious individual who had little to keep him tied down to only one topic or subject at a time.

Osato’s eyes were rounded in, focused once again on the interesting individual he had come to know as Sakura. She, as he assumed by both dress and tone of voice, was similar to him even more then he had expected. Her face was flush with color, but her fine hair so delicately covered it. The sell-sword though had ways of seeing things people did not often want them to see.

The man’s signature smirk rose again on his face. He had become infamous for such a smirk, and in his travels—however little he had had as of that point—humans and now fox-type-people alike would come to know him for it. Osato allowed himself a drink, gulping down half the glass of cool water. With a note of surprise, at how cold the drink was, the soulless being turned to the woman again.

“Well Sakura,” he began. But the door was swinging wide yet again, this time it was not a simple traveler or a rice farmer spending his piece of weekly gold. Instead the dirty, sweaty, smelly people that had been after him walked in. Their eyes went about the room and before they had spotted him Osato was already changing his guise.

Hiding had not worked with them. Running from them had only made them more suspicious and angry. So another tactic was obviously required, one that required a flourish of drama and made use of the fox-girl’s offer. The man, holding down his sword to make sure it would not veer towards Sakura, rose from the bench. He dropped the mask of the mercenary and put in its readily formed grooves that of a hero. His hands, hugged by the heavy gauntlets and leather gloves, rose overhead.

“Dear gentlemen,” he called, causing the men to hold their places and stare towards him for a second. “Hear me I beg. I am not this ‘demon’ that you accept me as,” he cautiously worded his phrases, keeping attention not on his face and especially eyes, but instead on the way he presented himself. He propped up a steel-toed boot on the table, and allowed his open half-skirt to move freely as he did so. “I am instead a roving mercenary, just as you have seen pass through these parts before. No longer do you suffer to eliminate me anymore though, but thwart too the rescue of a poor girl. Do you still seek my head? Or will you give over this quest of unfounded vengeance and adopt a form of peace between us?”

Even without the answer given verbally Osato could see it in their reactions what they would say. Each of the seven men present, the other three must have given up, shuffled in their own way as he spoke. Instead of a white-knuckle grip on their hoes and spades they had allowed them to rest, even slump in some cases. It was shame Osato saw on their faces, or at least that was what he had convinced himself he saw. And through it all the mischievous glint was only growing in his eyes.

“And to continue on Sakura,” the sell-sword’s smirk had returned and he watched the men either disperse or take a seat and get a good strong drink. Osato removed his foot from the table. He found his seat once again at the side of the woman, and brushed the table clean of the dirt he had put on it from his boot. “I would be pleased to accept such a noble position as the savior of your sister. Though you will have to explain what a ‘tengu’ is first… and we must discuss some sort of arrangement. Well, payment is not always expected, as I have come to realize, and you don’t appear to have much – if you will pardon my bluntness.”

Osato leaned back a bit, stretching his abdomen. Through the thin white shirt that he wore the tone and structure of each finely crafted muscle was exposed. He took no special liberties to cover or conceal his body, and more often then not was first to remove his shirt in a fight. “I am not from this land though, so the ways of this place are still a little foreign to me. And people like those,” he hiked a thumb towards three of the seven at the bar, “are not making this any easier. I suppose you would also know about that though from your appearance.”

04-01-06, 01:10 PM
Sakura smiled when she heard that Osato accepted her plea for help, an embarrassed smile. Osato seemed to have wanted to make sure that everyone in the tavern knew that he would be helping a furry damsel in distress and how he was such a generous sell sword to help the poor girl out.

But still did he have to tell everyone in the tavern. Heck many of the patrons just left and the others tried to act like they were not there in hopes the mercenary wouldn’t call a spotlight on them like he did to the girl and the tavern keeper shot Sakura such a black look that it threatened to steal the glimmer of her fur. The Keeper’s eye glanced at the cup of water, something that was free. Though she did order a room and perhaps that was why she didn’t get kicked out.

