View Full Version : Book of Geldimorg: Part 1 of ?

Foresaken By War
02-18-07, 02:04 PM
Solo Quest

Thunder roared, dogs barked, and guards commanded. Splashing and panting Aralian ran as fast as he could, he had about five or six hundred yards until he got to the edge of the woods. The young elf was drenched in water, and scared for his life. Behind him he could hear the castle gates opening and the guards thunder across the bridge. They were only a couple hundred yards behind him. Thunder roared again in the dark night sky, unleashing its hell down with a powerful strike of lightning. The massive bolt split a lone maple tree nearly in half and caused Aralian to nearly jump out of his skin.

“Stupid, Stupid, Stupid…” he chided himself as he ran. “I should have waited another ten minutes until the guard fell fully asleep,” his voice trembled in not only from fear, but also tiredness.

* * * * *

It had been along time since he made his way to the sacred grounds of his elders. The elf was hoping to find something here that would break him apart from other warriors at his new found palace of war. War was consumed the little elf life and it was all that he had ever known. Then they cast him away like a broken sword with nothing except the clothes on his back, a staff, and only knowledge of fighting. The elf couldn’t help it that he was depressed from his best friend dying!

The grand Elvin army was never known for their sympathies. However, in the short time that he was away from the army, he found a small haven in the town of Radasanthia. It was called, “The Citadel.” It was like his own little paradise where he could fight all he wanted and never worry about dying. After his first battle with this one called Vigo, something inside him started to change a little. Aralian had no idea, but he was becoming slightly more power hungry and deep inside he wanted to be the most powerful person in the known world.

That is what brings Aralian back home. In his little bout he found that people have the ability to cast spells and cause nature, and other objects to do their bidding. They even have like a biological war fare that can cause your body to go into seizures. At least that was his experience with this substance that they called magic. His research had brought him home, to a powerful elf by the name of Geldimorg (Gil- dee- morr). This man had a small book that showed you how to bring out some spells and play with your own. He wasn’t sure how many spells were in the book, but he knew that they took along time to figure out which ones you could actually use, based upon your blood.

Which was quite a dilemma for young Aralian, because he did not know his parents or his ancestry, just that he lived with the Grand Elvin Army for a long time so he had to be part Elvin. Geldimorg lived on the sacred ground of the ancestors and in the very castle that Aralian was running away from. He had many guards and was well protected at all times. There are many rumors stating that he didn’t need them, but legend has it, once you have his book he gets so angry and frustrated that he passes out, which is why the guards come into play. Aralian wants to get that book.

* * * * *

With each passing second he grew closer and closer to the woods. The powerful slamming of his moccasins meeting with the mud and raising back up made the most awful sounding noise. He knew that at this rate he was barely going to make it to the woods and would have to keep running to the riverbed to lose the dogs scent. Just as he was about to enter the woods and make his ravishing escape, he heard the worst possible thing.

“He’s heading for the woods! Release the hounds!!!”

“Oh great all this work and I’m barely out running the dogs!” he thought to himself as he ducked and weaved into the woods past a couple of trees before stumbling and falling to the ground.

When he made it to his feet he was covered in mud, he had no time to waste though he had to move. It would come off in the river bed which was only a short ways away. He could hear the guard dogs behind him entering the first couple feet of the woods sticks crunching under their paws. Time was now of the essence, he could see the riverbed ahead of him. He started to run a little harder, when he slipped again, this time when he went to his feet he felt a feeling of teeth sinking into the area above his moccasin.

“AHHHH!” he winced in pain as he whipped his staff around and smacked the dog on the head causing it to back off yelping.

He limped forward to the riverbed, the other dogs catching up to their now wounded comrade. Just as the dogs were catching up he dove into the river and began swimming underwater with the current. He came up around a hundred yards down river, gasping for air. He was so tired he just wanted to give up and float down stream for awhile. But the muddy cold river was almost unbearable. He gathered his strength and swam to the beach. Jogging a couple hundred more yards until he could no longer hear barking or guards, he knew he would be safe until mourning.

