View Full Version : War Stories

07-16-14, 06:21 PM
I'd like to run a short pre Gisela thread in which Josh sits down with his advisors to decide which troops to take into battle. I'm looking for 1-4 characters with significant military experience, or information that would otherwise be valuable ICly in the upcoming Gisela. It should be a fairly short thread that involves lots of old war stories and debates over which nation has the best army, navy, specialized units, etc.

There is also an option for one of Josh's rivals in the Gisela to attempt to infiltrate or eavsedrop, whether on their own or via a third party. Contact me if you're interested in this option.

A high level character is not required, however knowledge of Althanas' various militaries is both IC and OOCly.

Josh will pay each advisor 500 gp for their time, and bonuses for info on other armies. If your character has no interest in gold Josh would offer his own skill and knowledge in exchange, either in the form of a lesson or a favor.

If you're interested post here with a general description of your character's military background.

Thanks, and happy writing!