“Can I have some rice and meat?” Sakura asked in hopes of placating the tavern keeper but it also was to get some food too, no since fasting before adventure. Though Osato seemed to have been very perceptive in her lack of money, enough for a few meals but not for hire a kenshi, but not in what tengu are. Sakura found her self fidgeting with her tail as she spoke, not sure how Osato would react. Would the mercenary change his mind, would her decide to charge money; would he tell all in the tavern that he’d be bedding this fox for her price. “Well the Tengu are mountain goblins. They’re covered in black feathers with really big beaks. They can fly but it’s sorta silly with their little wings. I’ve seen them with swords and I heard they’re pretty good with them.”

After saying that the tavern keeper placed a bowel of rice topped with some beef. The dark look was gone and she started eating. She was hungrier than she thought and started talking during breaks of eating though she didn’t speak with a full mouth. “As for the reward I’m sure the tengu have some treasure that we can take while freeing sis… they have some really nice swords we’ll get.” Sakura hoped that the potential treasure would be enough. Drinking a mouthful of water to let her heart sink in. “Or did you have a different idea of a reward?”

04-03-06, 09:57 PM
Osato had hardly taken any notice to the way people were looking at him. He was becoming quite welcome to their stares, almost loving the attention as much as the bashful stares from young women. He flicked back his hair, letting the silky locks rest over his shoulder once again. The young sell-sword, having had his spot-light of the night shrugged his shoulders as he took another sip of his water.

“Dear sir,” he called almost as soon as Sakura had finished speaking. Giving thought to her description of the tengu as she spoke, having the multitasking aptitude that he did. “I will take some of that meat and rice too. And a shot of sa… well, I think I’ll just take another water if you don’t mind.”

The young man knew better than to drink, even when it was still plenty of potential time till he would be fighting again. A strange place, with strange people, and plenty of anger against him was the last he wanted to deal with when tipsy. The sell-sword smirked at the thought of treasure, the thought of more swords especially. Osato was never one to shy away from a fight, much less one that offered weapons or treasure.

“No worries love. I’m not interested in my reward as much as the fight and promise of something interesting to see. As long as…” the boy’s eyes squinted as he looked into the emerald eyes of Sakura. He had already been tricked once, in Scara Brae, and the last thing he wanted was to be pulled into another quest. Fooled once, shame on them, fooled twice, shame on him. “Never mind. Anyway, you make these tengu’s sound quite odd… like a small fluffy demon of some sort.”

Osato paused as a plate of steaming rice and meat, soaked in sweet smelling brown syrup of some sort. His mouth was instantly watering, and a fresh drink was brought with them. The sell-sword’s thought was put out for but a split second, his attention deficit taking over for but a moment. “I always thought that goblins were small and green. They had big noses, big feet, and sharp ears. The last ones I saw, in Scara Brae, had big hands with only four fingers, but I was pretty sure they didn’t have any dark feathers on them.”

“What is this meat?”

The sell-sword picked up a small fork and poked the meat cautiously. He lifted it, inspected it, and pushed it here and there. It looked eatable enough, smelt nearly impossible to resist, but it was habit of the young man’s not to delve into something he did not thoroughly understand... at least when it came to food.

04-04-06, 05:14 PM
It was a blessing that Osato ordered some food for he seemed to be slightly less prominent though he still was the center of attention in the bar of tired farmers and a nervous fox girl. Perhaps he was hungry and that’s why he tried to get noticed. Sakura chided herself for thinking that, he was going to help her rescue her sister and beggars couldn’t be choosers and he wouldn’t charge up to the Tengu, would he? No he wouldn’t and if he did, she would figure something out.

