View Full Version : Reminder About Registrations!!!!

03-31-06, 12:15 PM
As it has been a topic of discussion recently I'd like to give a few notes/reminders about your character registration:

A very long, extended history is great. We love to see characters that are well thought out and obviouslly took some time to create. This shows us that you care about your character, care about your writing, and intend on spending some time using that character. At the same time we have a group of RoG Moderators who have to get to as many profiles as they can each day. In no way am I advocating that people strive to make shorter, less detailed profiles, but after finishing your profile, if you read it over and feel there are some things that are less important to your registration and could perhaps be brought out later in a quest/s, please take it into consideration.

A character's history is not one of the criteria for whether or not a character gets approved or not (The one exception being if you blatently ripped off your story/character from someone else). So, for the ease of both the RoG Mod looking at your profile and for the sake of any future RP partners searching for your abilities, gear, skills, and so on, please have well defined sections containing these categories in your profile. There have been instances where people muddle up all the criteria for approval into an extremely long history and it makes it difficult on everyone. For that reason I'm going to instruct all the RoG Mods from now on to request that you have clearly defined your skills, gear, abilities, and spells where they are easily identified and reviewed.

Thanks a bunch!

Cyrus the virus
05-20-06, 02:29 PM
Another note that needs to be made:

The 'Submit Thread for Judging' link at the bottom of a post is not for character profiles. This link is only used for submitting completed quests or battles for judging. With profiles, you make the necessary edits as decided by the approval moderator, then simply post in your thread again to let us know you edited.