View Full Version : Trakel Riorvas: Lvl 1

Don't Ban Me
06-03-14, 08:35 PM
Name: Trakel Riorvas
Age: 103, In a state of stasis since 18
Race: Magical Artifact
Weight: One and a half pounds, very lightweight for his size.
Occupation: Blacksmith's Apprentice


Trakel is generally considered detached from others. In some instances he may even become detached from reality. Much of the time he is deeply engrossed in his train of thought to a point where he is completely unaware of any change in his surroundings, or his thought patterns could interrupt his concentration on any given task. He is very kind yet easily frustrated, mature rationally yet immature and sensitive emotionally and dangerously enamored with art in all of its forms. At the best of times he is cheerful, intelligent and ready to help others, at the worst he is easily angered, blunt and bitter.


Being a magical artifact of Shifting, Trakel doesn't have one appearance. The common factors throughout are the emerald colours and a degree of sharpness. Generally he prefers to be immobile and condensed, which makes a solid, stony texture with light grey accompanying a jade hue of green. When moving about he becomes hollow with thin pieces of himself surrounding a void. The joints are in the center of openings that hardly bare the hollow interior to the outside. His body is also more sleek with strong dark greens streaked across dark grey panels.


Trakel's mother, Atara'mir was a researcher of magics in Raiaera more than a hundred years ago. She was working on a project involving gems as a battery for mana. A substantially large emerald was delivered to Atara soon before the War of Corpses began in C.P. 1705. Her facility was a fair ways south in Raiaera and she was lucky to have not been caught in the horde before she received news of the onslaught. Atara was forced to flee immediately, able to take only the emerald and a few tomes along. As a refugee, she had a difficult time leaving the country and even harder to leave Alera, though the Dark Elves clearly wanted her and any other refugees to leave as soon as possible. After a long series of voyages she had arrived in a safe, cozy little island of Scara Brae a year after the Ward of Corpses began.

While continuing her studies on how to utilize her nearly lost possession she had met a strapping young man and fell in love. She abandoned her studies in pursuit of this man's happiness. Years after their marriage they intended for children but could not conceive. Atara was distraught and thus for a great many months she was consumed by her research. The product was a child whose parents were the Earth and the Arcane.

Trakel in his youth desired nothing but what his mother described of Raiaera's grand past. A place of joy, passion and people who could use their emotions as the paint for their illustrious pieces of art. Trakel himself became quite proficient with a lute over the years, a substitute for lyrics as his body produced very little resonance. With this idea of art, Trakel could see beauty in all things, to the point where even the Red Forest which destroyed his dream land seemed a fine place for a stroll.

Trakel's father had been the gambling sort and on several occasions had lost all of the family's savings on his addiction. When Trakel was nearing the age of eighteen, his father got himself in trouble with his disease, having for a few years been free of gambling. The trouble was a massive debt, something that he could never conceivably pay off. He decided he would kill the man he was indebted to to save his family. He was caught, convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in a very harsh labor camp.

Trakel had no will to forgive his father. Atara had spoken with him many times that he needed to forgive him, but Trakel ignored her pleas and gradually became more cold toward her father. Just as his mother had told him, the hatred he held for his father upon his many transgressions was hurting Trakel more than his father. Eventually he just said his goodbyes and left his mother, not telling her where he would be heading. Trakel cannot remember what happened afterward, just that he was packaged in a box that washed up on the shores of Corone in the year C.P. 1813. At that moment he only felt as if he had a very, very long sleep.


The Arts: Trakel has a great passion for art and great knowledge of music. Thinking of song can spur up activity and can allow Trakel to focus more, whereas recital can help to conjure some emotions in others. This passion has also helped his creativity, which combined with his shapeshifting abilities actually helps in many situations, even battle, quite often.

Magical Knowledge: Being raised by a renowned mage, Trakel is quite knowledgeable in the arcane. He does not carry the ability to utilize magic himself, he knows interesting ways to apply it and ways to tell if something is conjured, caused, reinforced, ect by magic. Sadly, this skill isn't as valuable as a Sense Magic spell.


Disconnected Movement: Trakel is able to move his body purely by means of levitation. He has found that this not only grants him motion but the ability to bend, split, twist and condense his body as a means of shapeshifting. In itself, his movement causes little fatigue, though carrying objects on his person other than himself is tiring and difficult. When dealing with carrying things he has half the strength of an average human in his prime. Because of this, Trakel's battle plan usually involves becoming pieces of equipment or wrapping himself around existing weapons to be used as a better one. This being said, he is capable of many things with his own movement. He has been capable of great speeds for high fatigue, which in combat could allow the possibility for projectiles made of his own body shards. Though using this logic, acts such as self-detonation or teleportation would be last-ditch efforts that would cause immediate and long-term unconsciousness.

Telepathy: Being able to communicate is an important thing, and this does just that. Though his telepathy goes as far as relaying messages and tapping into the senses of a single person for a brief period. The latter prohibits his movement during the period.


Being a weak individual, Trakel refuses to carry most things.

black shadow
06-04-14, 04:47 PM
Welcome to Althanas! Everything looks good. You are APPROVED!

Don't Ban Me
06-04-14, 07:48 PM
Edited the Background page of the CS. I was tired when writing it so the way his dad turned out was bugging me today :P

black shadow
06-04-14, 07:59 PM
Forgot to close this when I said you are approved. Guess it was a good thing eh? Well you are APPROVED!