View Full Version : [TTC] Business as usual. (Closed)

06-21-14, 04:31 PM
(Closed to Invetisto!!!)

Elthas was sweating.

It was blistering hot in the forge of The Trading Company.

Where there was a work force, anything was possible. Working alongside Invetisto had taught Elthas that much. So currently, he worked the forge. Usually, he could be found in his office handling various legal matters for The Trading Company and going over the documents needed by a large work force. As he'd trained alongside the half-orc named Otto, he continued to reinforce his growing love of the hammer and anvil. Blacksmithing was a powerful process that required an expansive mind. Further, it required a body that was forged in fire and physical labor. Elthas was well built, his muscles bulging with every movement he made. He felt his long, green hair dampened with sweat that streaked down his chiseled physique. Several other blacksmiths were present, along with a few buckets filled with ore of various states and quality. Elthas was skilled, he was currently capable of working Iron ore into ingots for blacksmithing items. He used his hammer with a growing degree of skill. Blacksmithing was as much science as it was an art. Elthas had found a surprising home alongside the various Trading Company workers.

The lead blacksmith was an old forge-master named Hendriech Alkonz.

Hendriech had powerful knowledge of the forge, and he could smith almost any known ore into ingots.

He also knew how to remove the impurities of ore.

Elthas was currently working on various tools that The Trading Company needed for it's laborers. He sang a Bard's song whilst he worked. It had become an increasingly persistent habit of late for Elthas to sing while he worked his quota for The Trading Company. Though he was an Officer of The Trading Company, he considered himself as a WORKER first. Everybody had to do their part and Elthas knew he was not any different from that basic rule. As he sang, he was removing impurities from several clumps of iron ore. The process was a complex one, and it required extreme concentration. So he barely noticed anything else going on around him as he worked in a near-trance like state. Once he removed the impurities from the ore, and perfected the state of the ore, he began to construct metal ingots. The ingots would serve as the building block for the various items he was currently making, but for the time being, ingots were the top priority.

The forge was very hot, the old furnace burned with tremendous fire all around them.

The furnace was made of aging brass but kept in surprisingly a well maintained working order.

Various meters and pressure devices were attached to the furnace and ensured the safety of the workers first and foremost.

All of the dials and meters read positive levels.

The forge was a large building that contained the furnace, and many anvils. Around eight workers, including Elthas and Hendriech were present. Hendriech was a massive old man, with a silver ponytail and piercing steel grey eyes. He was banging a hammer against a the shaped beginnings of a longsword. The metal was burning hot and he held the blade up with a metal tong. He wore thick leather work gloves, and had his eyes covered with goggles. Sparks flew every which way when the hammer hit the blade of the weapon he was making. It was part of the well-oiled machine. Elthas continued to work the ore into ingots, whilst Hendriech smithed the ingots that Elthas made. Each of the blacksmiths had a designated role in the forge. Deviation was allowed, but quotas had to be met first.

That was what made an efficient work force and Elthas was proud of what The Trading Company had become.

The Inventor
06-21-14, 05:01 PM
Invetisto made his way into the TC Forge. All of the TC works bowed as he passed. Hopefully they will stop that soon, Invetisto thought as he made his way through the halls that lead to the forge. The walls were covered in stone that has a globe etched into each brick that is then filled with gold. Every tenth brick or so a torch is found. as he came to a large door he breathed then pushed it open. Inside the room there were there was one furnaces, fifty anvils anvils, and a hundred workstations. This was the TC Forge, the place where all metalwork is done for the Trading Company. It is also where you can usually find Elthas Belthasar, the man that Invetisto was looking for.

nvetisto made his way through the shop and came upon 8 people that included the head smith, Hendriech Alkonz, and Elthas. Inside his bronze metal suit, the millipede like sentient smiled before he walked up to Elthas.

"Elthas Belthasar," Invetisto said in a commanding voice, I would like to talk to you in private. He then turned his four legged clockwork body around without another word as Invetsito expected Elthas to follow Invetisto to his office.

06-21-14, 05:09 PM
Immediately, but not rushing the quality of his work, Elthas finished up the last few ingots he was preparing. The process only took a little bit longer, but he did not keep Invetisto waiting long. He saw that several of the workers were looking his way, and he nodded towards them. After cleaning up his work station, he walked over towards Hendriech. Then he nodded with profound respect towards the old blacksmith. "Cover for me, will ya? I gotta see the boss." Elthas said calmly and Hendriech nodded in response.

"Of course, Elthas." He said plainly. "Tell Invetisto I say hi, won't ya? I noticed he left rather quickly. Probably needs to speak to you right away."

