View Full Version : World of Warcraft, anyone?

03-26-07, 06:01 PM
It's has recently come to my attention that I am not the only person who plays this wonderful game.

If you play, what server are you on, and what sort of character do you have?

Aryr de Morte
03-26-07, 06:16 PM
Eek, that game is too boring for me. *sigh*

03-26-07, 06:17 PM
Stormrage- 60 Priest (Draedic), 37 Shammy (Rhaem)
Akama- 41 Hunter (Laffable)
Arthas- 48 Warlock (Depees)

I currently play on Stormrage mainly, so if you're interested, hit up my shammy, Rhaem.

03-26-07, 06:22 PM
Sevelakath- 70 Prot Warrior
Server- Boulderfist

Luckily I just got my flying mount today, So I'll be playing as him for a while. I don't really play my alts unless I know someone on a different server. Which makes me wonder what server Artifex plays on.

Artifex Felicis
03-26-07, 06:25 PM
That's slightly scary....

Jaci - level 29 Dranai Shaman
Server = Demon Soul

I have Alts, but not many

03-26-07, 06:29 PM
No one on Dethecus I see?

Well, if anyone feels like hitting me up, I have a 70 shaman there, horde side. Name's Tylor. :D

03-26-07, 07:54 PM
Savvra Level 47 Hunter (Night Elf)
Ismari Level 16 Priest (Draenei)

Server - Demon Soul.

Add me Colin, I'll help ya out ;)

03-26-07, 08:17 PM
I have thought countless times about getting this game, but I don't think my computer is able to run it so I've not looked into much about it. Is it a P2P game? Also, what sort of requirements are actually needed to play (minimum vs ideal)?

03-26-07, 09:11 PM
Well, personally I don't like my game to suck, so my computer owns. However, I'm sure you could get by minimally with like, a 1 GHz processor, a 250mb video card, and like a gig of memory to make up for the lack of processing and video card power.

03-26-07, 09:14 PM
Used to play, but got bored very quickly. I've got a 47 undead warrior on Eldre'Thanas or something like that..

03-26-07, 09:24 PM
Well, personally I don't like my game to suck, so my computer owns. However, I'm sure you could get by minimally with like, a 1 GHz processor, a 250mb video card, and like a gig of memory to make up for the lack of processing and video card power.

Seeing as I'm a complete idiot when it comes to computers... How can I take a look at my computer's information and video card type?

03-26-07, 09:30 PM
If you run a Windows system, you can right click on the My Computer icon and select properties. Your memory and processor info should be right there. As for your video card, you'd really just have to check the card itself, or look through the drivers for it.

03-26-07, 10:02 PM
2.08 GHz processor, I can easily free up about 448MB of current RAM (I can free up another 1.5-2GB if needed). My video card is crap though, it lacks the ability to support things in 3D (like Civ 4) so I'm doubting it'll run WoW. I looked through my drivers but couldn't find it anywhere. I even searched my computer model online, but couldn't find any info on the card that came with it either...

But I would like to play WoW, if I do in time, I'll try to make my main acc onto a server that most of you play on.

03-26-07, 10:44 PM
A video card that can support WoW would be no more than like... 60 bucks at a good computer store, so no fear there.

03-26-07, 10:51 PM
yeah it's probably pixel shading your computer is needing. Though you might want to take a look inside the computer box to see whether you have PCI AGP or PCI express slots... Well maybe have a computer savvy friend do it or find something online to show you what they look like. And don't forget to keep touching the metal part of the computer case to stay grounded to the machine.

I'll probly never play WoW because of the pay to play and Blizzard is acting greedier with every passing day, 40 bucks for an expansion is nuts.

03-26-07, 11:37 PM
Maybe he has an on-board graphic card if it refuses to run even the simplest 3D apps such as Civ4. In that case, drivers won't be of much help and you'll have to get a new graphic card as said before. The model of the card depends on how much money you plan to invest, but if your motherboard has an AGP slot, I wouldn't buy something too expensive. AGP is a slot of the past and most of the newer cards come in a PCI-Express version.

Then again, an even better investment is NOT to play WoW, but that's just personal preference. ;)

03-26-07, 11:50 PM
oh and get an Nvidia card. I've seen some really annoying issues with getting drivers off of the net with ATI cards, and you'll probably have to update drivers from time to time.

one thing is I'm not sure if you're talking about RAM or harddrive space, if you're using 2/3s of your ram normally than something doesn't seem right. most ram should be free unless doing something taxing like playing video games or running a defrag or virus scan.

03-27-07, 01:45 AM
Best option ever - Don't start playing WoW. Or any other online MMORPG. Ever.

