View Full Version : Smashed at Sunset. (Open)

11-16-15, 10:49 AM
The sun was slowly falling in the sky, the sunset beautiful as ever. The sky splashed with colors of oranges, reds, purples, pinks a hit of blues and whites left over from that had just been had. The fall breeze was nice since the days climate had been fairly decent to the people of Althanas today, warm with a cool breeze. The streets were rather busy earlier today but the traffic of bodies was slowly starting to dwindle in numbers as the day drew to a close.

Finally making it to the tavern also known as the Promenade I pushed the door open a little more forcefully than I should have as it hit of the wall causing me to earn a scowl from some of the people inside. Raising my hands up a giggle left my red ample lips as I made my way to the bar placing my order or red wine and two shots of whiskey dark of course. Tossing some coins on the bar I walked over well more like two stepped as I hummed a delightful melody that had been stuck in my mind all day. Goodness how annoyingly cheery I was maybe it was for the simple fact of actually making a friend if that is what you wanna call defending someone from bullies but hey it was still a start right?

The drinks arrived to my table as another giggle slipped my lips ending in a sigh as I eyed the two shots and my glass of wine. Ditching my usual attire I wore dark washed out denim skinny jeans with brow boots that were leather heeled and stopped mid shin, I work a white tank top and a white cardigan that almost looked like a blaze cinched at the waist with a brown belt. My usually long corkscrewed chocolate brown locks were up in a messy bun with a few single strand framing my face.

Taking the first shot and tossing it back down my throat as the burning sensation flowed down my throat and into my stomach, a warming sensation spread threw my entire body causing me to shiver. Before I could hesitate the second shot followed the first and a large gulp from my wine I took to chase the liquid down. "I am going to power drink not only because I am bored and severally lonely because today is the anniversary of my mothers death." Lifting my wine glass to my lips I took another large drink and setting the glass back down and ordering two more shots as the bell chimed above the door signaling that another customer had entered.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-25-15, 11:49 AM
The Promenade...

One of the many social centers on Althanas, the Promenade was a part of Scara Brae. After a long day's work tinkering with machines and other things that needed repair, Sabatykos found himself there. It was a quiet fall evening, the wind came in from the east. The tavern was as busy as always. Sabatykos could hear people from outside of the structure, and frankly, he never did like loud noise. As solitary as the engineer was, he sat out on the front area of the large building. The tavern was also connected to a nearby hotel if people needed a place to stay. There were benches and chairs set up on the large porch area of the tavern structure itself. Sabatykos found his way to an empty bench that was attached to some sturdy silver chains. He placed his backpack down against the side of the bench and slowly sat down upon it's surface. His eyes narrowed and he took out his plans and schematics journal.

Part of being a professional enigneer was that one was always busy.

Sabatykos took out a fountain pen and some ink from his pack as well, and began to scribble down complex plans for this or that idea he was currently working. The inventions of his chosen trade were oft unique to each Engineer. Moreso, considering the fact that Sabatykos was part of a star travelling species. Sabatykos was not a native son of Althanas. Instead, he'd been born and raised by his Father, Malus. Malus was also not a native of Althanas. Sabatykos, being a hybrid, had the gifts of the star bound people in his very blood. His thoughts, swirled around like a vortex as he worked on this or that basic idea.

Schematics were not complicated for him at that stage of his developmental cycle. He always took work with him, and always had basic tools to work with. Somewhere, things always needed fixing. And there was always work available. Even the shit jobs counted, fixing faulty electrical wires, fixing wagons and carts, etc. Sabaytkos loved it all as much as it exhausted him deeply. It was an intense manual labor. It was very rare for him to find himself with a moment to dream up new inventions to better the lives of the average Althanian on the streets of Radasanth.

Someday, I will become a famous Engineer. He thought to himself as he scribbled notes down. The technical jargon was almost like attempting to read an ancient hieroglyphic language. Sabatykos sometimes to wrote in the native tongue of his people, his Father had taught him that. Though Sabatykos was born on Althanas, his Father had not been. So the legacy of his people would remain alive with Sabatykos.

