View Full Version : This Faun Is AWESOME. (Phi level 5)

01-29-15, 05:21 PM
Name: Philomel “Phi” Serkena van der Aart
Age: 28
Race: faun
Hair Color: dark violet
Eye Color: grey
Height: 6’ 0”
Weight: 156 kg
Occupation: assassin-whore

Updates in violet


Philomel has a sassy, bitchy attitude, mostly, it has begun to be revealed, to hide the softer interior. Her life, starting fromt he age of 12 as a whore, has led her to appreciate whatever kind things she can get in life. It is really only in the past year that she has escaped the confines of a pimp and become her own person. She has a firm dis-belief in love, and says it is only for hopeless fools. She knows her own body well and is extremely confident. She likes knowing what is happening, and/or being in control, especially of her own fate. Her catchphrases include a mass of swearwords, and things like, "Yeah, whatever," and "Darling Veridian!" when speaking to the only friend she has - her Earth-Spirit-in-fox-form familiar, Veridian Ryuusan.


Goat legs, with cloven hooves in chestnut fur. From hips up human in form with large breasts. Two black curling ram-like horns sprouting from her forehead. Her hair is long and now dyed a pure dark violet, and has been released from their dreadlocks. She tends to keep it in a long plait down her back or over her shoulder. She tends to be rather naked as she usually just wears a simple cotton bustier, and fabric around her waist (belts also), with bare belly and bare arms, with a tattoo of an ash tree sprouting from her pelvic area up and curving around her belly button. Also has a back sheath for her large sword.


Tracking skills, and survival.
Swordsmanship is expert level.
Knife-throwing, recently advanced to moderate level.
Very very good at sexual intercourse, as an exotic option for the more daring.
Head butting due to her large ram-like horns.
Unarmed combat at a moderate level.
Throwing. Just throwing, in general.
Exotic dancing.
Brewing tea.


Speed: excelled speed when running, to the speed of a deer bounding away from predators, based on an African springbok up to 50km/h and leaping up to 10 m through the air in a single curve. This also enchances her basic attack speed, movement etc, up to 3x a normal person.

Earth-Sense: Her species gives Philomel an acute connection to the earth. Whilst touching earth, or dirt, etc, she can sense what is around her, up to a fifty metre radius. The passive abilities this provides are a detection of animals of un-rational thought (i.e. not humanoids and sapiens) and other rough objects in her way - such as rivers, trees, buildings, and a rough idea of edible plants. She MUST be touching the earth for this to work, with no covering - i.e. via hoof or hand, not through a glove. To advance this to degrees of being of rational thought, Philomel can tell what rough direction they are and a rough distance. For this part to work she must focus solely on this for half a second. This ability is enhanced somewhat with Veridian, but was naturally hers.

Earth Magic: Due to the development of her connection with Veridian, Philomel has developed an "awakening" to earth magic. Though very rare in fauns, her linked mind with this Earth Spirit and her dutiful worship of the tree-goddess Drys, has allowed her to be opened up to a world of possibilities. Over time these will develop into something beautiful.

Dusty, Stormy Day: Philomel can summon a dirt cloud, either from the dirt around her, or from the dirt she carries in her vial around her neck. The dirt has to be soil, or common dirt with up to 50% of it being dust. By flattening her palm she can create clouds, up to two feet in diameter, of a swirling form (gentle breeze to begin). This can be used up to six times per day. There is no minumum amount of dirt that has to be in this, however there are stages of the use.

1; If Philomel decides to use the dirt storm straight away it remains as dirt, and is used as a distraction, to get in eyes, etc. Veridian does not need to be in any way close by.
2; If she keeps the storm brewing (for this she must have a hand solely concentrating on it, with palm flat at all times) for one second, the elements of dirt begin get faster in their swirling, and also heat slightly. If released these cause all the effects as above, plus the damage of a minor cut where the dirt catches flesh, and can rip through fabric. For this stage, and stage 3, Veridian must be within a range of 30 metres.
3; If held for two seconds, the dirt will reach degrees capable of singing flesh, the speed will get to the point of denting steel armour, and cabable of a major knife wound on direct flesh.
4; If held fully for ten seconds (very rare) the effects are as above, be able to penetrate steel armour, and minorly dent any above, with degrees reaching 40 and capable of a minor burn. Also, for this Veridian must be within one metre.