I had to learn that the hard way... *Is still hooked on three different MMOGs plus various other PS2 games*

'Stoo late ta save me... Save yerselves while ya can! :p

03-27-07, 06:14 AM
Eh.. Z-Man and I share the same computer (or rather, he uses mine since it can run the freakin' game)

Server: Boulderfist (PvP)
- Oriseus (63 Human Rogue (combat specced. Main))
- Kiermot (16 Draenei Paladin (prot specced. Planned to be a twink alt))

Server: Maelstrom (RPPvP)
- Lisean (19 Blood Elf Rogue (combat specced. Twink))

03-27-07, 08:27 AM
oh and get an Nvidia card. I've seen some really annoying issues with getting drivers off of the net with ATI cards, and you'll probably have to update drivers from time to time.Blasphemy!! Don't listen to this!. ATI all the way! :mad:

This message was brought to you by an ATI fan.

one thing is I'm not sure if you're talking about RAM or harddrive space, if you're using 2/3s of your ram normally than something doesn't seem right. most ram should be free unless doing something taxing like playing video games or running a defrag or virus scan.That's why I thought it might be an on-board video card, because they usually share the RAM with your computer. But without more info, I can't be sure.

03-27-07, 09:33 AM
Ugh, why do all you that play have characters on the alliance?


03-27-07, 10:14 AM
Well my computer is roughly 2 years old. When it was bought it was brand new, so it's not that out of date yet. I do have other games loaded up on my PC like Star Craft (yes I know...), Magic Online, Cesar 3, and a few other things. My parents use this computer more mainly media purposes (over 4000 pictures on the damn thing so it runs rather slow sometimes). But I ment to say I only have current 448MB of ram. I could free up another 1.5MB or so to put WoW on here. But this video card is just crap... I can play Civ4, but it would say something like "your video card is unable to process the 3D imaging needed to support the minimum requirements to run this program" or something along those lines. I would play the game, but most of the actual terrain would not show for me along with some other things, so it was rather pointless and i uninstalled it soon after...

So which type of video should I get, seeing as my computer is roughly 2 years old, should I see into getting?

03-27-07, 10:46 AM
If your computer is 2 years old, its a safe bet to make that you can't support a PCI Express card, so AGP is the way to go most likely. If you can look up your motherboard model, you can ask the guys at any store what type of video card slot it is set for, and you can buy appropriately.

As for cards, if you want to have a decent time, get at least a 125 MB video card, preferably a 250MB. I personally have a 250, and while its not the best of the best, it certainly gets the job done and then some. 125MB graphics cards would probably run you something like... 60-80 bucks, depending on what all they come with software-wise. A 250 would go anywhere from 80-170, also depending on what it has, and in my opinion would be the much better investment simply because its not as outdated a technology as of yet. I personally paid 115 for mine, 250 MB Graphics card by nVidia.

03-27-07, 11:17 AM
Alright, thank you. I think I may just start bugging mom into just getting me a new computer altogether here soon because she's been talking about getting a new one as it is. I'll look into some video cards, but I'll probably only be able to spend $100-110 tops on it. So I'll push for the 250.

How much does WoW run as it is, and the P2P, how much does that cost monthly/yearly?

03-27-07, 12:04 PM
Well its 15 bucks a month for unlimited characters on unlimited servers, whereas in FFXI it was 11 bucks a month... and another 2 bucks per month for additional characters.

03-29-07, 02:26 PM
Well its 15 bucks a month for unlimited characters on unlimited servers, whereas in FFXI it was 11 bucks a month... and another 2 bucks per month for additional characters.

You only needed one character in FFXI in my opinion. Take ya 37 damn years to max a guy out.

03-29-07, 03:40 PM
You only needed one character in FFXI in my opinion. Take ya 37 damn years to max a guy out.

You never had enough space for anything if your character had multiple jobs though, so you needed mules to hold all your stuff.

03-29-07, 03:41 PM
I can NEVER play WoW. It bothers me A LOT: One I have no fundage to play, and two since a friend talks about it so much I am put off from trying.

03-29-07, 03:46 PM
You never had enough space for anything if your character had multiple jobs though, so you needed mules to hold all your stuff.

True. It was a....unique...experience. Though I still get the urge to pick it up occasionally- I have yet to do so :P

Storm Veritas
03-29-07, 04:37 PM
Runescape owns. Five bucks a month, and while the graphics are shit on a shingle, the game is fun as hell and incredibly well done / very often updated.

03-29-07, 04:53 PM
Runescape owns. Five bucks a month, and while the graphics are shit on a shingle, the game is fun as hell and incredibly well done / very often updated.

I played RS shortly after it first appeared...when it only had 3 servers and it was all free. I was ranked in the top 300 after 3 years of play and was soon hacked. I went on a break for a yearish, came back and played until RS2 came out. I stopped afterwards just because the game go so easy and PKing (Player Killing) is just no fun anymore. It's still a bad ass game, very often updated as Storm said, and there's so much to do and so many places to go...even in the free world. If I had to rate the game, I'd give it 8.5/10.

03-30-07, 06:46 PM
FFXI > all.

In my unbiased opinion. <.<;;

lol only got one mule, and have plenty of room. Theres quests you can do to expand your inventory space and mog house......

Level 50 black mage on Asura server... name's Rehn. Look me up. :P

Btw on topic of this thread, never played WoW, but I still know FFXI is better. XD

04-01-07, 04:01 AM
WoW is horrible. My dad got into it during the beta before it came out, and he's been playin everyday since. Zorfi/Ifroz, maybe you've heard of him?

