View Full Version : Alive and Oinking

04-29-14, 06:00 AM
Leaf and his Pigs are alive and raring to go.
I want to start of explosively with a battle or other.

Totally thinking of a reinactment of various fairy tales, each of us taking a character/story and just seeing what happens.

Naturally, I am taking the three little pigs. :D

Ideas: you could be the Big Bad Wolf, a princess from any story, a piece of furniture from Beauty and the Beast, the Beast himself, the whole of the Cinderella family in one...

three little pigs ^_^


04-29-14, 09:42 AM
I'm not sure how the awesome, brave, and kick-butt heroin Ashla would fit into a fairy tale where most girls are just dismals in distress, but I'm up towards an RP with you :)

Fox Owen Xavier
04-29-14, 12:08 PM
Now that I think of it, I have a character who is a half-werewolf... And another who is a kitsune... Still, I'm rather short on time lately due to final projects/exams and rather unfamiliar with many fairy tails so probably have to count me out. Still, I like the idea and hope it turns out well. :D

04-30-14, 01:38 PM
Blue, my dear;
If anything go for Repunzal (cannot spell her name) from Tangled, or... Medira from Brave maybe :D Even Mulan. Or you can take on the persona of a butt-kicking prince.
I am thinking the Jagged Mountains as a setting, with something like a wolf hunt being underway.
((geddit, big bad wolf :P ))

05-05-14, 07:48 AM
I am planning on posting up a starter post to the thread tonight. Ask around, anyone is welcome to jump in.

I will entitle the thread "Another's Fairy Tale"