View Full Version : The Maester Janelle (Arden Level 8)

11-11-13, 08:50 AM
The Hound of the Scourge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plaU4IcOcys)

Arden Janelle


“I may be just the Hound, but even my master is scared of my bark.”

Alias: Blank
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 179lbs
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: Brown
Religion: Tantalus
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Occupation: Swordsman
Intelligence: Above Average
Literacy: Average

Updates are in red.

History: After two years, Arden Janelle has come home. With the Greater Oni defeated, and Akashima saved, the silent swordsman has left democracy to rebuild his ancestral heartland on its own merit. When the Komodo drove his sword through Arden’s heart, his fire died. The demon that had started to consume him after falling for the darkness was sated. Though it left his spiritual center in ruins, and his connection with the blood magic of his ancestors weakened, he found a new lease of life after he reincarnated.

He remembered who he was, and what he had been in Scara Brae. After a long journey over the war-torn sea, he and Lillith Kazumi find themselves thrown back into the world they thought left in the past. In his absence, Rouge and Leper have kept the Scourge’s name burnt into the island’s citizens. They are on the rise as ever, and though it has been a long time since he assassinated a prominent Knight of Scara Brae, the Silent Swordsman intends to resume his plan.

He will become the Maester of the Scourge.

He will destroy the Knights of Scara Brae.

He will make the island a safer, brighter, freer place for all.

Recent History: In recent weeks, Arden has taken to the streets of Scara Brae to prepare himself. He has fought friends, and enemies, and strangers (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25852-Road-To-Nowhere-(Closed)&highlight=), too. Repeatedly, he has found one thing in common with each encounter: he is not yet ready to take on the mantle of the Maester.

Until, that is, he met Rehtul Orlouge (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25441-You-As-You-Were-(Closed)&highlight=rehtul+orlouge). In the ice mage, he found a common goal that solidified his resolve. With Rouge and Leper tending to business, Arden entered the Cell, and there, found himself committed to two things he thought left behind. The first - one Astarelle, ‘Roht Mirage’. The second – returning to the Ixian Knights.

Upon returning to Scara Brae, the city was in a state of terror. Somewhere in the shadows, a creature lurked. Thought to be a manticore (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26016-Lionheart-(Ixian-Knight-Assignment)&highlight=), he and members of the newly reformed Monster Hunters tracked it through the streets by moonlight. Quashing it’s reign, but finding it to be a wayward kami, Arden came to the inevitable conclusion that the war with the Empire, and the instability left in the absence of the Greater Oni was bringing Scara Brae’s freedom to a swift and bloody end.

He had to act, and act soon. He, Rouge, Leper, and any allies he has left (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25483-You-As-You-Are-(Closed)&highlight=) in the Ixian Knights have come to a turning point. At sunrise, Arden Janelle, Hound of the Scourge, will be the Death of the Maester (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26114-The-Death-of-the-Maester-(Closed)&highlight=). With a single, decisive blow (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23601-A-Fake-Empire-Falling-(Closed)&highlight=) to the corrupt Knights of Brae, the Scara Scourge are going to put into play a plan they have worked towards since they were murderers and vagabonds, the titular Red Hand, and vie for Scara Brae’s independence.


Evoker: He can coerce people to follow his commands and do his bidding. At an adept level, he can attempt to sway the acts of others to his advantage, if not outright scare them into line.

Escapist: Arden has the skills required to escape bonds and cells. This includes knots, locks, and climbing with low resources. He can make makeshift keys and climbing equipment for his weight and size.

Economist: He knows the families, operations, and laws of Scara Brae’s criminal underworld. He can use this knowledge to his financial and political gain within the black market community.

Ecclesiarch: Arden has masterful understanding of Scara Brae’s history, laws, and cultures. He can recite the names of barons, dukes, and royals, though such knowledge does not warrant the ability to appreciate it.

Enforcer: Arden’s most infamous alias is the Silent Swordsman. His skill with a single-handed blade is masterful, and he understands the concept of swordplay, defence, and movement in combat.


The Aria: Arden’s manifestation of the Tap is contrary to the other troupe members. His power lies in destruction. He takes where his allies give. He consumes minds, voices, and communication. He is the embodiment of ‘Writer’s Block’.

Erase: Arden can erase writing up to ten square feet per 4 seconds. This allows him to delete single lines instantly, and extends to text not written in ink (marks in sand etc.) He cannot erase magical text.

