View Full Version : Awakened: Return from Exile (open)

Falcon Darkflight
04-11-06, 06:54 AM
The gentle pattering of the rain on the thick, bushy leaves of Concordia's great forest created a zone of comfort in the silence of the night. There was nothing alive that was awake at this early time in the morning and not even a dark navy blue hint of dawn, not a shred of light, appeared in the inky, cloud smudged sky. The sodden earth on the soil of the forest bed consisted more of the soaking wet autumn leaves than of dirt these days and this placed a lot of emphasis on the sheer volume of trees emerging, even at this late stage in the year. The odours of the greenery mixed and swirled with the scents of the fresh and healthy forest soil and further added to the natural atmosphere.

The Great Forest was one of the places known in Althanas for its beauty - this was undeniable. Many people, warriors and citizens alike, travelled here for inspiration, meditation and reflection on a regular basis, yet the sheer mass of plantlife in this massive region meant that solitude amongst nature was not difficult to find. For this reason, it was Canen Darkflight who had travelled here on this stormy night.

The breeze of the storm made his red and black runed cape flap in the wind like the sail of a ship, and his black hair tumble about the wind in heavy, twisted saturated strands and his emerald eyes wince with the force of the gust. He strode over the leaves and through the blanket of branches through the forest in a manner which almost seemed like gliding. He was light footed despite his weight and rarely allowed a single twig to break underneath his crisp leather boots. He had journied far, from the faraway regions outside of the known borders to return to the Corone mainland after his self inflicted exile away from civilisation, and it had appeared that he had returned to a self aware and fit state again. There were no dark markings on his skin, no signs of wear or tear on his body. There was even a slight smile on his lips as he embraced the isolation in nature he so loved, standing still for a moment so he could feel the droplets of rainwater fall from the leaves above.

This is what i've missed. This kind of picture. He concluded, staring up at the dark and murky sky. I wonder what's happened since my exile...perhaps I can even catch up to Luc Kraus, or Kaiser if he's still about...

Left with his thoughts in the rain, he perched himself on a fallen tree trunk, hollowed out it seemed by some sort of vicious termite faction. It was too wet to begin a fire, so for the moment he lay his head down and closed his eyes, visualising his return to the city of Radasanth.

Swing It
04-18-06, 05:04 PM
Another crack of thunder ripped through the night air like a razor across a guilt wridden wrist. Jak did so enjoy thunder storms. The wind, the coolness of the air, he was always one to prefer bitter cold to scorching heat.

This was the first storm Jak had witnessed in this strange, new land. He had only docked in Radasanth a few days before. The flora and fauna of this continent reminded him of his own, and so, he was content here. It was in that moment he had decided to make this forest, this Concordia his sanctuary.

Laying upon a log was a rather tall, caped man. His body was relaxed, not like a corpse, stiff and motionless. Jak decided he must be enjoying the weather.

Jak took a seat upon the damp ground and leaned back against the rotting oak. He looked up at the sky and watched the lightning dance with the clouds. He spoke aloud,

" Beautiful isn't it? So much power in those luminescent veins of the sky, yet so much beauty. Thier irratic behavior is what intregues me the most. How is it possible that all those bolts of lightning, exactly alike in power and composition, could vary so much in where, when and how long they strike. Don't you think friend? "

Falcon Darkflight
04-19-06, 07:17 AM
At first, it took Canen a while for it to dawn upon him he wasn't dreaming. Thick, black strands of matted hair followed his head has he righted himself on the log and gazed drearily at his new company through his sharp emerald eyes, before glancing up at the sky whilst huge forks of lighting bolted across the night sky amongst the noise-like distortion of falling raindrops. He felt the cool moisture on his skin comfort him slightly as he lowered his head and seated himself on the edge of his rotting wooden perch, still staring at the person in front of him in a dreamlike state. The man appeared to have golden blonde hair, although now brown and soaked with rainwater, and a dazzling pair of shimmering ice blue eyes that seemed to leap out and grab your attention through the darkness.

"...You seem to be referring to their static nature, their 'shell'..." Canen remarked in return, satisfied that this mysterious man was not going to cause him any concern or problem. "...You could have a clan of warriors, all alike in moral, ethic and strength, yet each one would have a single and unique personality that would differentiate the length, the postition and the timing of their attacks..."

He rose to his feet and allowed his boots to press into the soaked forest floor, mashing the fragile leaves into a watery mixture underneath the soles. Despite the pounding rain and the awfully loud claps of thunder accompanying each massive streak of electricity, something did seem very tranquil about the atmosphere. It was slightly humid and perhaps a little cold, but he felt undisturbed and at peace amongst the raging storm. Perhaps it reflected the way he used to be, the storm, flashing with anger and hatred and ceaseless in its battering of the land, but now Canen rejected the storm's impact on him. He embraced it.

"...Personality is the difference in everything. Even inanimate objects such as swords and shields show personality, the mark of a craftsman or some sort of characteristic that would make it different from others. Do you not agree?"

Swing It
04-21-06, 03:54 PM
" To be completely honest friend, I had never looked at it from that perspective. I suppose it was rude of me to dismiss the elements of nature as soulless entities rather than the very spirit of the planet itself. "

Jak looked back up to the sky and spread his arms abroad. He shouted into the air, as if speaking to the sky itself. " FORGIVE ME GREAT SPIRIT! MY KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR GREATNESS ONLY EXTENDS SO FAR! "

Jak turned back to the black haired man, whom he only now realized towered over him. He felt but a child staring in awe at a royal knight. The man's ebony hair clung to his pale skin as the rain poured down upon them. He was dressed in a somewhat colorful attire, though his appearance had a certain ominous darkness about it. Perhaps one's clothing could act as a window to thier past.

It was then Jak realized he had not even introduced himself to this tall stranger. " Forgive my rudeness, I do not believe we have been properly introduced. My name is James Alexander Kingsly, but my friends call me Jak. " Jak stretched out a rain soaked hand and awaited the man's response.

Falcon Darkflight
04-24-06, 07:17 AM
Canen should have been quite surpised by the sudden reaction the elven warrior in front of him had given off, raising his arms aloft and yelling into the sky for forgiveness, but for some reason he didn't seem phased by it. He had been witness to some strange and interesting cults and religions in his time that had cultivated his interest in meeting with and debating with new people, and he rather enjoyed the theories and opinions of others. It helped broaden his own perspective of the world and allowed him to see things from one other point of view. This skill was not only essential in life, but also very, very relevant to his current position. He leaned forward and took the soaked hand of this Jak, and shook it firmly.

"Canen Maxmillian Darkflight. If I had friends, they would call me Canen." He half mused, peering deeper into Jak's eyes. They seemed to captivate him.

"Tell me Jak..." He began again, referring to the rather vocal incident just passed "Are you a philosopher by trade? You seem keen on the subject of the elements, searching for some sort of explanation to their workings..."

09-24-06, 10:31 AM
This thread has been closed due to inactivity and moved to the Archives. If you wish to reactivate this thread, please PM me or one of the administrators.