Better yet he had no need for a reward as he said, perhaps he was just looking for fame and not fortune or maybe just wanted to help the vixen. Still when she smiled at him there had a probing look, like trying to see if she was lying and Sakura knew she wasn’t and he brought up something about goblins. The small fluffy demon seemed to fit Sakura as well as the tengu but she simply twitched her tail hearing that, she wasn’t that much smaller than him.

“Oh those goblins are probably different, I think to the west coast there are kappa goblins which look like turtles.” Sakura went back and ate anther bite for comfort. “It’s not like all foxes are the same or all people. So why should all goblins be alike.” Sakura smiled seeing that the traveler certainly hasn’t been in this region of shanleh before since the tengu were quite a plague.

Ok I’m going to save her. Sakura found her self yawning and showing a good view of her fox like teeth to the barkeep who didn’t pay her much mind while he served Sake and other drinks. Sakura was already done with her meal as Osato was prodding it with a fork.

“It’s beef, it comes from these huge horned beasts that eat nothing but grass.” The fox said with a smile. “It’s really tasty and has more flavor than boar. Maybe you’d like fish better?” Sakura thought that maybe he was from the coast where they ate nothing but fish and rice, a rather boring diet to the fox girl.

The vixen got up and stretched while letting her tail wiggle. “I’m going to bed, we’ll start in the morning.” Placing a few coins and taking a key, Sakura wondered if the sell sword had a place to stay. “I’m used to sharing a room with my sister and others, maybe you can stay with me and save some money.” Sakura smiled to show she was friendly but she prayed to the thousand tailed fox that he wouldn’t get the wrong idea.

“Just keep it down.” The barkeep grunted as Sakura started to climb the steps, the long day catching up to her. There was one guy that had the wrong idea. Just as long as Osato didn’t get that idea it would be fine

04-05-06, 11:37 PM
The young man shrugged as he poked at the meat on his plate. The worst it would be able to do would be kill him, and how bad would that be anyway? His fork plunged into the thick pieces and he stirred it about in the sauce a bit more. Osato looked up to the room around him, letting the light of the dim but multiple lanterns light his smooth face. He saw only a few still looking at him and also noted the amount of backs that had been turned towards him. Attention was always good but places like the tavern of Shanleh he always seemed so alienated afterwards.

Halfway through chewing the sell-sword barely restrained a fit of laughter, instead loosing a rather raucous laugh. His hand caught his lips together and covered his mouth as he thought of small turtle like humanoids with swords. The image of such creatures fighting, with their little aquamarine shells caught the soulless’ fancy, and turned his attention away from the rather dull common room.

He smiled as she spoke of beef. It was what he had thought at first, yet the mask of the sauce and the spices had covered both scent and flavor of the meat. Osato’s smirk rose once more as he plucked another piece into his mouth, this one with a scoop of rice added. It had not been long since his journey from Yerria, leaving the island country that he had been raised on while seeking more adventure. Yerria had brought him up on a diet of fish and rice, mixed with odd vegetables and many sorts of fruits. The diet had given him the tone that he held so dearly, the physique that was so alluring to the female human’s.

“That would suit me well,” he said, mumbling over a mouthful of food. His eyes widened significantly as he realized what rude manners he had just shown. Deep blue eyes, already almost entirely covering the white section of his eye sockets, grew nearly to the edges. Osato swallowed quickly, putting down his mouthful in one rather painful gulp, a grimace shadowing his graceful face as he did so. “Excuse me please, I did not mean to be so rude. If it would be fine with you that would suit me well. I have little to no coin and to save where I can would be wonderful.”

Before he could carry on any more of his conversation though, the barkeeper whispered his warning. Keeping it down was just what the sell-sword was thinking. He would require a great deal of rest before the journey, no telling when he would be allowed to rest next. Osato shrugged and twisted his head to pop the upper portion of his back. “I will be quiet,” he responded to the barkeep, “and I will be up in a little bit,” he said as he turned towards the fox-woman. She was already walking away, key in hand, and Osato could not help but admire the unique tail that lingered behind her step.

