View Full Version : Bruiser Leoric

10-24-13, 03:13 AM
Name: Leoric Bagua “Rockfist”
Race: Human
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Ice Blue
Occupation: Bar Douche

Personality: Leoric is normally a quiet man, however when he drinks he becomes loud and obnoxious and tries to pick fights with whoever he can. He only does what furthers himself, he does not care about laws or Morales. If he can come out of it richer or stronger then before he went in he will do anything. If he is not in a bar drinking, or doing a job, he can be find in the middle of a forest training to increase his battle strength

Appearance: Golden skin, thick defined eyebrows, Ice blue eyes, strong cheekbones and extremely fit.

Skills: Above average hand to hand combat
Martial arts
Average sword play

Abilities: Strength x2/speed x1.5
Perception {Locked} – ability to sense motive and read body language(Above average)
Quaking palm – Ability to use and manipulate the nature energy around him in his palm strikes, increasing the range of his attack by 1.5x in all directions

Equipment: Leather vest, jeans, leather gloves with iron braces on the knuckles.

History: Leoric is the bastard child of King Leofric. His mother was the head maid and was frequently called to the kings bed chamber. When the king found out about her pregnancy he ordered her execution and labeled it as treason. A guard who was a close friend of the maid helped her escape and they ran off together to a neighboring village.

When Leoric was Ten, he and his 'Father'. The guard who helped his mother escape, had a disagreement and he ran away. He stumbled upon an old man stumbling through the woods, trying to return home with firewood. At first he thought to just leave the old man be, but against his judgment he decided to help anyways. He rushed over and helped the old man get back to his shelter, then he helped split the firewood for the old man.

As a ways of thanks the old man gave Leoric the only thing he could offer, Knowledge, The Bagua Technique of martial arts. After years of training the old man finally taught Leoric the ultimate form of this technique. He Called it the Quaking palm, and it took Leoric several more years before he finally was able to use the technique, but he was far from mastering it.

Years later, on his death bed, the old man told Leoric the name of the martial arts that he was training to master the whole time, Gentle Fist. Leoric set fire to the house and left to wander the country side, he couldn't bear to live in that house after the old man had passed away.

After several drunken bar nights and being laughed at when he introduced himself as the gentle fist master. He started introducing himself as the “Rockfist” master, anyone who made fun of him or second guessed him quickly got a fist to the face. After several bar fights rumors were spread about someone whose fists felt like solid rock.

As he traveled the country side he came across a fairly prosperous kingdom and while at the bar drinking, he was approached by a fairly attractive young lass. He was offered a large sum of gold to hunt down and bring back someone by the name of Adonis Michael Cedric Cannon. He was given a portion of the gold upfront and promised five times the amount upon completion of the job. The amount of gold offered blew his mind and he immediately agreed. Once he sobered up he began asking questions. He found out this Adonis guy was really the son of the King, and after an altercation with his father ran off to prove he was better then the king. He also found out that the queen had passed away shortly after the Prince had ran away, and tha tno one believed the prince knew yet.

Armed with this new knowledge, a heavy coin purse, and the promise of more gold upon completion. He took off in the last known direction of the prince. The last whispers he heard was that he recently partook in the Cell and showed some impressive magic. He paid for a horse and set off on his way towards where the cell took place

10-24-13, 06:24 AM
Hey, welcome aboard.

At the moment you have one more ability than we allow at the first level. Strength, Speed, Perception and Quaking palm, can you remove one? You can put [locked] next to the name as a reminder for your next level. Given your character it might make sense to be Perception, but up to you.

With Perception, just remember that in certain circumstances and with other characters it might be harder for Rockfist to detect motives.

10-24-13, 09:13 PM
i locked my perception ability as per your request. i cant use it until next level up.

anything else you want?

10-25-13, 06:15 PM