Anyways, I have the misfortune of being his level-bot...I hate that game, tho I do want to try playing on an RP server before I put my foot down and stop playing altogether...DDO is teh roxxors!! Level 4 Elven Sorceress wit' teh total uberness!

04-04-07, 01:01 AM
Qeldaran - 48 - Blood Elf Rogue - Coilfang
Daronel - 39 - Night Elf Rogue - Dragonblight

My two main characters. Although, the use of Daronel has been taken from me, seeing as how he's on another account. XD

And Sorahn, I too loved FFXI. I'd still be playing it now if it weren't for my brother stealing the console away. My character was:

Reijinku - 27 - Elvaan Warrior/Monk - Fenrir

I was planning on making him a Ninja, but I never made it to 30. :_(

04-04-07, 03:50 AM
Qeldaran - 48 - Blood Elf Rogue - Coilfang


Its okay Vampiric I still love you...

04-04-07, 04:14 PM

Its okay Vampiric I still love you...

lol Thanks, Diss it means alot. -_-

But yeah, I probably would've reacted the same way..but, I'm sorry to say, I went Horde for the Blood Elves. What can I say? They look kick ass, and actually kick ass. Oh well, I'd still like to play Daronel from time to time. XD

04-04-07, 04:19 PM
Do I need to point out I kill all Blood Elves I encounter on Demon Soul?

I kinda made it my mission to thin the population....

Kinda fun too...

Anyways if you feel up to jumping on my server just watch out for good ole Savvra...

04-04-07, 04:23 PM
lol No offense my friend, but I dont think you could take me. If there's anything I'm not good at as a Rogue in that game, PvP is not one of them.

Artifex Felicis
04-04-07, 04:27 PM
Blood Elves are stupid. They smell too good for a horde race, half the time I can't tell the diffrence if they're guys or girls until I'm riffling through their pockets. I swear they must carry make-up into battle and expect the orcs to kill while they look pretty. Yes, this applies to both genders too. At least the night elves and naga are awesome and not gender confused.

If you want Horde, go for the cool races. Like every other one in horde.

/pointless, biased rant about Blood Elves.

Drenai are cooler! Weeeee.

04-04-07, 04:40 PM
Blood Elves are stupid. They smell too good for a horde race, half the time I can't tell the diffrence if they're guys or girls until I'm riffling through their pockets. I swear they must carry make-up into battle and expect the orcs to kill while they look pretty. Yes, this applies to both genders too. At least the night elves and naga are awesome and not gender confused.

If you want Horde, go for the cool races. Like every other one in horde.

/pointless, biased rant about Blood Elves.

Drenai are cooler! Weeeee.

LOL! Have you seen a true experienced player at the helm of a Blood Elf? I've been surrounded by 6 Alliance with just me and a BE Shadow Priest and we killed them all. I've taken on guys 4 levels higher than me and survived and still had enough life to take out someone at the same level. So don't underestimate the Blood Elves just because you've fought newb Alliance rerollers that decided to go Horde. And yes, I rerolled Horde but I am not a newb.

04-04-07, 05:37 PM
Tee hee isn't he cute Colin.

I rolled a BE warlock for awhile and got bored...only reason the BE wasn't another Hunter was cause I didn't want to be redundant.

Seriously they aren't as good as you say. Arcane torment only affects three classes tops. I am a hunter, and if you think you can sneak up on me you got another thing coming. Sides, I eat shadow spec priests for breakfast. The rely too much on shadowform and my pet can kill one before they get too annoying. My only problem is a pally not a rogue, and thats only if the pally does their job, rather than attempt to be the end all. If they stray form their battlefield role, I rape them without a second thought...

04-06-07, 12:03 PM
That's it Patrick, I'm transferring my Shaman to your server and camping you until you quit.

04-23-07, 01:21 AM
Ahhh the shaman. I love my new shaman.

Can't wait to get him to 70. Though I doubt that'll ever happen. Only 39 levels to go though

04-23-07, 04:48 AM
Woo! 52 and climbing!

Edward Judorne
12-29-07, 02:43 AM
I only have one character. On the Madaran Server. (Is that spelled correctly?)

It is a 41 rogue blood elf named Camella

12-29-07, 10:40 AM
I just got the game a couple days ago and have a level 12 Drainei shaman, I really love the class so far and like how she can be decent in combat and magic^^

The Barbarian
12-29-07, 11:06 AM
Yep, they are pretty versatile.

Just wait til you get to 70 and everyone asks if you're resto, hahah.

12-29-07, 11:12 AM
I have a level 21 Draenei hunter named Ariin on the Scarlet Crusades server.
I only play during breaks when I have access to my brother's computer and account, and I really only play to RP, which doesn't work out so well since half the RPers on that server at least are illiterate and the other half just wander around naked looking for someone else who's interested in cybersex.:rolleyes:

The Barbarian
12-29-07, 12:10 PM
That's what happens when you have boobs.

It's pretty similar to real life.