View Full Version : Fuzzball

08-01-14, 01:35 AM
Name: Experiment 272RX4
Nickname/Alias: Fuzzball
Gender: None
Age: 4
Race: Experiment 272RX4
Height: 6" with tongues extended, 1'2 with tongues inside.
Weight: 17lbs
Occupation: Master of Curiosity

Personality: Fuzzball is highly confused and yet very curious about the world. Not being humanoid or even raised around them, it's personality is much that of a child seeing things for the first time, yet a lot more cautious. Fuzzball finds that the food of the world is it's greatest treasure and longs to find the answer to the reason why the bi-pedals eat their food in pieces and not as a whole.

Appearance: About 1'2 in length and little smaller in width, it consists of nearly no bones, but mainly internal organs which are protected by thick membrane layers as to not damage itself as it rolls and bounces to get around. Fuzzball is covered in a light golden brown fur that sticks out in all directions as though it found an electrical socket, yet is as soft as that of a baby bunny. Two large round yellow eyes watch things with an intense curiosity. Beneath the fur lays a hidden mouth with two tongues of considerable length that lay wound up inside it's mouth.

Skills: Dart throwing- Fuzzball having watched it's creators play darts on their off time, took up dart throwing upon escaping, learning to manipulate it's tongues to form a channel to which to propel the darts from. Being able to inhale double it's size in air, it quickly channels the stored air through it's tube like formed tongue to propel the darts at a rapid speed and with deadly accuracy.


Acid Coating - Able to manipulate the stomach acids inside it's body, Fuzzball can coat objects inside it's mouth first with the substance that is it's stomach's protective lining, and then with the acids inside of it's Stomach, thus acting as a corrosive acid. It can also spend time to coat it's tongues in this corrosive acid to lick or lash at things with. Fuzzball can coat up to 12 small objects every hour or 7 medium (basketball sized) objects an hour. It's tongues count as a medium object. Fuzzball can also launch the acid itself if no available object is available to coat, and depending on the size of the acid used can either cost as much as a small object, or a medium object coating (this counts as the same size determination for limited uses as well). The size of the acid launched determines potency of corrosion. Objects coated with the small object potency will corrode at a normal rate of half an inch per 4 posts, while medium potency will double the corrosion rate down to 2 posts. Fuzzball can launch small items and small acid balls a range of 50 feet, and medium items and acid balls a range of 30 feet.

Elongated Tongues - Fuzzball's anatomy consists of two tongues separate of each other that lay wound up inside small chambers that lead to it's throat and mouth. Fuzzball has learned to extend these dual tongues out of the chambers and to great lengths out of it's body, up to a foot and a half outside of it's mouth.

Size Manipulation - Fuzzball having no bones inside of it has learned to compress and expand it's body. By flattening it's body it can get through spaces twice as small as it is, and by inhaling large amounts of air can effectively double it's size. This doubling of size also provides the extra benefit of allowing it to bounce up to 8 feet in the air.

8 Small Iron Throwing Darts
A 2 foot cord of leather that wraps around it's middle and is knotted to allow inhalation of air for doubling it's size.
A small button pouch with holes, woven through the cord of leather around it's middle for carrying of coins and other goods.

History: No one alive knows the exact origins of Experiment 272RX4, Alias: Fuzzball. Created in a small laboratory in Alerar by Dark Elves attempting a new source of income through luxuriously soft fur, Fuzzball's genes were spliced with varying locale animals to attempt the perfect specimen for coats and other designer wear. The experiment a success, the Dark Elves proceeded to mass produce these new specimens only to find that after only a few hours of life, their fur would degrade and become course and fall out. The specimens were ordered to be disposed of and the project scrapped. One specimen however remained overlooked, and slowly after losing it's first set of fur began rapidly growing a set of golden brown fur to rival the softest fur in the lands. The laboratory attendant busy disposing of the failed specimens for an extended period of time down in the furnace room, left the newly furred specimen inside of a glass container. Quickly expanding with the rapidly growing hair, the specimen began shaking violently from lack of oxygen inside of the container, only to have it shake and fall off the experiment table and shatter on the ground. Dazed and confused, the specimen began looking around the laboratory curiously, taking in all the sights and began experimenting with nearby objects of his own. It quickly spotted the long shiny things the bi-pedal creatures had been throwing around the room and quickly snatched them up, along with a few feet of a brownish orange cord that was lying on a nearby table. After using it's tongues to tie the cord around it's middle section, it placed the shiny long things under the cord and continued to examine things. The specimen quickly learned that certain shiny cylinders such as that it was in previously held things of wonder, and that when two particular ones were pushed off the nearby laboratory table, would produce a fascinating display of a warm orange flickering thing. This orange flickering thing began to quickly grow and cover the room that the specimen was in, producing something large and dark that floated toward the ceiling and made the specimen cough uncontrollably and become light headed. Sensing something was wrong and that when it approached the warm orange flickering thing it became unbearable, the specimen became panicked and began bouncing and rolling around the laboratory until it came across something set far in the upper corner of the room. There was a square with small bars going across it that the specimen could feel air coming out of. Quickly bouncing up a nearby bookshelf, the specimen reached the square barred hole in the wall and after a few minutes of compressing itself, managed to squeeze through. This long tunnel of cool blowing air, finally led outside the building it was in, and into a land of amazement. Green things, tall as it could see were scattered throughout the landscape, reaching toward a expansive blueness above it. Curiously the specimen began hopping forward into the expansive greenery and toward it's next adventure. Onward Fuzzball!

black shadow
08-01-14, 10:51 AM
Nice character.

So to start things off, how many times can he coat items with his stomach acid? Also, what materials can he corrode?

As for his throwing darts, could you add that they are made of iron?

That will be all for now.

08-01-14, 04:17 PM
Post Updated, Darts edited to reflect Iron material, and Acid Coating reflected to 20 times in 4 hours for small objects, and double the required coating for medium. Small object potency will corrode Wood, Brass, bronze, Iron, while Medium potency will corrode stronger metals such as steel. Also updated to reflect that he was supposed to have the ability to launch the acid itself if no objects were available to coat.

Post Update 2: Acid coating reflected to small objects 12 times in an hour, and medium basketball sized object 7 times in an hour. Range updated to reflect small objects/small acid balls at a range of 50 feet, and medium objects/medium acid balls a range of 30 feet. Also updated to reflect the strength of corrosion.

black shadow
08-01-14, 08:09 PM
Alright Fuzzball, you are good to go.

APPROVED! go have fun! ;)