View Full Version : Character Registration

Mr. Sandman
04-14-06, 05:16 PM
((I was registered before and only had the basic gp and 100xp so it's hardly worth the trouble to restore those stats))

We are in the business of dreams. Visions of both the melancholy and the fantastic. Weaving the fabric of your late-night excursions to neverland. Fashioning the life and limb of every hallucinatory creature. Yes, we are in the business of dreams... and we are a fairly successful enterprise, don't you think? Ha ha!

Full Name: Haeckel Understiles
Race: Dreamaker
Age: 78
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Grey
Height/Weight: 5'8/140lbs
Occupation: Merchant of Dreams
Weapon: None
Armor: None
Item: None
Skill: Transformation, Dreamaking
Character Biography: He is the monsters that prowl your mind.

A long, long time ago (an incredibly cliché beginning to a tale, I know, but necessary) there was a brief and completely unexpected period of peace across the entire world. Very few remember this time and fewer still know why such an extraordinary thing as peace ever happened. The reason for this lack of knowledge concerning this rather incredible cessation of all crime and hate is due entire to the subtlety of the event which, in happening (or better yet, in failing to happen), caused the commencement of all this obnoxious, confusing and all-together unwelcome peace.

This is not the story of that peace.

Nor is it the story of the event that, in happening, caused another event to stop happening which, in turn, caused the peace begin happening.

It is, however, the story of the person who caused the "other event" to resume and the ensuing downfall of the peace.

This is probably all a little confusing to you so allow me to explain in some more precise terms. Should we turn to the account of the Wise I think that you would find them quite enlightening. The ancient texts read a so,

In the fourth year of the reign of the Dreamaster Xavier, there was issued a decree that all those who partook in the creation of nightmares were to mend their ways or else be thrown into the dungeons of the King.

And many of those under his rule rejoiced and a time of great peace was over all the land.

However, not all of those who were responsible for the nightmares were pleased by the declaration or willing to put an end to their lucrative activities. Among those who had chosen to mend his ways and remain free was one who was named Haeckel. Secretly, he plotted against the Dreamaster and, in the shadows, he rallied to him many who were of a like mind.

It took them a fortnight and two to assemble the forces necessary for the assault on the Dreamaster's strongholds. But, on the three-month anniversary of the proclamation they took up their arms and, transforming themselves into fantastic shapes, they swooped down upon his kingdom.

They entered the minds of those men who were under the care of the Dreamaster and cast out those Dreamakers who were subservient to him. They took control of men's dreams and used their horrible forms to make nightmares out of them.

Thus ends the account of the Wise excepting a few passing references to the fate of Haeckel. It seems he fell out of favor, even among his co-conspirators. He was labeled a psychotic, deranged egomaniac and left to make his own evil destiny destroying the lives of others through their dreams.

Before I begin you should understand that Dreamakers do not inhabit the physical world as we do, they live within the realm of dreams. As such, they are not constrained to one body but can choose between a multitude of forms, only restricted by their imagination.

To other Dreamakers, Haeckel appears as I would to you: solid and real. However, when Haeckel chooses to manifest himself outside of the world of the Dreamakers he appears as a dream: wispy and fragile. He floats around as if he were a ghost. When he enters a dream is the only time that he can be seen by men as others of his race see him.

There are four forms that Haeckel can take on when taking shape in man's world or his dreams, they are his natural form, a crawling creature, a prostitute and a monster.

Haeckel’s natural form (affectionately dubbed “The Narrator) is something approaching the form of a man. It is the same as all other Dreamaker’s original bodies, except that Haeckel has become rather old over the epochs that he has lived. He wears the obligatory dilapidated cloak and carries a gnarled old walking stick. He speaks in a soft, persuasive voice.

The crawling creature calls itself Perversion. It is a skinny, green thing with arms far too long for it’s body (it uses them to crawl on all fours). It is about four feet tall but stays low to the ground to appear smaller. It has exceptionally long, sensitive fingers that it likes to touch things with. It speaks with a lisping lilt and normally seems abashed at something. He prefers the dark and not being with more than one person at a time.

Lust is the whore. She has brown hair and eyes and is approximately six feet tall. Although her female gender she typically makes advances on both men and women, both of who have succumb to her sexuality in the past. Although beautiful, it is not a pure sort of beauty. She is dressed in form fitting, black leather… although not a lot of it. First, Lust corrupts you, and then she destroys you. (In Haeckel’s mind, Perversion and Lust go hand-in-hand.)

The monster form is named Hate. It towers eight feet tall and it’s brown-red skin is adorned by many open wounds, few of which ever turn into scars. He has an overly large, sloping forehead and black, sunken, peering eyes. He has rows of small sharp teeth and chewed-down fingernails. He is normally slow and lumbering but when aroused he becomes a terrible creature. Although Hate is farily strong, most of strength comes from adrenaline. At his most terrible, he has the strength of three men.

Another thing about Dreamakers is that, although they can allow themselves to be seen by men, they cannot directly affect anything in our world. It is also against their laws to manipulate a person into doing something through their dreams but Haeckel and those he led to rebellion aren't very concerned by those laws.

His skills as a Dreamaker include being able to enter and manipulate the minds of men and being able to assume any form that he wishes to do so (see appearance for more details). He uses these abilities to make men think that they are going mad. Essentially, he becomes the little voice in their head that they begin to listen to.

However, he is restricted as to what he can do in our world. He can manifest himself in whichever of the four shapes he chooses but he can't affect anything physically. He can't, say, pick up a rock or eat some food or kill a man.

Weapon and Armor:
When he assumes his forms he acquires a strength proportionate to that form. This is only useful while he is in someone's dream since in men's world it doesn't matter how much strength he has.

04-14-06, 09:43 PM
So long as it's not a full mindcontrol spell, and just an influence, that's fine.

But I want to know just how strong your beast form is.

Mr. Sandman
04-15-06, 07:19 AM
I added two sentences to the end of the final paragraph in the appearance section. Basically I said, "Hate = man * 3." That would be for a normal man. Most warriors on this forum would be stronger than your average guy.

As for mind control, I used the word manipulate. I believe that is more influence than control. Hope that clears it up.

04-15-06, 10:20 AM
I'm going to allow this, since you have few other skills.