Cracking The Earth: Up to five times per day Philomel can essentially cause a minature earthquake by slamming her hoof, horns or fist on the ground or any other surface. What this does is immediately crack the earth in a line of ten metres, or a web (circulating outwards) of five metres, depending on how her hoof is placed and directed. It upsets ground and plants, cracks concrete and if used against foundations, could destroy buildings. It causes a shake in the earth for three seconds before abating. In the very centre there is no damage exactly where Philomel places her hoof, horns or fist, but three inches from that the damage spreads rapidly out. It can easily cause a praticised fighter with no agility ability to lose their balance and slip, and knock any oncoming blade attacks out of balance with them. If very unstable and at the outermost edge of the crack (i.e. at the worst part) an opponent has the danger of falling over and hitting their head. On a Richter Scale this measures from 0 at the point of incarnation to 7 at the edge.

Through the Earth Portal (aka, down the rabbit hole): Essentially a form of teleporation, this ability allows for the transference of Philomel in an almost instance. It creates a portal in the ground, opening up the earth and creating a direct link to another place, but not in a physical way, more like a phasing state of metaphysics. Only creatures who are connected to the earth (fauns, Earth Spirits, possibly men) can use this portal. There are stages and limitations, also, on how close Veridian is to Philomel. This ability can be used up to four times an hour.

By herself Philomel can portal-jump to a distance of 20 metres.
Either Veridian or Philomel (though Philomel is the one operating the magic) can jump to join each others direct side so long as they are within 10 metres of one another.
If side-by-side Veridian and Philomel can jump together, pouring in her magic, plus his Goodwill enhancing, to a distance of 50 metres. This take two seconds to operate, however, and can be interrupted by a loss of concentration. They must be within half a metre of one another.
As a latent ability, one other person can be joined to the party, so long as they are not water-based or fire-based, and travel with Philomel and Veridian, or just Philomel by herself, to an extent of 20 metres. The subject MUST be willing, therefore this cannot be used against people as a weapon, only as a form of moving people out of situations (innocents, allies, etc). It cannot be used in direct combat, in the citadel or places officially battles (can be used in wars, such as Eiskalt, so long as out of combat with another character directly).

Form to Form: DELETED

NEW: Armoured with Rocks: Summoning the rocks around her (within a five metre radius, dependent on setting, etc), Philomel can create an amount of armour to protect one place on her. The rocks zoom from nowhere to her, attaching themselves like magnets, attracted by her pure brillance. The rocks cannot be larger than a hand-size. Though a defensive ability, they will likely knock over people in the way, to an amount of a minor wound (up to the opponent to react). Once on her, they attach and stay on for up to five minutes, or until they are shot/worn away by blows etc. The maximum amount of rocks that can attach themselves is enough to cover one side of her torso. Only rocks can be used, or dirt if there are no rocks. Only only placement of this armour can be present at one time, and this can be used up to three times per battle. The sort of damage they can defend against is fist blows (unless those fists are enchanted) and slashes with weapons up to steel. Damasus and beyond will hack at half of the rocks, spilling them like a shot. The armour also protects against normal bullets.

NEW: Minor Earth Healing: By rubbing earth or vegetation onto a wound of any type, be it cut, breakage etc Philomel can heal the wound within three seconds to a minor extent. Minor wounds, such as a simple knife slash, will be healed almost instantly, major wounds, such as a knife stab, will heal only at the surface. Breaks of bone will begin to knit back together, but it will be very unstable, not enough to be used in punching, just enough to hold a sword or to support (for instance, to hold up a person to standing). The pain will still be excruiciating. It is a minor use for adjustment, more or less a temporary measure to stop bleeding. This can be used up to four times per battle.

Familiar: Veridian - a fox formed earth-spirit.

Basics: Can be used in combat - his weapons include (and are limited to) a single bite per post that is harsh and brutal, and capable of ripping out large chunks of skin and flesh, down to muscle, causing a major wound. His claws are more or less kept sharp and a scratch will cause a minor wound.
Veridian is immortal, but when he dies he is out of extistence for ten minutes then reborn back under the ash tree Philomel met him in Concordia Forest. So once dead in a battle he cannot return.