Elthas smiled towards Hendriech. "Of course." He said casually, then he waved, and got dressed after cleaning up.

Dressed in civilian attire, Elthas felt comfortable.

The night had a comfortable breeze coming in from the East, and he made his way to Invetisto's office.

After he approached, he looked at the clock-work master before him. "You wanted to see me, boss?" Elthas asked calmly. He hoped the matter wasn't too serious.

The Inventor
06-21-14, 06:44 PM
Invetisto looked at the Elf in front of him. "Yes Elthas, please sit." As soon as Elthas sat down in one of the two tiger chairs in front of his desk he sighed before he looked up. "Elthas, you are a wonderful employee as well as a great Quest Monitor. You have been faithful to the Trading Company and I am happy to see you take a liking to Forging." Invetisto stopped here to let Elthas bask in the praise. "you have also brought many plans to me, plans that I have not been able to take a good look at. Plans that I have a feeling would probably have benefited the Trading Company if I had the chance to look them over."

"However," this was when Invetisto got serious, "You have also not given me any reports on each new member you have personally oversaw training. So, it is with a heavy heart that I have to tell you that due to EVERYTHING I've said, one of us is being demoted. Now the question is, do you know which of us is being demoted?" Invetisto stared Belthasar down with a look that could probably freeze a balrog. "Tell me Elthas, with EVERYTHING that I've said to you since you entered this room, do you know which one of us is being demoted?" Invetisto smiled inside his machine but the face on the machine stayed emotionless like it always was.

06-21-14, 06:56 PM
(Bunny added is approved by Inventor.)

Elthas was not taken aback.

Very few things surprised him at that point, and he looked at Invetisto very seriously.

"I will abide by whatever is decided in regards to The Trading Company. If you are not happy with the quality of my work, I will try harder." Elthas was an honest man.

He'd worked hard to acquire his current position and status as a Trading Company Officer. He took EVERYTHING that Invetisto said seriously, even if there had been some small oversights on Elthas's own behalf. Elthas sat in a relaxed fashion, feeling the weight of the leather clad chair around him. It was a comfortable and slightly fancy chair. Cut in the almost exotic Outlands style. The residents of those parts had different crafting tastes and cultural aesthetics than the rest of Althanas. Elthas also had a serious expression on his face, he folded his hands beneath his chin and sat there whilst Invetisto decided his fate. Elthas just wanted The Trading Company to be a successful venture, a group by workers for workers. Almost a trade union of sorts. Elthas listened very intently, he knew what type of a man Invetisto was.

If it was Elthas's fate to be demoted, he would not argue with his boss.

He would simply strive to be better. "I have a guess, but like I said. If it has been decided that I get reduced rank, I have no intention to fight it." Elthas said. He continued to look at the boss very carefully. Because of the engineered mask/helmet that Invetisto wore as a clockwork body, Elthas always had a very hard time attempting to read him. Despite that, he trusted Invetisto with his very life and knew that the man before him felt the same way...

Invetisto's clockwork body's head noded then said, "I'm glad to hear that since, I'm the one being demoted."

That was Invetisto speaking. For a moment, it did not hit Elthas what was just said. Then, his eyes went wide. "What!? How can this be?" Elthas asked, and for a moment he lost his cool. However, once he realized that Invetisto probably had some ulterior purpose for what was just said...he calmed down. He took a few deep breaths and looked at his boss for a long moment. "Sir, why are you demoting YOURSELF? I do not understand." Elthas said truthfully, he knew how Invetisto operated, but this was beyond his ability to decipher. "Who would we look to for leadership and guidance?" Elthas asked, he knew that Invetisto was a good man, and that he was a fantastic leader.

The Inventor
06-21-14, 09:11 PM
Invetisto stayed calm and collected, though a smile adorned his insect like face in his suit. "Think Elthas, why would I tell you this before I announced it to the rest of the council? Why would I tell you this before I tell the entire company? Think Elthas, what could possibly be the reason that I would tell you that I'm stepping down, especially when you would of heard about it in the council chamber when I officially do?"

06-23-14, 05:37 PM
Elthas closed his eyes as he listened to his boss speak.

He was thinking, he knew that Invetisto was a careful and meticulous fellow. There was clearly something he was attempting to get done before the final demotion went through. He was certain that it had something to do with him, but he wasn't sure in what context. Elthas thought very carefully about everything he KNEW about the situation. It was at that point that he was thankful for the comfortable leather chair around him. Elthas took a look around Invetisto's office and it was not all that different from his own. Book cases were present that were stacked from top to bottom with various manuscripts and tomes. Elthas understood that his boss was as much a student of knowledge as he was. Elthas thought very carefully about the question that was asked. Even as he thought about that, he never once considered who the replacement for Invetisto could be. He simply would abide by the entire situation as it unfolded in front of him. Something about the situation itself reminded Elthas of a different time in his life when he was part of a very different group. The Syndicate. Ultimately, he'd been exiled from The Syndicate due to the actions of an old enemy. Elthas thought about a lot of matters before he allowed himself the appropriate sort of response. Elthas was also a careful man, he trained himself on having suitable amounts of self control. He behaved within those constraints he put on himself.

