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Benjamin Ritter
11-25-06, 12:58 AM
Name: Benjamin Ritter
Age: 26
Race: Human
Occupation: See Current Status

Appearance: In a world of blind men, the one-eyed man is king. Well, it can work the other way too; in a world of people who stand at 6'2", the 5'11" man is slave. It is roughly this way for Benjamin. In another life, another place, he might have been the master of all he surveyed, the great general, the noble hero. He might even have played the cruel villain. But standing the way he does -- shorter than most, smarter than some, craftier than few, and generally normal -- he cuts no dashing figure. He is Benjamin -- brown hair and plain features do not win a maiden's heart. About the only thing that sets him apart is a winning smile, made all the more endearing by slightly mismatched front teeth. But he lives in a world conspiring to keep the smile from his face.


Benjamin was born on a blustery April day. The circumstances of his birth may be the most interesting thing ever to happen to him. His father was the sort of slightly-better-than-common, slightly-less-than-bourgeoisie man who had worked his way from fairly humble beginnings to something of a budding entrepreneur. He had a small stake in a few business ventures in Gisela, mainly among the fledgling industries of the town, things like paper mills and rubber factories. Nothing large or intense, merely the sort of newfangled technological dabble that the Monks of Ai'Bron tended to sniff at. He had just landed a wife that was maybe a tad above his station, and to try to impress her and make her feel as though she had not landed entirely with a lesser partner he arranged a boating trip.

It was to be a grand affair, exactly the sort of thing an aristocrat would do on a blustery April day. Sadly, however, his father had paid little attention to the calendar, and planned the outing for the very weekend that Benjamin was to be born. His mother had been quite angry at his father, actually, but had hidden her consternation, as a goodwife should, in order to smooth the waters. She had borne him patiently up until then, and taken great pains not to overexert herself. A little boating couldn't have spoiled that.

But, alas, there in the boat on the blustery April day, as a small wave shook the boat with the most force the craft had seen that morning, his mother's water broke. Being in the middle of the lake, it was all Benjamin's father could do to row back in time, but it was still not enough. Benjamin Lloyd Ritter was born there on the banks of a small lake near Gisela. From the way his father told the story, a blue heron had watched the whole affair from a stand of cattails by the water's edge, and his father swore that it was a sign his son would be a majestic lordling or a decorated general one day. But Benjamin always suspected that it was a fancy, something made up one day to impress the guests that his father had through on occasion, as a way of playing at being aristocratic.

And there, I'm afraid, I'll have to cut the history short. I know what happens, of course, but I'd rather you not know quite yet. I hope we can agree that not all secrets should be revealed simply because the registration mod demands them?

Current Status

Lloyd is currently the Deputy Assistant Undersecretary for Personnel Management at the headquarters of the Gisela Branch of the Coronian Army. In other words, he pushes paper. The Assistant Undersecretary for Personnel Management hands him some papers, which he reviews for accuracy, stamps, then gives to the Associate Deputy Assistant Undersecretary for Personnel Management, who relays them through the proper channels back to the desk of the Assistant Undersecretary of Personnel Management, who signs them and presents them to the Undersecretary of Personnel Management, who then shouts a bit at the Assistant Undersecretary of Personnel Management, who in turn yells at Benjamin for stamping in the wrong boxes on the documents. This is all very important work, without which it is certain that Alerar would rule the world and Raiaerans would be whining all the time about Dark Elven taste in music.

EDIT: Cyrus suggested that he wait for Megan or Duro to sign on, because he sloughs off his responsibilities to this forum. I am calling him on it.

Cyrus the virus
11-25-06, 01:07 AM
Approved, Slappy.