NEW: Terribly Monstrous: Veridian harbours a secret more terrifying than is suitable for small children. The Earth Spirit he calls his sister, Farragise Onosan, the white rabbit who is as mysterious as she is adorable, has within her the ruined, tortured soul of a demon who went insane a thousand years ago. In their most recent encounter, when Veridian found out that traditional history was missing much of the heroics of the Earth Spirits and thus decided they had to go to war against the mistaken scholars, she granted him part of this soul. Within Veridian now resides one tenth of a behemoth, something that in the beginnings of times roamed the world and slaughtered mercilessly. One time per battle he can call on this darker part of himself and transform into a monster. The monster form lasts around six posts in length, and will soon tire out. It grants him 4x his natural size, and also adds a fire element to each of his attacks. His jaws still cause major wounds, but will also cause major burns when it comes into contact with skin. Claw attacks will grant minor burns. His fur, also, singes on contact, and stands at 40 degrees C. Overall, where he walks, he will singe the earth - if he stands in one place for too long it will get hotter and may burst into flame if on such things as wood.


Amour as follows:
Leather shoulder guard, covering front and back.
Dragon-scale half-breast plate, covering breasts and neck.
Steel bracers, covering the forearms.

Mythril hand-and-a-half sword, still unnamed.
One iron steak knife.
4 throwing knives.
New: One keris dagger, nicknamed the Lover, upgraded to plynt. It has a tinderbox and a trigger in the hilt to set the blade alight when desired. Upgrade HERE (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28238-The-Lover).
New: Crossbow, made of yew. Comes with a dozen iron bolts. Purchased HERE (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28554-Crossbow-please).

A three-inch wide glass vial that is fully sealable and on a steel chain. Usually worn around the neck it is made to carry dirt so that Philomel has some even when on water or a place she cannot get earth from.
NEW: A lovely tricorn hat, with "Renegade" stitched in the corner. Obtained HERE (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28265-Hat-Pirate-Hat-please).
Enough changes of clothes for a few occaisions a whore might need them for (dresses, blouses and a couple of corsets).
About a week worth of food when travelling.
Two leather saddle bags.
Dragon Amulet; Capable of turning a baby dragon into a full-sized dragon, at a later level. Obtained hither. Kept in a small lether pouch in Philomel's bedroom or tucked into her bustier/corset.

NEW: A ship. Called the Fiesty Fox. Actually owned by Malachi, the pirate king, Philomel is the captain of this ship on permanent loan until she can afford to buy it.


The Darling:

An Earth-Spirit in the form of a fox, called Veridian, now with a surname of Ryuusan. He has been with her for a number of years, now, and is entirely devoted to Philomel, whom he calls his "beloved". The two share an intense connection, through which now they can communicate by words, and also show each other what the other is seeing and sensing. They can also cut each other off from the other's mind, if they wish.
As an Earth-Spirit Veridian essentially grants the power of her Earth Magic, giving her Goodwill, or so he calls it. She needs this for some magic, such as Dusty, Stormy Day where it is vital.

Appearance: Fox in form, russet in colour, about the size of a terrier. He has a white-tipped tail and black ears, with brilliant golden eyes. In his right eye sits a crimson fleck, a hint of the behemoth that now resides within him.

Immortality; Veridian is essentially immortal, being a creature of Spirit and Earth, that always has rebirth cycles. When he dies, however, Philomel feels the pain and emptiness, and a sudden loss. Her biggest fear (aside from her father) is being in an empty world, alone, and with Veridian gone she feels that fear, and so fears him dying. Veridian is then reborn in ten minutes, under the same ash tree near the bottom of the Jagged Mountains where Philomel found him first. As soon as he dies, also, all of her Earth Magic abilities stop in process, and only will work again when Veridian is reborn (not Earth Sense, as this is an ability latent to her species as a faun). Their telepathic connection will not be reset, either, until they are within a mile of one another.

The New Friend:

Recently bought from a merchant, Delath is a 3 ft baby black dragon, and can fly just a little but with no extra weight, and has a fire breath capable of leaving minor burns. He is adorable and cute, and will take years to grow, though looks at Philomel as his mother/food provider. As a child his intelligence is very simple though he is eager to learn. So far he acts as a scuffling bed-warmer, and does not accompany Philomel and Veridian on their more dangerous quests. Instead he stays with Draak to be trained as a pair of bellows for the troll monk's new exciting forge.
He was obtained hither.