Osato was not like other ‘men’. Whereas the common man would be thinking about bedding the unsuspecting woman during the night, the sell-sword was thinking only of sleep. He was of the asexual nature. He possessed the reproductive organs of neither gender, and for that was a creature of little to no lust. The very fact that Osato considered himself, or anyone considered him for that matter, of the male gender was because his facial and body structure spoke of male over female. It was common among soulless, though the structure of their ‘parents’ did not always have to be either male or female for them to reproduce.

The sell-sword was produced, and would reproduce, as all soulless did. In an exchange of genes and genetic structure that would create a sort of pod, a soulless ‘child’ bound within a womb. Beings such as Osato were more worried about their flawless looks being sought by females (or males) of the human society, for their secrets often brought heartbreak to the other person and harm to themselves.

04-06-06, 12:58 PM
Sakura gave a friendly smile when Osato called that he’d be up right after her. The vixen had warmed over to his attitude a little and it didn’t embarrass her as much though it still could make her feel awkward. Still there was something about the mercenary that made her feel at ease. He wasn’t like other mercenary’s she had seen such as greedy bandits or desperate ronin, he was friendly and Sakura started to wonder if her really was a blade for hire.

Finishing her wondering about Osato, Sakura topped the stairs and was outside her room. The room had shoji walls that made Sakura wonder what in the world was the key for, someone could literally leap through the walls if hey so wished. But it was a roof over her head and a little privacy and safe from the tengu. Sakura fidgeted with the lock and opened the door. The lock was probably to make sure no one snuck in, being if they tore through the shoji someone would hear and anyone could see the tear. No trust at all. Thought Sakura as she realized the truth of the lock.

Entering the room caused Sakura to wag her tail a little, it was a nice room with strong floors and a nice roof. The place even had a table and a mirror so one could sit and have tea or groom them selves. It would be a perfect place for Sakura to stay the night even the bedroll looked comfy and soft. The vixen started to untie her obi so she didn’t have o wear her clothes to bed, she still preferred to sleep in only her fur as sometime the rubbing of fur and cloth would sometimes wake her up as she turned in her sleep. But there was one problem, the room was made for only one person and there was only one bedroll.

There were three options that Sakura considered not liking any of them. They could share the bedroll, which would put them in very close sleeping quarters, and something that the Vixen never did with a male though she had slept curled up with her mother and sister from time to time. Then there was taking the bed for her self and let Osato sleep on the floor, which might alienate the man who was going to help her and that would not do. Last she could sleep on the floor and give Osato the bed, which meant that she would have to sleep on the cold hard ground. Osato should be used to sleeping on the ground, but then again so are foxes. Did the past two seasons with the Daimyo spoil her. Sakura decided with a compromise, she’d lay in the bed and would leave room for Osato and he could choose either to share or take the floor. Sakura tied her obi again sure that keeping her clothes on might not tempt the sell sword. She really did develop a quick trust of him, most of the other men in the Tavern she would not let in the same room for they would want her as a night lover to be abandoned in the morning.

But Sakura trusted Osato, she wondered if he had any other reason to help her but she couldn’t seem to think of one with her logic. For all and all he was probably the one who shouldn’t trust the fox with all the stories about foxes that floated around the region. Some how with all the thinking Sakura dozed off in the bedroll, a part of her assuring her that she’ll awake when Osato came in.

(feel free to bunny Sakura until morning or if you have something planned for the night Sakura can wake up or anything.)

04-07-06, 01:09 AM
As soon as the golden swishing tail of the fox-woman passed out of sight Osato continued watching the stair case. There was something about her, something different. Sakura was soft and quiet in her steps. It was something that he had rarely seen. The woman would either be quick in battle and wield amazing grace, or would at least be a step ahead of any human.

“How’s she in bed?”

