View Full Version : League A (Division 2): Steppenwolf Orlouge vs Morkotoar

Solar Haven
11-11-13, 04:06 PM
Quest at your own pace. This thread must be completed by January 12th, 2014 at 12:00 AM EST. If you finish early, please submit it for judging per usual.

Steppenwolf Orlouge
12-11-13, 10:57 PM
I honestly don’t know how I get myself into some of these situations.

I found myself sitting in the tundra of Salvar, an Alerar hunting rifle in my arms. Beside me, my large canine companion ‘Pepper’ ran towards the large snow covered grass and dived in, barking three times as he did so. I steadied the aim of my fire arm, directing its muzzle towards the sky as several ducks flew out from the grass, zig-zagging every which way in the air.

I pulled the trigger of my weapon once, the kick of the rifle slamming the butt into my shoulder. The sudden collision hurt, but I continued onwards. I gritted my teeth, closed one eye and stuck my tongue out as I fired at another avian adversary. This time, a splatter of blood and feathers rained down as the duck fell back into the grass from whence it came. There was a brief pause, and a rustle in the frozen over greenery, when Pepper popped up his large, black Labrador head, the duck in his mouth like a trophy. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Good job boy! That’s one miss and one hit. Let’s see what we can do about keeping this up!”

I didn’t know why I, an inventor by day and super hero by night, reveled so much in the destruction of the duck dynasties build in the depths of Salvar. After all, I was a sub-par hunter at best, and ridiculously useless with a firearm at once. Yet somehow, biting one’s teeth into the meat of an animal one had slain themselves was always more rewarding than simply going out and buying the product. I continued firing into the sky, Pepper popping his head up between every miss, his head moving back and forth as if expecting to find his missed prey.

“Don’t worry boy,” I murmured, “we’ll have full bellies tonight….”