Her mother Lacey was the only faun in a whore house in a thriving city, Radasanth, and was seen one night by a faun iron merchant, Enna, from the mountains when she was offering her trade. He fell in lustiness over her, mostly because it was rare to see one of his own kind in a city, and hired her for the night. He ended up coming back a few months later and doing the same thing, and then again and again over a few years, in shorter and shorter intervals. Eventually he proposed marriage to her, for sake of apparently being “in love” with her. Lacey was very reluctant for a while, but once he promised her a house and money she agreed and they had a short and small, but official marriage. She got him to buy a house in the city, and even though he still had to go to the mountains for his trade she was content for a while.

After a month or so she got bored, and started inviting in men, going back to her old trade whilst Enna was away. She fell pregnant one night when he was around, and had the baby when he was away with one of her customers, thankfully a man of healing, present. She named the baby Philomel after a word meaning “nightingale” because she was born at night, and presented her with a certain pride when Enna returned. Enna did not react, though, how she expected, he seemed more disappointed than overjoyed, so Lacey took to turning cold. Things became a turn for the worse when Philomel was six years of age and Lacey found out Enna had had another family in the mountains all along.

She left Enna with Philomel and returned to the brothel. She was a good mother and took time out most days to raise her daughter well, though perhaps what she taught her was not typical. By the age of twelve Philomel was an excellent lover and plotting revenge on her father. She started earning money herself that same year later, then finally got a human warrior who she offered her services for in exchange for learning the basics of swordplay. The warrior paused, but accepted her offer and he became her teacher, so that over numerous visits in the next six years, at the age of eighteen Philomel could use a sword well. Later that year she left with him when he offered to take her on a hunt into the mountains, where he continued to teach her fighting and tracking, and she tried to find out more about her father. What she gleaned was very little, but has gone back at various points to find out more. During one of these expeditions she found herself becoming mesmerised by a feeling she had, and followed it until she came to an ash tree. When there, she touched the bark and was instantly able to detect the lifespan and events of the tree, when their had been storms, what creatures nested in the branches and so on. From that tree there came a small noise and an earth-spirit emerged, a small fox who she later named Veridian and has not had the want to stop following her since.

She later killed the warrior when she found him raping her own mother, and fed his body, ironically, to nightingales and crows, piece by piece.

She remained in Radasanth for some time. Her pimp, Mort, threatened her mother's life, and so along with a wizard Philomel brought about his death. She took her mother to safety, and then sent her to an island resort. After this, and finally independent and free, Philomel sought work. In doing so she befriended two people - first the half-imp telepath boy Felix and the monk-come-underworld-genius troll Mister Draak. She is currently staying with Mister Draak, in his hall where he acts as the monestry's cook and herbalist.

Philomel later on was discovered by the talented Lye, Master of Assassins, and was invited to become a member of the Crimson Hand, after a meeting with the infamous half-demon Aurelianus. When this inappropriate lover of violence opened his brothel in Salvar, Philomel became one of the prime attractions, and she now spends her time between Salvar and Raiaera, where she stays with Draak and works alongside him (or for him in a way). As an independent whore and a well-skilled killer she is never out of possible work, though will come when the Crimson Hand trumpet calls. She has met many people, including Jensen Ambrose and Astarelle Set'Roh on an ordinary drunken night out ...

Recently she took part in the War in Eiskalt, and was one of the last attackers to remain there. After the rest of the Crimson Hand left or went to finish off their private battles, she remained to help destroy the capital city. It was here, in the last standing building, a church, that she met, once more, the Ixian darling Astarelle, or Roht Mirage, and after a brief amount of fighting and threatening, the two had relations in the burning building. Philomel was later accused of rape by Ambrose, attacked and defeated, then saved by Astarelle, whom is severely attracted still to the faun who does not believe in love. In this battle Veridian died, and for the first time Philomel felt the true sense of loss and emptiness that she now loathes, and therefore she fears and dreads his death.

After this Philomel went back to Raieara and assisted in a few ambitous assassinations and plots, before turning her head back to adventure. She volunteered when the call came out for the slaying of an infected dragon over the skies of Alerar, and helped slay it. Unfortauntely in this time she met Astarelle and Jensen once more, and was subject to some degree of accusations. When the dragon died she intended to leave, however made the last minute decision to save Astarelle and so, by chance of being somewhere, was framed by Zack Blaze himself for the murder of Zack Blaze.

