View Full Version : A'rei Ngoyu

03-02-07, 10:21 AM
-Name: A'rei Ngoyu (Pronounced "Ah-Rai No-you")
-Age: 17
-Race: Human
-Hair Color: Blonde
-Eye Color: Green
-Height: 5'7"
-Weight: 142 pounds
-Occupation: Former slave (forced prostitution), now has no occupation.
-Handedness: Right for swordplay, usually has her left shoulder facing "forward"

Formerly outgoing and optimistic, A'rei has lost such beautiful traits and become more wary of the world. Usually respectful but emotionless to strangers, she rarely becomes familiar enough with anyone to open up and become emotional with said individual. When required to she will act in a variety of different manners and can be very persuasive at times.
In battle she becomes cold and often attempts to tire opponents out by continually evading their attempts until they become fatigued and then she moves in for the killing blow, usually the neck or heart.

A'rei, as the child of a farmer, had a surprisingly optimistic view about everything. Her father spoke of gloom and doom due to his tough luck throughout his entire life. His father before him had beaten him after coming home drunk from the pub in town, once grown up the only way he knew to punish his own daughter was a good beating. Hence, A'rei was beaten when a deed was not performed to his satisfaction. After nearly fifteen and a half years of repeated beatings, the 15 year-old took it upon herself to get out of the situation and ran away to the local market. There she was caught by slave traders and forced into prostitution.
After two years her "debt" to them was repaid through the money she received performing numerous acts of "love." During the forced "profession" choice she had learned from a client the basics of fighting. The man was in the business of liberating prisoners and slaves and told her when the time was right she would need the basic fighting skills he taught her over the course of seven nights which had been paid handsomely for.
By now, A'rei had lost the optimism she once possessed as a child and was now wary of the world. She set out on her own and used the little profit gained as a slave to buy the basic equipment she now possesses.

A'rei is a blond with beauty to rival that of the Elves. She has average height for a human female and has a submissive presence although the reality is quite the opposite, making people, mostly men, feel the need to try and make her "listen." A'rei has a light tan and soft, smooth skin from her days as a prostitute. A'rei's muscles are well developed from her days under the command of her abusive farmer father and has surprisingly few scars from such a history.

~General Skills:
-A'rei is above average at swordsmanship and uses eloquent, fluid motions to catch her opponent off-guard.
~Specific Skills:
-A'rei has been taught to use a swordplay technique called a feint very effectively. Switching her weapon from hand to hand, pretending to slice somewhere, switching and striking another, leaving the opponent baffled.
-A'rei is very well versed in the art of persuasion. She is unnaturally good at convincing people to do things they wouldn't normally do or getting a better price for bread at the market. Partly due to her beauty.

-Headgear: None.
-Chest: Leather cuirass, very flexible for quick, fluid movements.
-Shoulders: A leather pauldron on her left shoulder.
-Forearms/Hands: Leather gloves, which allow for the ability to switch sword hands faster.
-Thighs: Light cloth pants, which allow her to move in and out of the range of her opponents quickly and effectively.
-Feet: Leather high boots (Cover the feet and extend to slightly above the knees.)
-Additional: A tattered navy blue cloak with a large hood to conceal her face in necessary.
-Primary Weapon: A steel longsword.
-Secondary Weapon: A small iron dagger.

I'm Austrian so I'm sorry if I made any grammar errors or spelling errors.

Cyrus the virus
03-02-07, 01:13 PM
Under skills, can you please include a general note of how skilled she is with her blade? Something to the effect of "A'rei is above average as a fighter with her sword" would work just perfectly.

Austrian! Do you live in Austria now? If so, can I ask how you found Althanas? Lovely to have you here :)

03-02-07, 02:15 PM
I'll change that quickly then. :)

No, I don't live in Austria any longer. I moved to the US when I was about 12 so I'm confident enough in my English to come here. I heard about it from a friend on a game called Warcraft 3 (you may have heard of it) but I didn't put him as referring me because I wasn't sure what his name on Althanas was and I'm still not.

Cyrus the virus
03-02-07, 02:54 PM
Neato :)
