View Full Version : March Rewards

Silence Sei
04-01-15, 04:04 PM
You guys know the drill. You submitted a thread for judgement, post it here for your exp. Need 3 threads to prove you were active this month. Thank you!

Please note that if you would rather have GP than experience, I will allow your exp to be converted at a 2-1 ration. This means, for example, that if you earned 200 exp in HQ rewards, you will be able to get 100 GP instead.

Zack Blaze
04-03-15, 07:52 AM
The Falling Stars First Day (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29032-The-Falling-Star-s-First-Day-%28Opening-Post%29&p=246318#post246318) - Zack tries to recruit a healer for the Three Stock.

Far From Home (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29148-Far-From-Home-%28Open-to-One%29) - Zack fights a stranger on a train and tries to recruit him into the Three Stock.

There's About To Be A... Glove Fight! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29100-There-s-about-to-be-a-Glove-Fight!) - Zack finds a cool glove he battles for in the citadel, an item he may just give as a prize to one of his Three Stock Champions...

Zack Blaze
04-03-15, 07:58 AM
Ranger receives 25 GP

Leona Adalbert receives 25 GP

The Muri receives 25 GP

Tobias Stalt receives 75 GP

BlackAndBlueEyes receives 50 GP

Zack Blaze receives 500 GP

Three Stock vault receives 300 GP