Just to be safe though he moved to find as much cover as he could, which he did find inside of a hollowed out oak tree, his small stature fitting right into the bottom of the tree. Small bits of water still dripped on him, but it was much better than being outside.

Foresaken By War
02-22-07, 05:14 PM
The light of day had not even broken before Aralian heard the sounds of another long day. The elf's slumber interrupted by the menacing sounds of clanking metal. His ears perked up and his once questionable thoughts, turned into his worst fear. Hastily he fumbled to his feet, hitting the top of his head off the side of the tree.

"...grrr," he cursed at himself, "Stupid tree, Stupid Gaurds..."

Aralian moved quickly and smoothly with his hands, inching his staff out of the small leather strap the spayed an X in the middle of his back and slid the staff out of his monks robe, which was still saturated from last nights rain. As the clanking sounds came closer, he edged nervously up to the edge, taking many small head jerks, before he actually broke the plain of the tree to find there exact position. He saw nothing, and now he heard nothing.

"Where are you blasted people?" he thought. "If they are out here still chasing me, who is at the castle? And Where the HELL did they go?"

It was just about this time that he directed his vision in front of him, and relaxed, only to see a glimmering metal flying at his head. Instinctively he dropped to the ground. Turned tail and ran for the stream. He didn't get the clear look at anything but the speeding weapon so he wasn't quite sure who or how many there were back there. He hadn't gotten far before he was at the once calm stream, which was now a raging river that he would never make it across. The only bridge was a ways up the road and it was guarded by a select few from the Elvin Imperial Army, which is the best of the best from the Grand Elvin Army.

He had stopped dead in his tracks and knew that he had to make a break for somewhere. The young elf's eyes peered back around to the noise of the clanking metal attackers, to realize there were only two of them. However, the heavy monks robe would not do to fight. He started to take it off and then a plan came to mind, quickly he darted behind a few trees, fumbling with his staff as he wrestled the woolen robe off.

"I bet I could catch them by surprise, If I throw my robe in the river, then toss a rock in after it they will see it floating down stream and think that I jumped."

It was a good thing for the elf that he had many survival courses in his years with the Elvin army, he was willing to bet that these Wizard's guards didn't. That they were just some evil henchmen. He launched the rock into the river and then the monks robe, and stayed behind the tree. Aralian crept low as the guards came closer, he watched patiently for the time being, and covered himself from all view.

"Did he just?" One of the guards started to say, the shriek of metal as they put their swords away and opened their visors.

"I can't believe it," the one on the left said, "he was so little he would have to be dead."

"I know, its too bad I missed cutting his head off," the one on the right commented back.

A small smile crept across Aralian's face as he got ready, clutching his staff in his left and for the time being. He uncovered himself from behind the tree's and shrubs. The usually crunchy leaves that would usually give way to his position gave way to soft steps as bits of water squirted out from the sides. Each step he inched until he was around five feet away.

Then launched his staff bluntly into the one on the right side. The soldier stumbled forward and fell head first into the river, the metal suit filling with water fast as he was swept down stream. If he was lucky he would get out of the armor, or find a place to stand until the water got higher. The other soldier was too quick turning around and drawing his sword, or he would have the same fate.

Aralian just stood back for a second, to size up the sentinel waiting to make his move.

Foresaken By War
03-01-07, 06:09 AM
In dangerous situations people will become like an animal that closely matches their typical personality. When Aralian was in the army his personality matched that of a leaf cutter ant, which is a creature that is constantly working and doing its job to the fullest. Now out of the army, he had a few set goals with his life and his personality has changed slightly. In most dangerous situations snakes will try to run first, but when running does not prevail they attack with unyielding strikes until the enemy is dead. Some snakes are even known to hunt down anything that they feel is a threat and then kill it.

