View Full Version : Get Out Of My Head - Quest

08-17-14, 12:11 PM
Inability To Forgive never really got anywhere so ...

I am looking for others now to join a new adventure with Philomel. My Elk Prince character Iavas will also be making an appearance. The premise of this is basically a mad belly-flop of chaos.

Philomel has received a hit. As in a mark to assassinate. Only thing is, is that he is an inmate at a mental asylum and his power is to create elaborate illusions. I mean immense, mind-altering ones that are like the holograms on Star Trek or similar Sci Fi shows. Think the Matrix itself in terms of reality.

Basically she does not know why this guy is supposed to be killed, but as a good assassin never asks.
-- Basically he was privy to a secret that could bring down the entire basis of Radasanth society - I am thinking he knows someone had an affair/killed someone else - would be great if there was someone willing to volunteer their own character to be this Murderer/Murderess person. Now this person has come to a bit of public power or similar, they want the mad guy dead.

So Philomel heads off to the asylum which is on a very isolated mountain top in the Red Forest. No trees there, but if you escape you are likely to die. Stuff will happen, I am thinking they are assaulted by a group of infected goblins. Infected by a fungus that makes them bloodthirsty and not feel pain. (Leaf may appear in this section). Or ... just crazy in general. Goblins, maybe orcs ...

Whether they defeat him or not is up to the crew on the quest. Anyway, next bit will be getting to the asylum itself. It will be the maddest place you have ever been, full of Dark Elves who have basically abandoned their original quest of trying to make the inmates better and actually been infected with the fungus. At this point I may get Leaf (Philomel's brother) to have been with them/meet them in the forest, and he susses out the fungus' ability. He is an expert in this field.

After dealing with the guards, in whatever sneaky or killing way, they then move on to finding this inmate. Of course, when they find him they are subject to some form of illusion. I am actually thinking it will be an illusion within an illusion here, that they think at first they kill him, after overcoming each of their worst fears (a cliff for whoever is scared of heights, etc) but then realise when they see a light and are shunted into a locked inmate cell, that the illusion began away back in the forest ...

They then have to escape of course, kill the guy, and figure out a way to deduce what is real and what is illusion. Because they could still be in one ... ha.

Okay no, that is too "Inception". Basically the mad guy is outside of the cell, and escaped due to them originally opening his door to kill him. Then he locked it behind him and is running now, with an avenue to be free. The company then have to try to escape and shut down the asylum before everyone escapes, all the inmates.

So yeah. Who wants in?

08-17-14, 09:42 PM
Sounds pretty cool. I'm interested if you'll have me :D

08-18-14, 11:39 AM
I would love to have you, my dear hysterical being. xx

Still open for anyone else

08-18-14, 01:57 PM
Im familiar with the red forest, could I be of any help? Regal has spent the last 2 years living on the boarder of the forest, making nightly 'runs' in and out of it.

08-18-14, 05:25 PM
I would love for a werewolfy to join us on this exciting charade!! He and the fauns can relate on being half-human. :D

08-20-14, 01:24 PM
Here!!! I wrote the first post in this thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27937-Get-Out-Of-My-Head&p=234857#post234857). Basically opened it up of Philomel waiting for her contact, then the other two in Radasanth, in a bar called the Opium Juggler Inn. I think that might be a good place for them all to meet, then we'll skip over to the Red Forest and some FUN.

Also, anyone else who wants to join in, just post here. We can always use more folk :)

08-20-14, 04:29 PM

EDIT: So who is posting first?

08-24-14, 06:00 AM
Posted! I didn't see your edit sorry Regal. :D

08-24-14, 01:45 PM
Ok, so ill have one up soon promise!

08-25-14, 02:15 PM
As always - take your time :)

08-26-14, 05:38 PM
Awesome, so posted.

09-02-14, 07:29 AM
Just a short connecter for me. If Regal you introduce yourself, then Phi's next post she can take the lead again :D

09-03-14, 09:05 PM
Wow sorry its so short was just setting up Philomel.

09-19-14, 11:16 AM
Posted so, whoever wants to go next, shoot ahead :)
I think it is Hysteria, in order.