Osato snapped his head back with a confused grin on his face. The voice belonged to exactly who he had thought it would. The man was of a slightly smaller-heavy frame, wearing clothes that did not fit. His clothes were ragged, broken and worn from what could be no doubt hard work in the fields. His hands and arms, bare and uncovered, were of a deep tan hue. His hair was dark and even his eyes seemed darker then normal. The sell-sword rubbed his chin, feeling to ensure that there was no stubble.

“In bed?” he asked as he took another bite of his beef. It really was very good. “I have not been in bed with her, probably never will be. I’m just helping her out with rescuing her daughter.”

“Yeah, in bed,” he said with a gruff laugh. Apparently responding was enough of an invitation for the man. He sidled himself up next to Osato and dropped the fresh mug of ale on the table as if it was the heaviest weight in the world. “You know… she’s a fox-woman. She’s got to be good in bed, wild perhaps. Like an animal, hahaha,” the man’s laugh was grating.

“No, no, I don’t bed her,” Osato said absently. He pushed the plate away from the edge of the table, letting the half-empty plate be seen and taken by the barmaid. He was tired and it was getting close to his time to get to bed. There would be no missing sleep and whatever little extra amounts of sleep he could get would be very welcomed. “And I don’t know what you have against these ‘fox-women’ or fox-people, but it isn’t welcome.”

The sell-sword stood quickly, pushing the bench away. Even with the other man sitting on the end of the bench it squealed with the movement. Osato’s tone had been sharp, and quick. Tolerance was the dearest value that he had towards any, and people that were not tolerant were Osato’s weakness. “Hey,” the man had called after him, “Hey! I’ll find you later, after tonight.”

Even as the young man’s footsteps echoed off the stairs the drunk’s laughter was filling the common room.
~+|+~ ~+|+~ ~+|+~

Osato had placed his gauntlets and gaiters against the paper walls. They had been humorous at first, when he had walked to the front door and opened it slowly. Towards the rear was a small hole, one that he had poked in with a gasp.

Sakura was drifted off to sleep already. She had left him room, however little it was, and the soulless had thought nothing of it. With his shirt and drall lying atop the blackened steel armor, next to the upright and straightened boots, the young man stretched. It was a little earlier then he was used to, but sleep was sleep and the next time he would be allotted such a peaceful sleep was unknown.

Without worrying about the possible taboos that he would break Osato laid down next to Sakura. He slipped under the bedroll and put his back to the fox-woman, her soft hair gentle against his bare back. It was like having a second blanket. The thought was his last before sleep took him, the subconscious thoughts of the soulless taking hold of him as he drifted into slumber.

04-07-06, 10:41 PM
Sakura might have slept in until noon if she didn’t here the morning sparrows sing their awakening songs. Sakura kept her eyes closed, singing birds were not the best sign when dealing with tengu, but of coarse it was a silly superstition. The Tengu had nothing to do with sparrows and couldn’t even change into the pretty avian, though a crow or raven could have been a spy but that would scare away the smaller birds. So perhaps it was a good sign.

The bedroll felt smaller and tighter than before. But the answer was obvious and when Sakura opened her eyes she saw Osato next to her. He had managed to squeeze in with Sakura without even waking the vixen. He seemed capable of subtlety after all. The Kiko smiled as she hoped that she could rise with the same dexterity that he was capable of and to not wake him, gently Sakura slip from the cover, doing her best not to let her tail Brush Osato or to disturb the blanket off of him.

Once Sakura was up she stretched and looked in the mirror, not too much a mess. But the tengu wouldn’t care if her fur was a mess or impeccable but it was something Sakura wanted to be sure she looked ok setting out and have a bit of decency. Roughed up fur would just leave a strange impression on the townsfolk and Sakura didn’t want that though she didn’t plan on returning.

Today’s the day. I have to save her. I hope I won’t hold back Osato. Sakura smiled over toward the man a she wagged her tail with apprehension. She would fight this day and fight for her sister and Osato would be fighting for her sister. This was going to work; she would save her sister from the vicious goblin birds.

