View Full Version : Kade Underbough (has returned)

Kade Underbough
05-10-07, 01:33 AM
Name: Kade Underbough

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearance: Kade is 5’10” and roughly 140 lbs. He has brown, straight hair reaching to the center of his neck and brown eyes. His shirt and pants are worn, but allow for agile movement. His skin is tanned and small crevices, such as fingernails, always seem to be smudged with caked dirt. He doesn’t have any other defining features that would stand out to others. Put simply, he looks like an ordinary lower-class teenage boy.

Personality: Kade was born as a good natured boy, trying to be kind to others at all times. Being raised by a poor family dependent on thievery has broken down a few morals, but his basic persona has remained intact. He tends to be shy around those he doesn’t know, but will open up to those he does get to know.

History: Kade was born into poverty. His family, comprising of his mother, father, and older brother, rarely had enough of anything necessary for a comfortable living, and the presence of a fourth mouth to feed didn’t help. They lived in Radasanth. His parents barely scraped by with an honest living before his brother, Ramis, was born, forcing them to make quick money to feed the baby. Turning to a small troupe of thieves that lived on the outskirts of the city, they found themselves stealing to support the family. They were quickly discovered, forcing them to flee town. With nowhere else to go, they found themselves living with the thieves, who found a young child, to recruit and train immediately, very appetizing.

Kade was born three years after Ramis, and began training in the various arts of theft just like his brother. Ramis and Kade grew to be polar opposites. Ramis became strong, muscular, and somewhat hot-tempered. Kade, while not weak, was more skilled in his agility, and could keep his emotions contained much better than the former brother.

By the time he was two, Kade’s mother was caught by Radasanth’s guards, and shortly after, his father was caught trying to break his mother out of prison. His father was thrown into jail for life after attacking the guards in an attempt to escape. Records of his mother were “lost” with no proof of her ever being in prison at all. Once he was old enough to understand, the thieves, who decided to raise the brothers as well as train them, explained the absence of his parents, and Kade vowed to bring his family together again.

The thieves trained the brothers according to their strengths. Ramis while given basic instructions on how to steal, was mainly trained to fight well in melee combat and would become a strong opposition towards anyone that caused plans to go awry, or if the troupe‘s base camp were to be attacked. Kade, in turn, was taught the more fundamental art of thievery, such as picking locks and moving stealthily. Living in a combat oriented world however, they knew he would need to be able to fight his way out of some situations. Therefore he was given a small amount of training with a dagger, a light weight weapon that wouldn’t get in the way of his real job. Kade’s real passion however, was revealed one day when he was found using another thief’s short bow. The thief recognized potential and taught the young apprentice as much as he could about archery. Soon, Kade could out match anyone’s marksmanship in the troupe.

Finally, after many tests, the brothers were told that they were capable of performing an “on the field” operation. They were to invade an upper-class home. The specific target was a medallion that would give the wearer the ability to become invisible, a rare treasure amongst thieves. Two others would accompany the brothers during the heist that night. Kade was uncomfortable about targeting such a valuable item, and his anxiety about it grew when he heard the other two thieves mumbling things about a “suicide mission.”

Ramis told Kade not to worry, that the two were just trying to screw with the “young trainees.” “We’ll show them what we’re capable of and they won’t underestimate us again, ok? Anyways, its not like they’d send us to steal anything THAT dangerous as our first job.”

The house turned out to be a two story monster of a home, most likely filled with countless trinkets, just waiting to be plucked. One of the thieves said that the owner of the medallion slept in one of the rooms to the top right of the house. The four easily scaled the iron fence surrounding the premises, and slowly crept up to the building from the back, to be sure that no guards would see the approach. The lock in the back of the home was easy enough, which eased Kade’s inexperienced nervousness. Once inside, they found that the home truly did have countless items of value, but the two experienced thieves seemed too concerned with getting the medallion and getting out.

