View Full Version : The Audeamus (PG)

Slayer of the Rot
05-04-07, 09:52 PM
The Audeaumus

Description: Audeamus is a small organization by most standards; at any given point, the group has at most ten members and an uncertain number of agents. The existence of said organization is certainly not public knowledge; thus far, the name has not been spoken on the lips of anyone in power. The members of Audeamus are all high powered criminals, some of the most wanted and dangerous men (and women) in Althanas. The exact criteria for admission into the group are unknown, but extraordinary fighting ability and ruthlessness seem to be prerequisites. Unique traits (genetic or otherwise) also seem to be a common factor among its members.

For those who would eventually come across information on the organization, members can be spotted by the rings that they wear. No ring is worn on the same finger, and possess an incredible importance to the current leader and founder, though the reason has yet to be addressed. As he has so bluntly put it, "If you lose your arm, return, we will heal it. If you lose your ring, don't stop running."

Purpose: Bluntly enough, to own all that they can see. Kingdoms, people, sources of power. Everything will have a price, even life.

Ranking: Since there only exists ten rings, there can be no more than ten full fledged members at a time. Full membership is always reserved only to the cream of the crop, the highly skilled, the terribly powerful. Criminals of lower power are indeed encouraged to join as agents, and may eventually earn a ring in time.

The IC rules to join Audeaumus are strictly reinforced.

1.) Only in special cases may an individual become a member if his or her ability is not quite up to par with expectations. (Beneath Lvl. 2)
2.) An individual must possess a heart blackened with greed or hate. A test may be administered to prove if a person is truly the criminal they boast to be.
3.) An encounter with the current leader of the organization is expressly required in order to join. Without a ring, you are nothing but an ant in Audeamus' eyes.

OOCly, there are no real rules. Killing amongst the group is certainly not disallowed, and the same goes for stealing from other members.

Cyrus the virus
05-04-07, 09:55 PM
Fun and approved.