As Sabatykos wrote, he noticed a strange staring at him. The fellow was wearing dark brown leather colours, and his hood was raised, hiding his face. The stranger was smoking a pipe likely filled with the tobacco herb that was native to Althanas. Sabatykos could smell it from his current position. He scribbled a few more notes and placed his pen down, the ink container was placed on the sturdy rail that surrounded the tavern of the Peaceful Promenade. Sabatykos slowly placed the cap back on the ink container and replaced it in his pack. Then he turned to address the stranger.

"You've been staring some time there fellow." Sabatykos said carefully. "Was just jotting some notes down. How's your night going?" He asked, Sabatykos was a serious but kind individual.

"Didn't mean to intrude if I have." The stranger said. "Was curious what were your notes that you were working on, you seemed really into what you were doing."

Sabatykos looked at the man carefully. He's likely one of them Adventurer folks... Sabatykos thought to himself. "Just some projects that the shop I work at was putting forth." Sabatykos continued. 'I'm one of them Engineer folks. Fancy hiring a hand for something there mate?" Sabatykos had to ask, he was a business man as well.

The stranger paused for a moment. "An Engineer you say?" The man asked. The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully with his free hand. He kept a secure grip on his smoking pipe. "As a matter of fact my crew does need someone with your skill set. I might be looking to talk shop with you, but not here mate." The man continued. "I'm going to go inside. Getting kind of chilly out here anyhow. Are you gonna be in town long?" The fellow asked.

"The shop I work for is Fargon's place." Sabatykos kept an even expression on his face. He continued to look directly at the fellow. "I live here in town. Just taking a break here at the promenade after a long day's work."

The stranger nodded. "Fair enough, lad." The fellow said. "I'll seek you out sometime in the next few days and we'll talk shop then. There might be a pretty good amount of coin involved in this for you if you agree to the job." The man said.

That, earned Sabatykos' attention. "My tools are always available for good paying work." Sabatykos said. "By the by, my name is Sabatykos." Sabatykos said.

"Charmed. They call me Shadow round these parts. That's all you need to know, mate. When I come contact you be ready to put in a lot of work. Possibly for your whole team." The man said.

Sabatykos nodded. "The load is currently pretty light this month. I'm certainly available, and I will put in a good word to the rest of the crew for you." Sabatykos explained. "I'm sure the fellas would love to work for a large job anyway."

Shadow took a pull from his smoking pipe. "Very well, Sabatykos. Enjoy the next few days off, when I come contact you I wll need your skill for quite some time. Be ready for that." Then, Shadow entered the Promenade leaving Sabatykos alone to his thoughts.

Who...is that guy? Sabatykos thought to himself and remained seated on the bench for a long moment. He decided he would likely be present at the promenade for a few hours yet...the night was still very young.

12-16-15, 10:33 PM
The sky to the west was ablaze as John walked toward the sunset, the smell of tavern foods like roast and bread filled his nose. The sounds of laughter periodically broke the sound of wind in the trees behind the buildings on the road.

There would be a man at the Peaceful Promenade who would buy the blade that John had strapped to his back. John had finished polishing it today, and it was one of his best, if he were being honest. Inside an ebony wood sheath was a long katana, engraved along both sides of the flat with designs of roses from hilt to tip. Inside the shallow engravings John had poured gold, flattening and polishing it to fill them. The handguard was a piece of steel hollowed out to resemble the outline of a flower. The full tang hilt was ebony wood, wrapped and twisted with black cloth. It was large enough to grab with both hands comfortably, as the style with katanas often was. Despite the fact that it might not see much actual use, John was pleased with the sword. The steel was good and strong, and he had finished it well.

John turned into the Peaceful Promenade just as the top half of the sun was disappearing beyond the roof of a distant building. He stooped under the doorway and looked up, making sure the ceiling was high enough for him to stand upright under. It was, and John mused that few people judged the quality of buildings by the height of their ceilings and the sturdiness of the chairs; but the peaceful promenade met all of his requirements.

