View Full Version : Via Con Diablos

El Diablo Perro
08-27-06, 02:20 AM
{Closed to Taviri Ambria}

The desert was full of many wondrous things for the human eye to behold. Many treasures lay deep beneath the sands in tombs or caves, while danger lurks in the shadows and the ruins. While doing any noble deed in a desert generally gets you no reknown, it does grant you significant experience, for anyone who can take a journey into the desert and live is made of stronger stuff. Surviving the bugs, the traps, the wards, and heat was enough to be granted untold treasures.

However, so far the only treasure Memnar could possibly see was sand, rocks, and more sand. It was nothing too terribly interesting and definitely nothing that was enough to stop the power hungry vessel to stop his walking. He had a mission, he had a purpose, and further more, he had a reason. What more did Memnar need to motivate him to journey further into the desert?

It was quickly becoming a problem he was getting annoyed with when he soon remembered that his large black trenchcoat did not mix with the bright yellow sun. His body felt fatigue and he could tell the vial of water he had stolen from the nearbye town was running lower than he anticipated. He needed to find his objective, and find it soon.

He had walked the desert for a good four hours, searching for a location that might be the entrance to a very secretive cavern. He had heard located within was a tome from a very powerful wizard known as Frenzy Alaitoc. So powerful was his magic that he was rumored to even be a prophet of the horsemen, most notably the herald of Famine. It was this power he had weilded that drew Memnar like a moth to flame. There was only one thing he wanted to check, and that was if such a power exsisted.

Legends will always proclaim the incredible power of a man or woman but it was relics or statues that needed to be left to prove such a being existed. Some memento to prove ones time in history less he be reduced to a figurehead of a false god, forcing believers into accepting faith as the gods existence in the world. Memnar wanted proof of a man’s power, some stepping-stone or achievement that could be seen at any time to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt how great they once were. The chakrums in his hand were proof that the god he served was a real entity, and should he find this tome located deep within the ruins of some cave, then the legend of Frenzy would be correct, and untold power it held would be granted to Memnar.

With that tome he would be leaps ahead in his search to ascending to Daemonhood, and one step closer to achieving his goal, his ultimate way of leaving his mark on the planet and showing all who come after his time that he was the greatest man ever alive. His vision was to see the entire planet burn by his hands.

He knew he had a long way to go before he could make that vision work, but as he neared a large mouth of a cave he let his mind wander a bit more on the destruction he would one day cause with his power. All he really wanted was more power, and he wanted it all for himself.

If one is going to dream, Memnar thought with a smug expression crossing his lips as he neared the cavern. Might as well dream big.