View Full Version : Battle tour! FIGHT ONE! (closed to Die Sieben)

03-08-07, 08:19 AM
Omega was walking towards the citadel and heard that they were always helping fighters tune their senses back after a big mishap or something big. So freshly coming out of his pod after a few hundred years of concealment would of dulled his senses.

He walked up to the amazing front doors which felt as the were just normal wooden doors to Omega he didn’t care too much for stupid feelings like amazement or surprise or any feelings like that.

As he approached the front door it started to open and he instantly Flash stepped up ten feet onto a protruding rock or something. After a few moments the person had walked down the stairs and started out towards the nearby town. Omega jumped down and as soon as his foot reached the ground he flash stepped towards the front counter.

“I require a fight in a challenging area. Put me up against anyone as long as the terrain is treacherous that will be enough to sharpen my senses.” Omega said as the monk stared at him in amazement seeing as to the monk he just was in the doorway and in a second he was at the desk. “Monk, Me, Fight, NOW!”

“Y….Y…Yes sir right a way sir.” The monk stuttered as he pointed to a door that said do not open.

“Very well thank you.” Omega said as he flash stepped to the door and kicked it open for he did not like using his hands for anything besides sword wielding.

Omega went through and Ferin’Sha instantly started screaming to get back out the way they came. He was screaming this was a dangerous and unholy place.

“Sha Stop screaming or I just wont use you this fight, I came here to shake off rust and if this is really a dangerous place then it is good enough for me.”

The forest was like a pitch black forest except for the blue glow coming from Ferin’Sha as Omega was in a clearing of about 30 feet in radious.

Die Sieben
03-08-07, 07:55 PM
Any indented parts are the "speaking" inside Kylexan's head. I do it so people aren't confused about what's being said aloud.

Kylexan had heard many stories over the years of the Citadel, the dangers, the excitement, and of course the revivals. That was what interested him most of all. The monk magic of revival was so closely tied with the necromancy he had once possessed. His head began to stir as he got closer to the grand structure.

"Kylexan, you know that you could possibly meet your end here, do you not?" Nilia warned him.

"Quiet you..." Kylexan said blandly.

The Citadel was indeed worthy of it's reputation, the large doors themselves would have been menacing had Kylexan not seen such a large set of them before. The keep which he was entombed as a child was much larger than this marvel. He had heard at the time that demons had attacked Corone and this was the only pre-war structure left standing.

"A powerful magic enchantment and much more inside awaits us I sense." Said the mage.

"I sense it as well." Kylexan stood at the doors as they slowly creaked open. He was mostly interested in seeing the Citadel itself. He didn't care much for battling unless necessary unlike that unruly sailor, Marcus.

"We should fight while we're here at least. Don't let us be so bored all the time, Kylexan. We need something to do once in a while!" The sailor's voice rang through his head.

"We'll make a deal, you don't bother me for ten years and I'll arrange a fight here." Kylexan put on a smirk visible to one who could see his body.

"Really? Agreed! I shan't bother you to battle another soul for ten years!" The sailor bellowed in Kylexan's head.

Using years of peace in his head as currency was odd but effective. Kylexan loved it when they agreed to not bothering him about the same thing for years as long as they got their request met now.

The dark-haired man stepped through the Citadel gate and proceeded to what seemed to be the receptionist. He seemed to be a monk, too. Interesting. Most weren't used to hearing Kylexan's voice. A mixture of seven different voices that spoke together and used group terms to describe one body's desire.

"Good evening, may we arrange to battle another being of the flesh?" Kylexan looked into the monk's eyes trying to read his emotions. There wasn't much but he knew when the monk was about to speak.

"Why yes, in fact there was a man who just stormed into the current battleground screaming and yelling at me for a fight." The monk looked at Kylexan perplexed.

"Good, he is impatient then. We will fight him, where do we go to enter the battle?" Kylexan looked away from the monk for a door of some sort. There was an odd shimmering portal which he assumed brought the contestants to the place of battle.

"Right into that portal. The battlefield today is... different. Best of luck, I did not like that man."

Kylexan looked into the portal as it sat dormant, giving off a slight gleam. It reminded him of the infusion into his body over 3,000 years ago. Kylexan walked into the portal and felt the slight feeling that he was floating through the air and suddenly landed upon his feet in a dark forest. The trees were enormous, ahead there was a clearing and he saw the man he was to fight.

"We will obliterate him..." Kylexan muttered to himself.

The darkly handsome man walked into the opening to face his opponent.

03-08-07, 09:22 PM
There was a sound of a light foot touching down, almost as if someone was trying to walk slowly towards him. then almost as if they didnt care anymore it started walking heavily crushing twigs under every step. With a single blink Omega was now nowhere in the clearing but up in a tree looking down towards where he heard the man coming from. when he felt a cold blast of wind almost like a burning sensation in his shoulder.

"MOVE GET OUT OF THERE!" Ferin'Sha said outloud for once,his voice was a deep kinda dreamy voice all females heard but to a guy it just sounded deep and monotone. this surprised Omega as he flash stepped back into the middle of the clearing.

Catching his breath he felt Fern'Sha no longer with him. for once in his life Omega was truly alone inside the head of his.