The bar was largely empty, so John dragged one of the stools next to another and sat down adjacent to a brunette. He pointed at her yet unfinished shot of whiskey, and motioned for a double for himself to the tender, ignoring his surprised expression at the metal giant that had entered his bar.

John laid the sword, wrapped in tawny cloth, on the bar as he received his drink. His fingers reached into his pocket and he grabbed a coin, flipping it on to the bar where it sang faintly. He tossed the shot back.

02-19-16, 03:51 AM
I was a few shots in mixed with a couple glasses of wine, oh wait maybe it was more. Pursing my pouty stained red lips out as I couldn't remember how much it had to drink; with a simple shrug of the shoulders the matter was tossed to the side as I held my hand up for another round. The tavern keep set them down in front of me with a worried look etched on his gruff face. "Hey there little missy, you been pounding those drinks out left and right. Maybe I can get you some food to soak some of that alcohol up?" Looking at him I scoffed slightly taking a drink of my wine, "I am fine. No worries." Nodding he took his rag out of his back pocket mopping up a few spills before picking up my coins I had set down. Looking around as the bar tender headed back behind the bar. A few strands of random melodies slipped from my lips as I spotted a mountain of a man, a strange male jotting down notes. Jumping up on my rickety table, a few giggles spilled out as my knees wobbled.

Clearing my throat to attract attention I held up one of my shot glasses as people turned to look. "This toast right here is to- to you over there at the bar that looks like four men thrown into one! Thanks for coming out!" A few more giggles came out as the table groaned under my weight a little. Ignoring it I went on with the sad, sad speech I was attempting to give. "Also to you in the back with the note pad in hand jotting down Goddess knows what! Put down the work and live a little! So lift your drinks to being smashed by suns-"

With a crack the leg of the table snapped sending me back tumbling towards the ground. Just as I thought my fate of meeting the floor large, strong arms engulfed my curvy frame. A gasp left my lips as I was a little bit confused and the sound of my heart beat thundered in my ears. As everything started to come together I was staring into lovely eyes that were baptized with different color blues. It was the man that I had tossed to, he towered over me easily and held me like I weighed nothing. My lips were parted slightly as my breath fanned across his face, probably smelling of red whine and tequila. I couldn't stop my heart from pounding as I tried to form a coherent thought in my head.

"Th- thanks."

I said breathlessly as he set me on my own feet, standing close to more than likely to make sure I wasn't going to topple over. "Damn it my table!! That is going on your tab little miss!" The bar keep looked livid which only made me giggle, I always had trouble with authority and getting into trouble; covering my mouth with my hand to suppress the urge to laugh. Finally able to get my composure, I pressed my plush ruby red lips tightly together simply nodding my head. A crowd was starting to form around the male and I as I started to feel lightly headed. I didn't do well with closed spaces so much since I was little and right now my head was slowly starting to spin.

"I don't think I can breathe.. I need these people to move..."

Sabatykos Maelstrom
02-27-16, 09:51 PM
There was the sound of something...breaking from inside the promenade.

Sabatykos blinked for a long moment and decided that he should probably go investigate what that loud noise was.

He noticed a huge...giant of a man enter the promenade shortly after Shadow had entered it.

The giant reminded Sabatykos of a storybook knight that would oft be found on the front lines of some legendary battle or other.

Sabatykos sighed and walked into the promenade, his eyes spotted the giant standing by a broken table, along with a pretty lady.

Sabatykos blinked.

Is he attempting to harm her...wait...I'd better wait. A smashed table is never a good sign...especially when... Sabatykos thought to himself as he looked at Shadow sitting in one of the corners. Talking to several shady looking individuals. The barkeep seemed very upset about the broken table. Sabatykos heard something about a tab for the table, and he sighed. Why did things always resort to violence? He wondered, a pacifist by nature, Sabatykos always tried to take the higher road in most situations. He had a dynamic intellect and would offer his services to prevent people from being maimed or worse. Sabatykos made his way towards the barkeep, a gentleman he knew well. Fellow's name was Rondo Krem. Sabatykos walked over towards Mr. Krem and carefully addressed him.

