View Full Version : First 2017 Semi-Annual Tournament Poll

01-10-17, 09:01 PM
We admins and moderators, players like you, got together and decided we needed more control in the hands of the people who will benefit from it the most. That means Althanas caters to you, our players. To do that, we need your input and with it, we will create and run a myriad of events and challenges suited to your interests.

Before now, staff decided when and what major events occurred. While we won't be abolishing that method of engagement, the players will now decide what they want to do most.

From now on, twice a year we will open the polls to the players so they may pick the tournament that most interests them. When the selection is made, the staff will begin preparation to run your tournament. To prevent repetitiveness, any tournament you pick will be removed from the next poll two polls.

So, without further delay, I open to polls to you, the players, writers, and lifeblood of Althanas.

Tournament Details:

The Serenti Invitational

​The Serenti Invitational was the first tournament ever held on Althanas, and consists of a series of traditional one-on-one battles.


Battles in the Serenti Invitational are scored the same as any regular battle. All standard rules of battle on Althanas apply.
Match-ups will be determined randomly at the beginning of the tournament.
The first player to post is allowed to create the setting for the battle.
Any players who do not post in their threads will be disqualified and the player who did participate will be removed from the next rounds.

Advancement and Rewards:
At the end of each round, the player with the better score will advance. The winner of the tournament will earn 4,000 EXP, while the second place and third place winners will receive 1,500 and 1,000 EXP respectively.

Previous Winners:

Kaltrenix Gartoic
Elrundir Galadhrim
Storm Veritas
Relt PeltFelter

The Cell

​The Cell is a free-for-all tournaments were large groups of players battle inside steel mesh cells.


Players may register multiple alternate character accounts.
Players will be randomly divided into groups of 8 at the beginning of the tournament. To avoid disqualification each character (not player) must post at least 5 times in his or her thread.

Advancement and Rewards:

At the end of a round each player in the thread will receive a score, and the players with the three best scores in each of the cages will advance to the final round. EXP rewards for the first round are determined using the level of the highest character in the thread. The three players who advance will receive winning EXP, while the other five players will receive EXP as if they had lost the battle.

All players who advanced from the first round will then participate in second round free-for-all to determine the winner of the tournament. The final round is scored identically to the first round, and the three winners are chosen by the top three scores with a first, second, and third place.

Previous Winners:

The Solitary Soul
Roht Mirage

The Lornius Corporate Challenge

​A crowd favorite, The Lornius Corporate Challenge is a two-on-two tournament that puts teams of players in combat against each other.


Players must register for the tournament in teams. Players who wish to participate but cannot find a partner can still register and will be placed randomly with a partner once registration has closed (unless the player finds another member without a partner and they decide to team).
The LCC is a ranked tournament, meaning that the 24 teams will be seeded according to player votes. The top 8 teams will receive first round byes. Match-ups in the first round are determined using a tournament bracket which will be posted before the LCC starts.
The first team in an LCC thread has the right to describe the battle's setting.
If one member of a team is inactive the other player may continue the battle.


Each LCC thread will be judged like a normal battle, and the team's score will be determined by averaging each player's individual score. The group with the highest team score will then advance.

There will be three winners: a first, a second, and a third.

Previous Winners:

Steel Duo (Mist and Sorjax)
The Do-Gooders (Edmund_Lorisiac and Kylin_Rouge)
Assassins of Alerar (Redrick and Thoracis)
Chivalry and Savagery (Glories of Myrmidion and Tusk)

The Gisela Open

​The Gisela Open is a tournament where each player controls a vast army and pits his or her force against that of his or her opponent's.


Perhaps the most difficult part of The Gisela Open is its registration. Each player is allowed a 1,000-unit strong army, but the player must describe each different unit in the registration thread and have it approved by the tournament moderator. Players are also allowed to have three heroes or commanders, and they also must be approved before the tournament starts.
The first player to post in a Gisela Open thread has the right to create the setting.
A Gisela battle must have at least 10 posts to earn regular EXP awards.


Each Gisela thread will be judged like a normal battle, and the player with the highest score will advance to the next round.

There will be three winners chosen, a first, a second, and a third.

Previous Winners:

Silence Sei

The Adventurer's Crown

The Adventurer's Crown is the only tournament featuring a PvE setting instead of PvP combat. This is a quest tournament that starts with 32 characters, randomly paired off, and eventually makes it down to 4.


Staff will provide a very loose prompt for you to follow at the start of the round. Every team will have the same prompt, but the actual arena creation is up to them.
The initial posting order is how the threads continue, with a 24 hour time limit to post from the last post. If one of the members does not make the deadline, they are disqualified. If all members of a team do not make the deadline, they are eliminated from the tournament. Teams will, however, be granted an additional 24 hours if one of your team members is disqualified. Use of "Placeholders" are prohibited and editing time-stamps will be monitored for abuse.
Out of the eight teams that enter, only the four with the highest scores will advance to the Semi-finals, where the teams of 4 become teams of 2. The two highest scoring teams will each advance to the finals, where the finalists will each provide a solo to determine the placement and awards. Challengers will not be placed with the same person twice.


Judgments are scored as a group and is not broken down by individual writers. Commentary is combined and it is the judge's discretion to differentiate strength and weaknesses of individuals as they see fit. The four highest scoring teams will advance and be broken into teams of two. The same scoring methods apply to decide the next four highest teams. The final eight will then conduct solos where judgments are fully broken down to determine the finalists.

There are four winners in this tournament. Three are considered placement positions such as first, second, and third. A forth will be awarded an honorable mention as well as a slightly larger prize than the remaining participants.

Previous Winners:

The Mongrel

Storm Veritas
01-11-17, 07:36 AM
LCC winner list needs updating. ;)

I voted A/C because I find it the most fun and it's been a while.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-11-17, 02:59 PM
I'd like either the Serenti or the AC!

01-11-17, 03:22 PM
I'm the one vote for LCC ��

Tobias Stalt
01-15-17, 08:51 AM

01-16-17, 02:38 AM
Goode olde fasione fistie-cuffs.....ie!

Serenti or Cell! :D

Ayithe Solete
01-16-17, 04:16 AM
Adventurers crown. Surely this is everything Althanas is about. Adventure, quality and co-operation.

01-23-17, 01:08 PM
Poll ends tomorrow at 8:00PM MST. If you haven't voted, you may want to consider voting.

01-25-17, 03:35 AM
This poll is closed. The Adventurer's Crown wins. Rules and registration begin later today!