"Sha!"Omega screamed as he finally saw the man come into view. it just went through his mind that this man had to take Ferin'Sha! "You will die!"

within a few seconds Omega was 3 feet away from the man, looking as though he was dissapearing and reappearing on his way to the man, he then started slashing like a mad man. "Give him back or i will definantly kill you!"

After about 20 slashes at the man's torso and head area. omega flash stepped back to the middle of the clearing to catch his breath before going back at it.

Die Sieben
03-08-07, 09:55 PM
Kylexan was amused by the rage this man had. He had seen it many times before in people who held objects or people sentimental.

"Amusing, how should I dispose of this fool?" Kylexan let out a sinister smile as the man stood there looking into his eyes.

"Heavy slashes I should think!" Marcus gave Kylexan the usual advice, telling him to use brute force to kill opponents.

"For once will you listen to me, Kylexan? I sense something odd about this one, he has a rage much more easily cracked open than most we have fought. Tire him, it will make him more angry and when he gets angry he will get relentless and predictable." The second, Exar had a point. Tiring this one seemed like an obvious but effective method.

"Thank you, Exar. I will listen to you." Kylexan hated how the druid always needed confirmation of a plan before the actions took place. He would nag forever if he didn't get his confirmation.

A moment later the man wasn't in the spot he was before. He seemed to be almost teleporting to the exact spot that Kylexan was standing at.

"Move quickly! He's zig-zagging!" The farmer girl always said such obvious things. It annoyed Kylexan when Flo talked during the heat of a battle.

The man was upon Kylexan, the crazed fool took a wild slash, Kylexan ducked under the horizantal swipe. While bending his back into an unnaturally low position he drew his sword and blocked the second slash coming straight down at his face. The man was a raging lunatic. The necromancer rolled to his left and dodged a slash, did the same to the right. This man wasn't thinking about what he was doing when he took a swing at Kylexan. After twenty or so slashes from the livid fool, he was suddenly gone.

Slightly panting Kylexan muttered to himself, "I hope this fool tires faster than I. It has been far too long..."

Kylexan took this moment to gather himself and grinned widely, "Greetings, I hope you are ready!" He glanced at the orange-haired man and turned around, walking into the colossal growths to his rear, Kylexan would use the mile-high trees to his advantage.

03-19-07, 09:26 AM
Omega was breathing heavily attacking straight after a Flash step was an incredible strain on his body, and moving his arms right now made him wince in pain. His sword now looked like a Dull normal blade not it’s normal hue of blue. Most of the time ferin’sha disappearing would be more then welcome but in a dangerous place like this and against an unknown fighter that all omega knew was that he could block his attacks.

“Ferin’Sha!!!” Omega screamed as he felt a sudden force from behind and his sword started glowing its usual hint of dark dark blue. “finally Sha where have you been?”

“well you see I saved your life and you repay me by going kamikaze on an unknown fighter.”

“Well you see Sha I thought he had took you, so if I killed him I would of taken you back.”

“Well now lets work together from here on and take this guy out.”

“Deal lets go” Omega said as almost instantly his breath was refreshed and his muscles no longer ached.

Omega looked at the man as Ferin’Sha’s powers started to leak into him making his eyes glow a sky blue color. And flash stepped behind the man 5 feet away and said where are you looking? I’m behind you!”

Die Sieben
04-07-07, 08:52 AM
The man had appeared behind him in a moment. As Kylexan turned around to see him, he readied himself by gripping his sword tightly and facing his left shoulder towards the man. The necromancer had walked in far enough to the forest for trees to be surrounding him on all sides. Hopefully there would be something he could use. Looking around him, there were branches with the diameter of a ceiling beam. They could obviously hold his weight or be enough to crush his opponent with. He would wait and see.

The darkly handsome fighter took a quick step back, almost tripping on a large root that was protruding from the ground. Looking around now, there were many of them.

"Just make him trip, Kylexan." Exar, the druid would have used his powers over nature but unfortunately his powers were useless when in the body of the necromancer.

"Aye, then stab 'im in the back. Watch for 'is teleporting trick though!" Such obvious advice was spurted out by the people in his head, there was no more time to waste, Kylexan took the next moment to attack the man standing in front of him.

Taking a quick lunge to the right, Kylexan made sure to avoid the roots he had earlier stumbled on. The necromancer took a stab at his opponent's foot and followed up by spinning to the right further. A hopefully well placed slash came from his momentum.

08-26-07, 09:16 AM
Omega was surprised at the Fast reflexes of this man it was too fast, he couldnt flash step away in time, and so he tried to jump back. the stab at the foot missed but the slash across his torso hit creating a semi deep slash across his torso.

" You Idiot! stay away from this man we can use our abilities." Sha gave his usual ranged advice.

"Sha i told you when we fight, we fight my way not yours." Omega said outloud as his hand was grabbing the wound that he just obtained, while blood poured out through his fingers.

"My name is OmegaStar a experimental fighter, i am the perfect creation."

Sha sighed as he just poured out his strength into Omega and kept quiet.

Omega put the sword behing his head, resting on his shoulders as he flashed back ten feet and waited for the next move.

10-02-09, 03:33 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Citadel Archive forum.