Sakura snuck towards the door and slid it open, creeping out as to not wake the mercenary, she wanted him to sleep and rest as well as he could, it was the least she could do and anyway he’ll be happy to awake to some nice breakfast. Once out of the room Sakura became a bit more careless with her walk and the grogginess started to show.

“Haha so how was last night?” One patron asked having a morning cup of tea, a ragged farmer with a knowing smile.

“Uh it was fine.” Sakura felt a tad bit nervous as she heard the odd tone in the man’s voice.

“You were quiet didn’t even hear a gasp, a bit disappointing huh?”

“Uh no it wasn’t. I had a great sleep.”

The barkeep started to refill the man’s cup then whispering. “Leave the girl alone, she may be a fox but that doesn’t mean she isn’t a lady and can talk about that kind of stuff.” The farmer got the hint and shut up while the barkeep turned to Sakura. “What would you like this fine morning?”

Sakura felt a little easier not having the man probe into the events at the last night even though it was uneventful. “I want two bowels of Udon with some chicken and vegetables.”

“Uh noodles alright a bit early don’t you think?”

“Eh I just feel like some now.”

“Alright miss.”

“And some tea.” Sakura sat down and waited for the noodles to be cooked and the tea to be brewed. A good breakfast would be important. She and Osato needed a sharp mind and strong body to face the tengu. Wow she was getting anxious, constantly wagging her tail, the Kiko couldn’t wait to see her sister again.

04-10-06, 03:14 PM
Countless years of waking at the same time brought Osato’s eyes open in the morning, thought the sweet song of sparrows did not go unappreciated. The sell-sword remained still though, unsure if the woman at his back was asleep still or not. His mute query was answered as she rose, leaving him in the bedroll. She moved with the grace of a cat, quick and lightly. She was silent, and for that Osato felt slightly more comfortable.

He listened while he remained quiet. Sakura’s footsteps were light, a sign that Osato took as quick on her feet. His mind was trying to place her, trying to fit her into a position in a battle. If these tengu were akin to a goblin then there would assuredly be a battle on their hands. And if they were anything like he was imagining, able to fly and fight, then it would be dexterity that would bring them to victory.

Osato counted slowly as the woman departed the room. It was when he counted ten of her footsteps, discernable from the others of the upstairs rooms that he finally moved. The sell-sword stretched and sat up. The morning was always the same, a routine he had begun during his training with the marines of Yerria. The young man began with sit-ups, then push-ups, then back to a form of crunch, then into inverted push-ups. He was quite dexterous, and only getting more so with time. His inverted push-ups were now only with his own balance, holding himself in a handstand, and he could push himself to ten before having to drop down again.

After ten minutes of exercise, which was his mandatory amount and the minimum per morning, Osato began to dress again. His shirt and drall went on first, then all the trinkets of sentimental and religious value, and finally his armor and sword. The mercenary gave a final chuckle at the hole along the back wall, the morning sun peering through it, and then slid the door open.

In the hallway he was greeted by many people. Their eyes were admiring and their tones welcoming. Osato felt warm and happy, though fighting and death was on the bill for chores to do the morning would at least be easy. With a flash of his impeccable and a last check over his immaculate clothes Osato began down the stairs and towards breakfast.

“Good morning Sakura,” Osato said as he rested his sword against the front of the bar and smiled. The barkeep was turned around, rustling with bowls and food. Osato paid little attention to him while he was busy. “How are you doing this morning? It seems like it will be another humid day, to say the least, but at least the partly cloud sky will give us some shelter from the sun.”

“Morning young man,” the barkeep said as he turned around, placing Sakura’s order before her. There were bowls of noodles, meats, and vegetables. Osato wondered how she would be able to eat such foods so early in the morning, but he had eaten worse when there were no options. But it was no such time. “Thank you for keeping it quiet last night. You’ll have to forgive my anxiousness; I’m not used to having people with such… charisma in my inn and tavern. Didn’t quite know how the regular people were gonna act towards it. Anyway, what can I get you to eat?”