Blink: Arden blinks from existence for two seconds. He appears in the same place when still. He moves with the same momentum if mobile. He can use this to dodge, dash opponents, and bypass walls. Five uses per thread.

Silence: Arden can instil a bond of silence. He and one other cannot speak for the duration of the bond, though it does not prevent breathing, or sounds of emotion/response. It does not affect telepathy.

Street Fighter: Raised on Scara Brae’s streets, Arden’s fighting speed is X2. He is blind in his right eye. He is tolerant of pain, and his endurance to physical damage is X3. He can run in armour as though he were not wearing it.

Blood Magic: Arden can use forbidden Blood Magic of Akashiman spirit warders. This draws on the life force found in living things. His grasp of the basics is competent, but he is still very much a pupil.

Blood Rage: Each death causes his front canines to elongate. Each death inflicts one rage point. When Arden’s rage is eight, he gets +3 strength, but becomes a feral beast. He cannot use abilities in this state.

Blood Rise: Arden can summon wings of blood from a wound. They require a post to create. They allow clumsy movement and gliding for two posts. The wings cause no pain if damaged or destroyed. Activation gives one rage point.

Blood Reunion: Blood drawn with Kerria collects in the handle. With this, Arden can resurrect the fallen within an hour of their death. It requires consent on both sides, costs 5 rage points, and cannot overcome grievous wounds.

Blood Ruin: By cutting open a palm, Arden can gift that arm with +2 strength with the Fang for the duration of three posts. It costs one rage point, and is useable once per arm per day.


The Hide: A steel full-plate suit. It conjures a shadow mastiff once per battle, three times per quest. The mastiff survives three hits. One if fire. His bite pierces up to mithril, and can run at wolf speed tirelessly.

The Fang: Fang is a single-edged prevalida blade. It draws blood into the hilt and pommel. People wounded by the blade bleed excessively if it has drawn the target’s blood. It is unbreakable by non-magical means.

The Mane: A blood red cloth that can extend to a full length, hooded, or demi-cloak garment upon command. Though magical, it possesses no resistance beyond well-spun cloth.

The Claws: Two single-edged steel swords, which fit into a large over-the-shoulder scabbard. One is a long-sword, and one is a short-sword. They possess no magical properties.

11-11-13, 09:06 AM
Any linked thread in 'Recent History' includes currently unfinished projects, or threads submitted for judging. This simply means no new threads will be started (that will be part of Arden's chronological history), until all the above have been completed. They do, however, chronicle his rise to be the Maester (the guild leader), of the Scourge, come the finale of Death of the Maester.

Max Dirks
11-12-13, 08:50 AM
Before we even proceed, I need you to spell out in layman's terms exactly what you mean by 2x speed, 3x stamina, 4x endurance (endurance should be incorporated as weaknesses), 3x (and 2x of 3x) strength. Also, what is 3x bite strength, 2x speed, and 8x sense of smell for blood? Please let me know when you've done this.

11-12-13, 10:35 AM
Edited pain resistance to endurance (get those two mixed up), and his armour ability so he can run as though he were not wearing it (in terms of hoe quickly it tires him.)

Reference to base strength removed. That was to make sure it wasn't a total of X5 strength (plus whatever 'base'). Now it's a total of +5 when combining his abilities.

The hound's abilities have been simplified. I am not sure how to express bite strength, unless 'can bite through materials up to steel' would suffice?

No need to tend to this over new profiles, apologies for all the updates (it's the Cell's fault!)

Max Dirks
11-18-13, 11:23 AM
Sorry for taking so long to get back with you.

I still need you to be more specific with reflexes and physical endurance. Please describe exactly what these mean for Arden. Is he able to predict attacks? Can he dodge projectiles thrown at him more easily? How many haymakers from an average human could he take before he got knocked to the floor? Even adjectives like "moderate," will be acceptable.

I am not sure how to express bite strength, unless 'can bite through materials up to steel' would suffice?That sounds perfect. I assume the mastiff runs tirelessly at the normal speed of a dog, correct?

12-07-13, 07:42 PM
Hopefully that should work.

Endurance is X3 specifically to how much physical damage he can take (over a normal man of his build). Combat speed is simply down to his movement. He cannot predict attacks, nor is he super speed.

I've removed smell from the hound, clarified bite strength, and given speed comparison for running.

Max Dirks
02-12-14, 08:39 AM
Sorry for the delay, approved.