After a daring escape, with assistance from her curious one-time lover Astarelle, Philomel left Alerar. She was partly helped to flee by her "boss" Lye Ulroke, and told to not go back to Alerar for some time. Agreeing to this, Philomel went back to her some city of Radasanth and spent time there, spending time with her brother and making friends with the small curious thing known as Yakob de Void. Her mind raced, her spirit tingled with near-boredom, until she began to concoct a plan of deviousness. As word got to her of an apparent plan for the Crimson Hand to have a deathly tournament, one that was supposed to get Ulroke back to popularity or some such, Philomel considered her own future. In this way she realised she had some money placed aside from her months of working for and with the troll Draak, and placed it towards a project she likes to call the Gilded Lily.

Made to serve the needs of whores in danger, and those who wish to go beyond the call of their pimps, Philomel set about gaining trust of various other prostitutes, namely those from her first ever brothel, and creating a large group of fighters and spies for her guild. They are slowly spreading out across the city of Radasanth, right into the Red Light District and the high-end Courtesans to create a society of devious individuals. The eventual aim is to spread across the entire world. For this end also, Philomel figured she needed to travel, and so hired a boat to take her to Raiaera. During this time, however, her ship was beset by pirates, and by long-raucous means Philomel found herself within the arms of the pirate company and in renting of a boat she likes to call The Fiesty Fox.

A few stories shorter, complete with a failed trip to find the faun homeland, Paradisia, Philomel has set about with her ship and her Guild mostly in mind, travelling to Salvar to take part in these games for the Crimson Hand. Rumours, however, are spreading, and she is concerned with what murmurs she hears of the possible remergence of the traitor Tobias Stalt, and the works of the plague-witch Madison Freebird, with whom Philomel had a close shave with. She is coming back to Salvar tentitively, with part of her crew with her, and two companions by her side - one of them is her beloved fox, Veridian, and the other is her eager dragon.

02-03-15, 02:56 AM
How much damage does Armoured with Rocks protect? I know its fairly limited in terms of size (I assume you'd use it on your arms), but an idea for the amount would be helpful.

Can you add a use limit to Minor Earth Healing?

Terribly Monstrous: 20min is pretty open, how many posts is that?

02-03-15, 03:22 AM
Armoured With Rocks is supposed to be a defensive ability, but it is if people are in the way of the rock's path. What is the standard damage for getting hit in the back of the head with a rock? I guess minor wound.
- Addition as follows: "The rocks cannot be larger than a hand-size. Though a defensive ability, they will likely knock over people in the way, to an amount of a minor wound (up to the opponent to react)."

Minor Earth Healing, I have added thus: "This can be used up to four times per battle."

For terribly monstrous, how long is stupidly long? Can I squeeze six posts? More?

02-03-15, 04:05 AM
For Armoured With Rocks, I was more wondering how much damage can it protect rather than how much it can do?

Six posts is a lot, but I'll check out the strength with six and let you know if it falls under the level cap.

EDIT: 6 posts is fine.

I've left the Armoured with Rocks a sort of 'decent attacks'. What I'd like to see is that the strength of the rocks gets decreased with each attack they block (no need to put it here, but just fyi).

Edit that in and we're good to go (and Doge is stuffed :p )

02-03-15, 04:27 AM
Ah okay.

Added this: "The sort of damage they can defend against is fist blows (unless those fists are enchanted) and slashes with weapons up to steel. Damasus and beyond will hack at half of the rocks, spilling them like a shot. The armour also protects against normal bullets." How is that?

Also I completely forgot to add something in. Basically, a wee while ago I bought a crossbow HERE (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28554-Crossbow-please) (ordinary yes one with 12 iron bolts). The idea was to expand Cracking the Earth so Philomel could insert the ability (magic) of Cracking the Earth into the crossbow, and so send a bolt over to another place. From that bolt the Earthquake would expand, just as described as being launched from her hoof etc. The amount of times per battle that this would be able to be used would fit in with the "five times a day" that the Cracking the Earth ability can be used. Essentially use of hoof, horn or fist and also the crossbow.

If this is too advanced, however, I can add this in in level 6 and just pop in the crossbow as a weapon for now.

Added in the crossbow into my weapons anyway.

-- also edited in the Terribly Monstrous stuff.

-- also edited in the fact Philomel has a ship under her command.

02-03-15, 04:18 PM
That cracking the earth arrow shot is cool, but it would push you over the level limit.

I approve this, you can get the addition next level