View Full Version : Sword shopping

Lady Blackwell
11-29-06, 08:04 AM
Max was walking down the wide roadway ahead of him heading to the local bazzar. the ground was muddy and full of carrages carring various things around, Max didnt have time to find out what all this was or even why these people were all in a rush.

Max reached the front door of the bazzar and entered the doorway wasnt much bigger then he was but he fit through it pretty easily. he walked straight up to the desk and didnt waaste no time to the man there.

"Hello, i would like a nice steel greatsword not to expensive seeing as i have limited cash please try and keep it below the 80 gold mark but 80 gold is fine i just want an extra sword incase i am disarmed in a fight." Max said as he stared the man straight in the face waiting for an answer.

11-29-06, 02:32 PM
"Well, then a great sword may not be what you're looking for sir," the merchant replied with a smile. With a slight florish seen in stage magicians he produced a long, thin sword one most often seen for dueling in the land of nobles. "A longsword I think would suit your needs a bit easier. It's about the same size as this. Hold on, I'll grab one."

The merchant went around the table, placing the dueling sword back into the sheath at his side as he did so. He had no real skill with the blade, but having it for show was often more than enough. He found the longsword he was looking for, showing it to the boy with a grin. "It's a bit like the one I just showed you, but thicker than that, and thinner than a normal longsword. So you can poke holes in the bad guys before they swing their quick blades at you. For you, this iron blade is 75 gold."

Lady Blackwell
11-29-06, 04:09 PM
"hmm i can go as high as 100 gold but i cant go no higher then that." Max said as he went into his gold pouch and emptied its contents on to the counter. " i want the best sword i can get for 100 gold preferably made of steel but i am really leaning towards a great sword."

Max took off his cape and shown his short sword sheathe that ran horizontal across his waist. He then told the man that he wanted the sheathe to go from his right shoulder to his left side of his waist.

11-29-06, 05:35 PM
"Hmmm," the merchant said, biting his lower lip as he thought. He put the blade he took out away, trying to think of a sword that would fit the boy's range. "I doubt we have any steel greatswords for under 100, but we may have a cheap iron one that goes for what you have."

The merchant walked beyond him, looking along the swords hanging on their racks. Hehad a lot of the cheaper weaponry at his sword, and while not of the highest quality, it was still sturdy enough to last for a while. He smilied, picking out the iron greatsword he was thinking of and showed it to the boy. "Would this guy do?"

Lady Blackwell
11-29-06, 08:09 PM
Max looked it up and down there didnt seem to be big marks or any marks for him to see at all.

"It seems alright but i would like something that could stand up against a few battles in the citadel if you have heard about it or seen how rough the battles are."Max looked at his gold and then at the sword that was being shown to him." if i have to go to the steel longsword if it would last me longer i will cause all i need is something to use as a backup in case i am disarmed."

Max grabbed his gold and held it upon the palm of his hand.

11-30-06, 06:21 PM
"Don't worry sir, that should will last you a while," the mechant replied honestly. He took the gold his customer held, placing it safely inside his coat pocket until he could put it away for good. "It'd take at least a couple dozen hard fought battles to break it, and when you do, come back to my shop with the pieces. I'll have it reforged at half the price. But use this every couple battles alongside the edge of the blade to keep it keen. It won't hold an edge as well as that short sword as yours."

He paused a second, selecting the stone and giving it to him. "Anything else you need?"

((Just about done, 85 gold taken so far.))

Lady Blackwell
12-01-06, 07:26 AM
"no thank you sir, i am done shopping here." Max said as he tossed a few extra gold coins towards the man as a tip and a thanks.

12-02-06, 08:30 AM
((Transaction complete. 85 gold taken away, and 15 gold remains at time of thread completion. Pleasure doing business))