And then, he spoke. "You have called me tell me that you are have a successor in mind for your job." Elthas said calmly. "Whoever that lucky person is, I will be certain to assist you in their training. Is it someone in the current active roster of The Trading Company?" Elthas asked. He looked at Invetisto the entire time he asked that. Since Elthas was not a selfish person, he did not even consider that he could be a POSSIBLE candidate for Invetisto's successor. Elthas sat there for a long moment and listened to his own heart beating in his chest. He could also hear the sound of Invetisto breathing from his position opposite of the boss. Elthas felt nervous despite the fact that he trusted the man before him with his very life.

The Inventor
06-23-14, 10:32 PM
Invetisto looked at Elthas, Invetisto's clockwork face still without any emotion. "I did not call you here because I need your help training our new boss, who is a high ranking member in the Trading Company," Invetisto said a little bit of agitation noticeable in his voice. "I did however want to tell you the name of my first choice for the president of the Trading Company."

Invetisto studied Elthas to make sure he was paying attention before he continued. "The man that I chose is a wise man, he has many ideas that can lead this company to greatness. He has been a part of the company since near the start of it. He has done well with the job given him, though he has forgotten about progress reports. He is also a man that I have always considered to be number two in our organization. The hand that I hope will guide this company is sitting in your lap. The feet that I hope will lead this company to greatness is under your chair, the mind that will plan and organize this company is in your head. Elthas, you are my first choice to replace me."

06-24-14, 10:58 PM
Elthas considered everything that he was just told.

He intends to pick me as his successor...all I've done is my duties. Elthas knew that Invetisto did everything for the benefit of The Trading Company. He also accepted the fact that he had chosen him for a reason. However, Elthas was a bit hesitant to accept Invetisto mantle. He knew that his boss would not allow Elthas to say no or not accept the promotion. But, Elthas did have concerns of his own. For one, he felt that he was not ready to be the leader of The Trading Company. He has chosen me. I have worked really hard to get where I am at now. I just have never thought that he would pick me as his replacement... Elthas thought about a lot of matters at that exact moment. His mind was expansive and he needed to be certain that he had just heart everything correct. Of course, Invetisto had the power to name him successor at any time. However, Elthas had prided himself on being a transparent worker and officer of The Trading Company. His eyes narrowed as he rubbed his chin, he let the room be filled with silence except for their breathing. Elthas was absorbing everything that had just transpired. For a long moment, Elthas considered denying Invetisto's offer.

BUT, when five long minutes passed, Elthas Belthasar realized that Invetisto ALWAYS put The Trading Company first. Even that decision, Elthas knew that one day The Trading Company would have to take arms and defend their very way of life. Elthas considered that was probably the reason that Invetisto was intending for Elthas to lead. Elthas opened his eyes and looked at Invetisto with a very calm expression. Despite the very weight of the situation at hand, Elthas was always calm and handled everything with humility and understanding. He spoke. "Invetisto, in the course of our relationship I have learned that you always put The Trading Company first. It is not in my place to question the decision you have just made. HOWEVER, I do ask one thing of you." Elthas paused for a brief moment. "If the transition of power is immediately in effect, I would ask that you become my second in command. I would have you on the ranking staff as an Officer." The last thing Elthas wanted to see was Invetisto leave The Trading Company. He wanted to continue working with the man he considered his boss. Elthas had profound respect for Invetisto. That was the main reason he accepted the sudden, but welcome promotion. It would mean an elevation of duties, but in the end...The Trading Company would prosper as a result.

The Inventor
07-09-14, 08:44 PM
Invetisto looked at elthas the did something he rarely ever did. He opened up the face of his mechanical body as a staircase appeared down the top right arm of the body. He unwound himself as he walked on his little legs down the stairs toward his desk. His body was pure black and if it wasn't for the fact that one side was straight up in the air to bring his height to 1 foot, you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference from his front and back. He wore a brown apron down his front which had 100 arms that went to the sides. His little mandibles moved as he said, "I believe this deal is an acceptable one. However, I also believe this deal requires that we shake on it man to Horlogolaboro, No mechanical body in between." Invetisto reached out his top most hand in order to receive the Deal Shake.

