View Full Version : Gadrial

11-05-16, 07:19 PM
Name: Gadrial
Age: 29
Race: Half Elf
Height: 5'10
Personality: Gadrial is calm, and even tempered, though at times his temper can and will get the best of him. He is quick to help those in need but cautious of those around him. Gadrial is also very mindful of his surroundings.

History: After the loss of his father. Gadrial and his mother left the village and went out to the forest to a small plot of land owned by his uncle (on his father's side) where he grew up. Through his uncle, Gadrial learned to hunt, trap, track, and shoot a bow. Among learning this basic skills to survive. Gadrial learned other skills, such as sword play, throwing small knives, and wielding 2 weapons at once. What Gadrial didn't know is that he was being trained to fight for himself when the occasion called. He would often go to the village, where he would spend time with a local blacksmiths daughter, Naomi. There he learned maintain blades. One evening, Gardial and his mother went to the village for a few items. A girl stepped out of the shadows. Standing right in front of them. And without warning, she drew sword and ran it through his mother, and said "only a bind fool, would think they could hide!) which is something his father use to say many years ago. That night, a 17 year old Gadrial vowed to never let any one close to him face that fate. Sense that night. Gadrial has wondered the land, searching for this mysterious girl....

Appearance: Gadrial is a tall, muscular young man. His hair is black, like oil; And extends down to his shoulders. His eyes, a light blue. Almost like a diamond.
Skills: Sneak: Though he is not small. Gadrial is skilled in sneaking around. Moving through the shadows and remaining unseen.
Tracking: Gadrial is skilled at tracking. No matter what it is. He cant track down his meal, or his target.
Hunting: Gadrial's uncle taught him to hunt at a young age, and he now leans on the skill skill to survive, sometimes more than other.
Trapping: A skill that for Gadrial, is valued.
Pickpocket: Due to being on his own at a young age. Gadrial has become quit proficient at picking pockets. Though it is a skill he is not too fond of. It is a skill that has proved it's worth
Lock Picking: Like picking pockets, Gadrial has found that lock picking has it's uses.
Dual Wielding: Gadrial has honed his skills in dual wielding over the years. Though he still has lots to learn.
Detection: Gadrial has spent so much time on his own. Over the years. He has learned to detect traps, and the presence of a follower when he is being tracked.

Abilities: Healing: Due to the Elvin blood pulsing through his veins. Gadrial has the inherent ability to heal his own flesh wounds, small cuts, and burns 5 times a thread. Though he knows via stories that he has heard that he his able to do so much more with this ability

Night eye: Gadrial also possess's a unique ability that some elves say is part of a bloodline. Though it has never been proven. In areas where light is dim. Gadrial is able to see twice as well as an average person. And at night or in the areas where light is almost nonexsistant. He can see has if there was a few torches a short distance away. His back draw to this is that he can only do it a few times, about few days

Equipment/Weapons: A suit of light leather armor with a hooded cloak, a steel short sword, dual steel daggers, a set of three small knives made of obsidian weighed for throwing, and a sturdy hard wood hunting bow with a quiver of iron arrows.

Cards of Fate
11-05-16, 09:07 PM
Hello and welcome to the site! Approved