“Not a worry. Could I get four eggs, over easy, a piece of bread, some fruit (whatever you have) and a cup of tea? I think that’ll be it…” Osato said, offering the man one of his benevolent smiles. As soon as he had finished, the man having already poured his tea and left to give the order to the kitchen, the sell-sword once again turned to Sakura.

04-11-06, 07:33 PM
Sakura was truly happy to see Osato up so soon with a good morning to her. “Morning Osato.” Sakura chirped before she sipped the green tea that was placed before her. Osato spoke about the weather and he seemed right as the bit of disappearing morning fog would mean it was humid and the heat would rise. “Oh don’t worry it’ll cool down when we get to the mountains, they aren’t far and there’s still snow on the tops.” The kiko tapped her foot worriedly. I hope we don’t have to go that far though. It’s still so cold. Sakura thought but there was also the fact that there would be no place to hide on the snow capped peaks.

It wasn’t long before Noodles were placed in front of Sakura but before she could scoot the second bowl to Osato he ordered and it seemed like he was surprised that she would eat that in the morning. Trying not to look embarrassed the vixen started to eat her Udon, both bowls, she was hungry but not that hungry and it was an attempt to save face.

Actually this might be a good idea. Sakura thought as she ravenously attacked the bowl of Udon while using the chopsticks to push the rice noodles, chicken and vegetables into her waiting muzzle while using some cloth to clean the mess up. Osato ordered his meal about the time Sakura was done with half the first bowl. “Hey slow down lady, enjoy the food.” The barkeep laughed.

“Um sorry. It’s really good.” Sakura apologized as she slowed her pace but still was eating faster than anyone in the establishment. Osato turned toward the vixen, making her feel like she needed to say something and so she decided to give her plan of approach. “I think we’ll approach the mountains though the little forest, I think there’ll be cover and they can’t spot us. I think we should leave as soon as we’re done eating.” Sakura smiled as she found herself only able to eat a couple of noodles in the second bowl before she felt like she’d burst if she ate any more.

04-11-06, 09:07 PM
Saying the woman was near ravenous was an understatement. Sakura basically inhaled the noodles before her. Just as the sticks that the fox-woman used to eat were clinking against the porcelain bowl the order Osato placed was done. The eggs were steaming, the bread was fluffy and torn in half, and there were two pieces of fresh fruit on the plate. One was of a yellow coloration and looked like a pear, a nashi, and the other something called a kaki and was orange.

Osato sighed as he poked at the orange object with a fork, eliciting a squirt of juice from its ripe exterior. The sell-sword sipped the warm tea. It was soothing and sweet and Osato understood why the people drank so much of it. He took down one of the eggs in a single bite, followed quickly by a bite of his bread. The food was good, to say the least, but the protein was what he wanted most. It did not matter what the food tasted like as long as the nutritional value was good for the young man’s body.

“How far are these forests from here?” Osato asked between bites of food. With another sip of tea he swallowed another egg and continued on. “I suppose your right about the mountains, but hopefully we won’t have to go that far up there…”

The young sell-sword finished his food and had his tea refilled. The woman that was sitting next to him was different. She looked like she was almost ready. Osato placed a small golden coin on the bar as the keep returned with a fresh cup of tea. The scent was enough to start the man’s mouth watering even with the fresh breakfast barely behind him.

“Do you know exactly where your sister is located, or being hidden? That would probably help a little more then in the mountains,” Osato sipped at his tea while he waited for Sakura to finish her breakfast. The noodles looked appetizing, but his stomach was already at the exact point that he wanted it at. He would not be hungry till at least noontime and he was not overstuffed. Content and perfect. “You ready?”