07-20-14, 08:33 PM
(Conclusion Post)

For some reason, the gesture meant more to Elthas than any other event he had ever gone through.

He watched Invetisto's true form, it had been one of a few other time's he'd actually seen it. It always put his mind in a positive place seeing the true form of his friend. Elthas considered Invetisto his BEST friend. He would follow the fellow to the ends of time. And without knowing it, the two had made a pact that day between themselves. A pact that would endure for all of time. Elthas gently shook his friends hand, it was surprisingly strong gripped for someone so small. Elthas gently held Invetisto hand with grace and a lot of care. They shook hands, his eyes never leaving his friend's. Once they released their grip, Elthas stood up and waited for Invetisto to return to his metallic body. The clockwork body. Elthas thought about what the next few moments would mean to The Trading Company's future and well being.

He was NOW leader of The Trading Company. He would not allow the weight of his new mantle to affect his overall method of thinking and operation. He simply would just BE. He wanted the transition of leadership mantles to go as smoothly as possible. It had been a long time coming, but Elthas knew it was what was RIGHT for The Trading Company. He looked at his friend for a long moment. He felt a bit teary eyed about the whole situation. He wanted to cry with joy and happiness, but he decided to do so in his own time. He needed to be STRONG to be leader of The Trading Company. And someday, he knew, that they would have to defend their ideals and way of life against enemy guilds. He put his hat back on and looked at Invetisto. "First order of business." Elthas suddenly said, and began his first executive order as LEADER of The Trading Company. He was now boss.

"I promote Invetisto de Masinoj as my NEW Quest Monitor." Elthas said. And with the transaction complete, Elthas prepared himself for the tasks at hand. He adjusted his hat briefly. "Then he looked at his friend briefly. I will meet you outside my friend. There is work to be done." There was no rest for those who would change Althanas forever. And it would be so for The Trading Company as well.


09-28-14, 06:01 PM
Business as Usual: Thread Link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27653-TTC-Business-as-usual-%28Closed%29)
Judgment Type: Basic Judgement
Participants: Elthas_Belthasar and The Inventor


From both of the writers there was a strong opening, which thrust the reader directly into the action. For a Power Group thread this was especially engaging and caught interest from the beginning. The description of the room and the sense of life was particularly a strong point from both of you, really capturing the image you want to, of a hard-working environment, which reflects the Trading Company itself, in which an intriguing story can take place.

The development of the thread is likewise a powerful one. Though the setting changes to a quiet room you build the tension effectively together with the short and long posts, adding further few words and conversation until it is completely revealed that Elthas is due to take over. This was especially strong in posts 7 to 10.

In terms of characterisation, both of you conveyed your characters well and truly, using believable dialogue and understandable behaviour. The relationship between them was clear with Investito's air of power and pride, and Elthas' humility, something which served you both very well. Excellent description overall of each, conveyed in literary techniques such as stacatto sentences, where you have a single clause as a single sentence to emphasise a particular thought - "The clockwork body." post 11, Elthas_Balthasar - and also a good use of metaphor - "with a look that could probably freeze a balrog" post 4, The Inventor.


Throughout the piece there were a number of simple spelling errors by both writers. These are just random drops of letters and a loss of capital letters and so on. It also might help, The Inventor, to write The Trading Company, or the Company even, instead of TC in your initial post, just to help the reader know what sort of thread they are reading, and who might be concerned in it. Try using a simple spellchecker or skim-reading it just before you post. This will help both of you.

In particular for the Inventor, within your first post (post 2) the flow of the piece was cut off slightly by your change in tense, from past to present. Acknowledgingly these tenses were used to particularly describe how the bricks in the hall's walls appeared, but it can appear confusing and awkward when both are set in the same sentence, such as in (important verbs underlined), "The walls were covered in stone that has a globe etched into each brick that is then filled with gold." Even if you use the past tense for the description, such as in "has" and "is" it still makes sense as far as the writing goes. It would help to bring the story around and allow reading easier.

For Elthas_Belthasar, one thing that would help your writing is to space out dialogue from the paragraphs, and give each new time of speech its own line. This can really help the ability to read it, and makes things clearer for you, when writing and maybe editing. It is also the commonly considered proper "form" of writing. Though you do use colour and bold/italics to highlight some areas of speech (post 9) it would also help to use paragraphing and spacing. Try to read it back to yourself when you have finished each post, and at each natural pause place in a paragraph.


Experience: 630 EXP*
Gold: 68 GP

The Inventor:
Experience: 400 EXP*
Gold: 53 GP


*Includes a minor amount of discretion to round up.

Alyssa Snow
10-09-14, 01:49 PM
EXP & GP Added!