“Me and Kade will stay down here and watch out for servants or anyone that might come up from behind. You guys go on ahead and get the medallion,” Ramis whispered, staring greedily at the objects filling the bottom floor.

“Ramis, you and Kade are the one’s supposed to steal the medallion, we’re the ones that are here to watch your backs, so hurry up and get what we’ve come for.” The thief’s voice shook slightly, and Kade’s nervousness began to creep back and tingle his spine.

Tapping his brother lightly on the shoulder, he made his way to a staircase and they quickly found their way to the room where the medallion supposedly was. Ramis slowly opened the door, and at the same time a loud crashing sound came from below, along with a booming voice. “Thieves! What the hell are you doing in my house! Guards! Someone! Come quick!”

“Hurry get the medallion and run,” Ramis breathed in a hushed voice. “Those two are caught, but we can still do this.” The two searched frantically throughout the room and Kade found the prize almost immediately, in a desk near the bed. “I got it, let’s get out of here.”

Just as the two opened the window, the owner of the house appeared at the doorway with about five guards behind him. “RUN Kade!” Ramis pushed Kade out the window and jumped after him. As they were recovering from the fall, two more guards came dashing from the other side of the yard, and the two brothers ran toward the front gate. “Kade, put it on.” Ramis moaned as they ran for their lives. Doing as he was told, Kade flung the medallion around his neck… and nothing happened. “God damnit!” he yelled as the reached the gate and ran into the street.

As if he was just waiting, a guard stood right in front of them, and quickly grabbed a hold of Kade’s collar, slinging him to the ground. Ramis reacted instantly, and without thought, striking the guard hard in the head with the blunt side of his short sword. “Get up and run!” Ramis picked up his younger sibling and threw him forward, just as the other two guards tackled into the older, with the other six men coming up fast.

Kade, still not fully recovered from the sudden change in the laws of gravity that threw him to the floor and seemingly bounced him back to his feet, ran for a full mile, darting between buildings, and staying in shadowy areas as much as possible before he realized his brother was gone. Grievance took a hold over him and he slowly started to make his way back when a hand grabbed his shoulder.

“Kade, you can’t save him now. He’s been caught, and you’ll just be caught yourself.”

“I have to try.” Kade explained to the hand.

“You will try… but not today. Trust me, you need to wait.”


((This will continue in Kade’s first quest.))

Skills: Kade some skill in what is required to be a thief.
- He knows how to pick basic locks, such as those that a baker might put on a cupboard full of the next day’s items for sale.
- He is able to hide in a dark shadow if he doesn’t move, and can sneak up on people who have their attention diverted elsewhere
- He is slightly more agile and slightly faster than a normal person his age.

Kade is also proficient with a bow.

- He is capable of using a long bow to shoot arrows up to 140 yards, maximum, with minimal to no accuracy.
- He can shoot a square foot target with accuracy from 40 yards away.

Abilities: Multiple Shot- Kade can shoot two arrows at once, but if the target is more than 10 yards away, only one, or no arrows will be accurate. He can shoot the arrows up to 80 yards with absolutely no accuracy.

Slight-of-hand: Kade knows how to make small things, such as a coin, seemingly disappear. This is an ability taught to thieves in case they are caught pick pocketing something small. If he’s caught stealing something any bigger, like a dagger, he won’t be able to hide it so easily.

Equipment: A yew longbow given to him by his first teacher of marksmanship, a steel dagger, 20 handcrafted oak arrows (it takes him an hour to make one arrow if he wants it to be useable and accurate), worn leather bracers and boots, a seemingly useless medallion (Kade will lose this medallion in the above described quest at the end of his history, but it might have some further use to his story, so I thought it necessary to mention here.)

((Sorry if it was a bit rough, or too long. Been two years since I was here, and a year since I've really written anything outside of school, so bear with me.))

Cyrus the virus
05-10-07, 04:01 AM
I don't know why you're so concerned with the 'roughness' of your profile, looks fine to me!