04-13-06, 05:37 PM
Since eating anymore food would probably result in getting sick, Sakura concentrated on business at hand, the sooner they got moving the better. Osato seemed to have many questions, as caution was a good sign. It seemed like her partner wasn’t the type to rush in, though he did show some outgoing signs and recklessness in social action that would be fatal if things got dangerous.

“The forest is close, only a short ways away though we’ll probably don’t want to use the path.” Sakura dabbed her muzzle and stood up to stretch her arms. She didn’t want to rush Osato and tried to make sure that her stance wasn’t impatient. “And I’m hoping Sis will be in the Tengu village, they shouldn’t keep her anywhere else but the village won’t be easy to find.” The vixen finished with an optimistic note as she nodded at the ready. “I’ll meet you out side. The fresh air will wake me up more and allow me think more clearly as we walk.” The Kiko bowed as she exited the tavern to look outside.

The village was peaceful in the morning; all the people who weren’t in the tavern were in the fields, which would be alive with work songs and the sowing of rice and other crops. The forest that they would traverse would be calm too; only a handful of woodsmen harvested the trees since most were too scared to leave the village for the Tengu.

Sakura smiled as she went to lean on building. No since going ahead of her partner. The fox girl was sure she would need his help as the Tengu might attack, especially once she finds their village. That was going to be the hard part, finding her sister in the Tengu’s nest without getting in too much trouble. If the whole Village of the bird goblins found her there would be no escape other than to meet the same fate as her sister. “We’ll cross that bridge when it comes.” Sakura told herself sure the answer would offer itself once she reached the village and would look for her sister.

04-16-06, 01:11 PM
Osato smirked as he listened to the vixen speak. If the forests were close there was little they would have to worry about on the way there. The sell-sword was young and rather inexperienced when it came to tasks like the one he had accepted. But what he did know was that any known path would be watched on the way to the Tengu village, if they had even a bit of thought. He also knew that an ambush was much harder to fight out of then use, and Osato had no intentions of being on the inside of a trap. If anything, his mind was beginning to think of ways to spring a quiet trap on his opponents.

Even before Sakura had left the room proper, the door still swaying on its hinges, the young sell-sword turned on his bar. Osato was again looking into the eyes of the barkkeep. "You happen to have a small pack of some sort? I'm going to need some rations for the rest of today and a water-skin. What do you have? I can pay for all of it."

The keeper's smile broadened as he shuffled under the bar. When he came up he was holding two small water skins. "Those should do you well," he responded politely. Before Osato had time to thank him the man left to the back and then reappeared with a small leather bag. The armstraps were thin and long, but had a possible way to tighten them. It was bulging. "And that should do for the rest. I put in ten rice balls, some more of that nashi, and two rolls of bread. Don't worry about the price though. It is not often that we see people as benevolent as you. Since that young fox-woman won't be able to pay you take this as your reward instead... and stay safe."

The sell-sword was flabergasted. Such kindness was not something he was used to, especially from strangers and humans. He shook the man's hand after he took the supplies. "May the Thanyne be kind." And then the young man was parted. Osato slid across the floor, his sword tapping as it always did against his thigh. He threw the door open and allowed the sun to fall across his face. It truly was a pleasent day and the young man felt like it would be a very welcoming day for a little adventuring.

"Sakura," Osato said with a smirk. "Today is going to be well with us. I do have a quick suggestion though," The young man nodded towards the mountains, supposing it was the path towards the Tengu. If anything it was a beginning of the task ahead, a little distance along the easy path and they could take a side road or the forest. Might as well start as easily as they could. Osato began to walk the way he nodded. "I doubt that even the Tengu are stupid enough to not watch the roads, especially towards their camp. I'm not one to get caught with my pants down, so when we do find some forward scouts, watch, whatever... we should get rid of them quietly. We might have size and strength, but they have numbers, and that gives them the advantage. We need to even the numbers while destroying their advantage."