View Full Version : Today P.A.L.E.s in Comparison to Tomorrow

11-22-14, 09:05 AM

Just look at this mess...
Somebody has to do something.
But who is doing it?
The Ixian Knights aren't, the authorities aren't.
Who can do this? Who can bring peace back? When?


I guess it's all up to me.

11-22-14, 09:13 AM
Ruins... They made up about ninety percent of Raiaera.

What happened to this place?

War. That's what. Even the"grand" capital of this once beautiful place, Eluriand, lies in barron ruins. Why?

Because evil whipped it out.

Where does one find such hatred? Enough hatred to will up the power to tear down towers and vanquish life without second thought? I harbor hatred, but not nearly as intense. What can one do to stop this? To turn back time and make things great again? What can I do? I'm nothing but a hopeless girl running around without life. I need to do something. I have to do something! But can I do it alone?

11-22-14, 09:22 AM
No, I realized, I can't.

I tried so hard all my life, but I just couldn't get anywhere. Now, being pregnant I'm triple times more... vulnerable... in combat. (Not saying I'm weak, but...) All my friends are gone. Somewhere else. They all have their little lives to attend to.

Are they just over there counting sheep as the world falls?

I've seen it. The second time a country fell to ruin like this. It was my homeland, I only had to hopelessly watch as it happened. Once beautiful cities were reduced to rubble, the country sides were poisoned to death. It was Eiskalt. They suffered close to the same fate Raiaera did.

What of me though? Where am I in all this?

11-22-14, 12:02 PM
I was simply meant to live on. I was going to move forward, a marching one man - or woman - army. Charging forwards to victory. What victory though?

The victory of peace of course.

I'm on a mission. A mission to charge the world. I will make a difference here! It will happen! This lonely set of ruins which lay under a foamy red sky, it would be great again. Raiaera got me so close to thinking I was dreaming. The magnificent, ancient ruins. Dead grasses and oh, so mysterious creatures. It could lull one into a conflicted, enchanted dream. This was one of those days.

Soon enough though, the dreams of Raiaera would become peaceful and green again. I would make things that way...

11-22-14, 12:23 PM
As I walked through living dream land, I found myself thinking about something that only crossed me briefly before. Don't do this alone.

I couldn't do this alone. I was much stronger than before, no doubt. However, I still wasn't strong enough to revive dead countries. I sighed, pulling my warm cloak over my head. How could I do this alone? It was impossible!

I needed help.

Where could I get it though? Where could I collect the force to save this world from darkness? Even Eluriand felt like a lifeless blood bath of skeletons. It was a living nightmare, this place. It still could not compare to the carnage I saw first hand in my home though.

I would never be able to chase Eiskalt's downfall out of my head. I could collect the forces to bring a devoid snowglobe to life again. The same question entered my head again though, how could I do it?

One thing was for sure though, I would need aid doing this.

11-22-14, 01:29 PM
How though? How could I call for aid?

Then a thought crossed my mind, how did the Ixian Knights start? How did the Order of the Crimson Hand start? How did any group start? It dawned on me...

... I could create my own group. I could start a group to fight the terrors of this, cold, frightening world. Like the Ixian Knights were always meant to be, but silent as - the group that will go unnamed...

I had something coming on here, I just had to keep thinking...

11-22-14, 01:39 PM
What would group function like? Where would we set up shop? What would the name be?

Wow, questioning names. This "mothering" stuff has been getting into my head...

I realized that maybe, just maybe, this group could start out here, in the rubble. But how? I didn't want a young group to be crushed by the undead.

Yes, a more civilized area of Raiaera. That would be great! Yes, I knew of a small town around these parts. It would be a nice place to go. It wouldn't draw too much attention, residing in such a small area. Yes, Hanquilden would suffice just fine.

Well, that was one thing off the list...

11-22-14, 01:49 PM
The name.

What could I name my group?

I had no idea. Especially since I had no girl or boy named for my very own kid! I pondered though. Randomly walking across restless dream land, I glanced upon a puddle of water. Against my black clothes and hair, I was shocked of how pale I looked.

That was it.

The torch blew a fireball over my head. That was it! Pale! It sounded excellent! I mean, it does pale in comparison to the more lengthy titles other more "professional" groups came up with. It was perfect!

It could stand for something too. What about... Peace at all expenses? I liked it. Besides, I was willing to give just about anything for peace... right?

11-22-14, 01:57 PM
Peace At All Expenses.

Wow, and I couldn't come up with a name for my own child.

It sounded beautiful though! Beautiful! I loved it! Right away, I pulled out a peace of paper and slapped it on. I loved this, it was excellent. It was a great way to deal with the enemies... to deal with my enemies.

Yes, this was going to work. People would come to me. Now, we could work together to make a better world.

Once again, I was the only who could make this happen. Make P.A.L.E. happen

This dream land I walked in would become reality. Precious reality of the plans I now had in store...

11-22-14, 02:02 PM
Try to stop me now.
I'm stronger than before.
You wish to slay me, how?
I actually have something worth fighting for.
I will fight until my last breath
Against this raging hoard.
I dare not sleep, I dare not rest
Until I finally score.

Quentin Boone
11-22-14, 02:34 PM
BlueGhostofSeaside receives:

1032 EXP
110 GP


11-26-14, 12:18 PM
EXP & GP Added.