You could either have us leave the pub and head out to the street or skip ahead to travelling on the boat, maybe discussing with each other what is happening and where we are going.

09-21-14, 08:08 AM
Appologies, I kept trying to write my post late at night and was getting nothing. I've pushed us to the boat, and bunnied you both a bit. Please let me know if I need to change anything.

09-25-14, 06:25 AM
I have posted!!!

We are setting sail my companions! With a baby dragon and fox in tow. Oh and I was thinking the ship is a pirate ship. if you like. Go crazy!

10-17-14, 03:10 PM
Oh, hey, is there still room for one more? Cause I'd totes join.

10-17-14, 03:20 PM
Hey Eli :)

Yeah you could join. At the moment we are travelling from Radasanth to Raieara via ship, but you could meet us when the ship docks in maybe :)

We have so far just met up and spoken, but as long as Regal and Hysteria are happy, I think it would be awesome to have you also join.

I can tell you when we are on the shore of Raiaera and then you could post. :D

10-18-14, 06:46 AM
I can get a post up soon, rather than waiting till we dock, couldn't Eli wake up on the ship, maybe having drunk too much the night before and having boarded the wrong ship and slept behind some barrels?

10-18-14, 10:39 AM
Eli doesn't drink like that. Bit of a wet blanket. But casual stowing away is totally a thing he does. All he'd need to be convinced to help would be for Snakey and the fox to have one of those little animal type conversations. Fox convinces snake, snake convinces Eli, badda bing badda boom.

10-18-14, 01:21 PM
That could maybe work... But then Veridian isn't a fox really, he's actually an Earth Spirit. Maybe just Eli sees how awesome Phi is and wants to join.

10-18-14, 06:06 PM
That works too. I figured even though he was an earth spirit he'd be most likely to have a conversation with the snake.

Perhaps Eli is curious about what exactly an assassin, an earth spirit poorly disguised as a fox (Not actually poorly disguised mind you. Snakey can tell though and he'd probably alert Eli), a baby dragon, a guy what smells like wolf, and an extraplanar being are up to and invites himself along.

Before we do this, I should mention that Eli is basically a sexless gargoyle. Metaphorically speaking. Phi's charms will have about as much effect on him as they do on an actual statue.

10-20-14, 06:55 AM
Eli, that sounds fine. :)

If you want to go ahead and post next, then we can get you involved, then, sooner. Feel free to bunny Veridian coming to find Snakey. I will edit my last post so that Veridian leaves the lower cabin.

10-20-14, 03:24 PM
Posted. Lemme know if you need anything edited.

10-20-14, 04:02 PM
Eli, by the time Eli and Snakey would get to the cabin, Regal has left it. He is somewhere on deck.
I think if you edit out that bit, then all is good.

Philomel hasn't got tooooo many weapons :D heheheheheheee... just six.

Hysteria, or Regal. One of you is up next :) Unless you want me to post next as a "welcome to the team" for Eli.

10-21-14, 04:44 PM
Edited. I guess do whatever. I'm obviously not real invested in the posting order.

10-21-14, 05:03 PM
I'll jump in. I will hopefully get on up tonight.

10-23-14, 03:32 AM
I'll jump in. I will hopefully get on up tonight.

and by tonight I of course ment tomorrow night :D I've set it up so Phi can quiz Eli. Regal is next, so maybe his post will be a nice interlude above deck.

12-05-14, 01:18 PM
So I posted about a month ago now and there's not much movement here. Are people still eager to take part? I can write a new post directly placing us in some action?

12-05-14, 02:53 PM

Thats my im ready growl.

12-05-14, 04:01 PM
Okay :P with that in mind from the werewolf I will write a post with us landing and then we can get off to scouring the forest in search of our victim!

12-09-14, 07:46 PM
Yup, I'm still looking forward to busting crazy heads.

12-10-14, 07:02 AM
I have posted, and thus we are beginning to enter the forest. Please post when you want, really. I will post in a few days.

02-08-15, 11:31 AM
Hello. Anyone still up for this?

02-09-15, 06:30 AM
eeep, I'll get a post up :D