Aralian had seemed to be in the same situation, he was had tried his share at running. That did not work, now one enemy subdued, it was time to remove the other one. As he looked the man over, he knew that the man was superior in size, towering over him by almost a foot. This would almost ensure his slowness, if not, the fact that he was covered head to toe in stainless steel armor. He was yielding a modified board sword, or maybe a katana, the elf couldn’t catch up to the speeding blade to tell for sure as the armored man tried to show his dominance with the sword.

“I recommend that you drop the weapon and join your friend,” he said in his elvin tongue.

A cocky swagger seemed to take over his body as started to circle limberly. He swung his staff slightly around making a couple of graceful moves until it rested on his shoulder. He was now a couple feet from his opponent

“You are small and pathetic and call yourself an elf,” a slightly human accent showing through in his voice. “I shall crush you and get promoted and be next in line to receive my half of the book.”

Aralian just nodded and smiled, his white tunic thrashing around in the wind. His staff lifted and from both men you could see that the battle was on. The knight attacked first and leaped forward with a fierce swipe from his katana. The young elf was nearly hit his tunic taking some damage along the left sleeve. Without hesitation or waiting for the elf to get his feet set, the knight charged forward hastily. The elf parried easily and smacked the man pushing him across and making him stumble slightly. The hit was met with a loud thud of the wood hitting on armor and denting it faintly.

“See what happens when you are over zealous,” the elf said surreptitiously.

The knight could not take the slight chiding and attacked angrily, the elf decided instead of dodging that it would be suitable to give a counterattack. As the knight drew near, the elf dove to the ground evading the slashing from the sword and wrapping his legs around the knight, causing him to plummet to the ground with a thud and a clank. When the knight had risen to his feet, his helmet was dented and blood was seeping out of the cracks.

"Give up," Aralian said with a pronounced swagger.

With a growl the knight ran as fast as he could forward, swinging recklessly that sharp steel katana. Swing after swing the elf ducked and dodged, he almost felt like a prarie dog looking frivoulously for enimies. Finally the katana stopped, but only because it had finally tasted that sweet nector that it sought. A slight cut had formed roughly around the elfs midsection, his white tunic would surely be ruined by this crimson liquid, not to mention the gash in it that was produced by the sword.

The knight did not waste time for the elf to react in anyway to the strike. This was his job and his pride at stake. Instead he shimmied himself around, swinging testily at the elf. Aralian dodged a few times before discovering a master plan. The knight was weak, but smart enough to not be caught in the elfs other traps. This time he was going to use his own armor against him.

The knight anxiously went to town again, hacking and slicing at the air infront of the elf. Wisely Aralian took a giant leap backwards until he was almost near the river bed.

The knight stopped and smiled, "You think I'm as dumb as my counterpart?"

The elf said nothing, nodding with a cocky smile. He knew how to push the man's buttons. The knight gave a shocked look and then started to move towards the elf. He took slow cautious steps to try to maintain his balance, but that is what the elf wanted. With each slow step the heavy man and his heavy armor sunk deeper and deeper into the soft soil by the river bed. When he was almost within a swords reach the elf descided to make his moving. Diving quickly to the side, evading a possible slice from the sharp katana.

The heavy knight could not move fast enough, but the light elf was almost able to walk across it without sinking an inch. As fast as he could run the elf moved for the back of the knight, who was struggling to lift both of his feet out of the muck to no evail. Jibberish was flaing from the man's mouth as he struggled and swung to sword multiple times. Aiming carefully the elf used his staff to swing visciously at the back of the knights head, causing him to fall flat into the mud unconscious. Slight bits of blood seeped out from the back of his head onto the mud.

Aralian knew he had to work fast, he grabbed the katana and stuck it in along his belt line and also put his staff back in its home along his back. Now it was time to find a camp, until knight fall when hopefully he could get passed the perimiter of the castle.