View Full Version : Writing Challenge - 1

07-18-17, 06:19 AM
This is a challenge thread, where writers are asked to compete against each other. Writers are asked to present a single, short writing piece in response to the prompt. The winner will receive 75gp and 100xp. Runners up will receive 50gp.

The winner will be the writer who best encapsulates the prompt, that means representing something about the prompt in your writing. Entries should be shorter than Vignettes; 75 to 100 words. Brevity will be a challenge.

The closes in two weeks (1 August). Have fun!


07-18-17, 09:15 AM
I don’t remember where we were, what she was reading. it’s mostly watercolors with too much water, running, staining into one another. Her shoes were red, I think.

I remember the tea, citrus and mint, the smell went well with her eyes, looking over those trendy glasses in playful annoyance. She would have looked good as a grandmother, I thought.

We sat out in the woods for I don’t know how long, wrapped in a blanket of tea and emotion and stars.

Nowadays though, the thought of her brings me sorrow.

Memories are funny things.

07-18-17, 10:20 AM
"I made you coffee."

"You're an angel."

Messy brown hair, green eyes glancing over glasses, ripped jeans and all. Her red shoes matched the roses tattooed on her arm, and the rouge painted on her lips. Sitting in her garden by the old fence, looking at me the way she always did.

"It's good to see you," I said.

"You, too. And I wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything."

"It's okay," I said, "it was a long time ago. Life flows on."

She passed me the steaming mug. I inhaled the rich aroma and smiled. "I missed you."

99 words

07-23-17, 11:25 PM
My heart burned from her laugh, like a song plucked on acoustic strings of fire. Her chestnut hair cascaded down like dreams rolling over my eyes as the sun traded places with the moon. The rose thorns tattooed upon her arm, worn as a badge, served to ward away suitors. My beauty will hurt you, they warned.

I didn’t heed that warning. I didn’t want to. How could I?

Red shoes. Red lips. Red rose. I’ll never forget that day; the day I caught sight of the Devil's Dare.

It came in the form of a smile.

One. Smile.

07-28-17, 05:42 AM
A Juliet

'Honey,' she introduced herself as.

Ruby red lips open, she smiles with the temptation of Eden itself.

I ask her if she had been here long, but her response is just a small shrug and an indication to the mug beside her - which smells pungently sweet and has the twirls of intense heat cascading from it.

"I like honey in my tea. That is why they call me that."

"Who is they?" I ask.

"'Roses by any other name would smell as sweet,' surely," she quotes.

Though confused, slowly I sit. And I have to agree.

08-02-17, 08:24 AM
Burnt bronze and cool blue. That’s what I remember when I think of that day. The rest seems fuzzy, like it didn’t matter at all. The red of your lips, the blue of your eyes; that’s what mattered. If I could go back there I would. I’d live there, in that moment forever. But I can’t. Instead I watch you now, lying there. Your lips aren’t red. Your clothes nothing but a dull hospital gown. Your hand is cold, but when you smile…. when you smile I see that young woman, I see bronze and blue, and such vibrant red.

Well done all! Here is my entry, sitting at exactly 100 words. I loved the entries, lots of talk of love and meetings. The image certainly lends itself to a memory.

Congratulations Breaker!

Redford receives 50gp
Breaker receives 75gp and 100xp
SirArtemis receives 50gp
Philomel receives 50gp

09-01-17, 05:44 PM
Rewards have been added!