"Table needs fixing doesn't it?" Sabatykos all but ignored the ranting of the drunkard, inhuman girl. There was the matter of a riled up bar audience Saba had to worry about.

Mr. Krem looked over towards young Sabatykos and nodded. "If things don't settle down here, I'm gonna call the guards." He paused for a moment and ran his hand through his hair. "Saba can one of your students fix the table for us? I can make sure you're crew is ample paid for the physical labor."

Saba frowned and folded his arms across his muscular chest. "I can fix it myself or make you a new one..." One thing about being an Engineer, is something always needed fixing somewhere. "The table can be fixed by tomorrow." Sabatykos promised. He was always a hard worker, and he wanted to ensure things worked the correct way they were supposed to.

He waited for Mr. Krem's response.

"Usual fee for the services then?" He asked Saba.

"Yeah, usual fee. I'll double time it since I got no other projects at the moment." Sabatykos was a businessman, on top of being an Engineer.

When the negotiation was done, he turned his attention to the huge guy and the loud lady. Where have I seen that big guy before? Sabatykos wondered, but the big man did have a familiar aura about him...

05-03-16, 07:32 PM
John caught the woman's slurred comment offhandedly, and had just enough time to turn his head before the table's leg snapped, sending her floorwards. She was clearly too drunk to catch herself.

John was a blur of motion for a half second as he stepped away from the bar and toward the table, catching the lady on her way down. She landed in his arms, her face close to his still two feet off the ground. Her eyes locked with his for the briefest of moments and as she mouthed her thanks, John thought her face was akin to his late wife's. He hesitated in the moment, unsure of what to do, frozen for a moment.

The resulting commotion brought him to his senses, and he set her down, forcing his silvery armor away from his arms. It moved like liquid as it receded, uncovering the burn scars that ran like rivers across his body.

The quarrel between the tender and the lady died a quick death, now a matter of price for repairs of the table. The small crowd dispersed, and John ignored the lingering eyes of another of the patrons before guiding the woman he'd saved from her faceplant to the bar, where he resumed his drinking, waiting for the esteemed Lord Martch to show up and buy the sword he'd wrought.

05-05-16, 12:07 PM
The large hand that laid gently on the small of my back pushed me away from the crowd. Gulping down air with such greed I thought I was going to pace out. Flashes of my morbid past seeped into my line of vision, I could slightly smell the smoke of a cigar someone puffed on. The thought of being stuffed into the closet of my childhood home as it was burning down and my mother was being brutally murdered outside the door. As we neared the bar his hand dropped from my back which made me feel vulnerable. Sitting next to the man that saved me from crushing my face I scooted a little closer studying him. My head tilted slightly as I sucked my bottom lip deep in thought, letting my fingers fidget. My heart stopped racing and my chest loosened somewhat. Glancing around the bar I noticed that I had spilt my wine all over the floor.

I totally made an ass of myself...

I wanted to just shrink back into a hole but I knew I had to make the best of what happened. The warmth of the liquor still spread through out my entire body. I placed my hand on the large brute next to me to draw his attention to me. "My name is Kara." I offered him a soft smile as he blinked at me a few times. I started to squirm under his intense gaze before he spoke, his voice deep and had a rough tone. I jumped slightly at it as I locked gazes with him, "John, the name is John." Nodding slightly I let my hand slip off of his, "thank you for every thing."

I glanced over at the bar keep as he was in a deep conversation with another man. He still looked pissed his brows furrowed and forehead creased. He caught my gaze making me stiffen, my mouth grew dry but I stuck my tongue out like a small child. A giggle bubbled up and erupted parting my lips which drew John's attention to me. The male that was also talking to the bar keep about repairing the damages I had down also started at me intently. I grabbed John's drink, both of my hands taking the glass and putting it to my lips. I watched John's eyebrow slowly raise in question as I chugged the liquid. I coughed a bit at the odd taste of it but set the glass back down offering him a small smile.

"I was thirsty and my wine is spilt all over the floor.."