View Full Version : Soldier's Poem: Canen v.s Gideon ((solo))

Falcon Darkflight
08-14-06, 11:02 AM
This...Citadel. You say it can take your memories and thoughts, and manifest them into physical being?

In a sense. The idea was to create a battle simulation, with all of the experiences of a real encounter. Elements of pain, touch, sense and smell all exist here, but the arena is not real. You die, the monks resurrect you.

Curious. And you believe it can give me a physical form?

Momentarily, yes. Formed from the memories I have of you, though you won't be able to leave the Citadel with your body. You will have full control of your movements and abilities whilst here. But outside all you have are the familiars.

To see you with my own eyes again is enough.

Indeed, as it is for me, brother. However, I do not wish for your affection to blind you.

When did my affection for you ever prevent me from competing to my fullest?

You and I both know that if you had been fighting at full strength, one of us would be dead.

Then you still have a lot to learn, young Canen, about yourself. I gave you no such leverage.

Canen strained his eyes as he surveyed the dark, torchlit hallways of the Citadel's inner arteries with curious eyes. Although he had been here many times before, using the place as the basis for his day to day training, there always seemed to be an aura of mystery surrounding the invincible building. Learning of its history would have one standing in amazement, and even after the tale of the repelling of the demonic invasion had grown thin, the sheer amount of awe surrounding this sanctuary would remain. The gentle hum of the active warp portals leading to various battlefields gave a feint sense of life to the motionless corridors, and so caught the attention of Gideon's spirit, eager to learn more of this strange piece of fine architecture that etched its legend on the minds of those who travelled through it.

Each of these portals leads to a battlefield, created to specification by the monks, yes?

That's correct.

Fascinating. And to think the demons could not over-run this place, even with their sheer numbers. A true icon of power in Corone. I wish not to bore you into slumber, my brother, I am eager to learn of such places, that is all.

You are more than welcome. Do not be fooled into thinking that I have fallen into ignorance Gideon. It is an advantage to know the places you travel to and from.

"Canen, so good to see you again..." One of the many familiar faces of the Citadel monks said, a light hint of almost joyous emotion leaping from his voice. He seemed a little suprised, and regarded him with a pair of cat like eyes that flickered left to right anxiously. "...I was not expecting to see you so soon. What can I help you with?"

"I want an arena. The opponent is a memory, if you would be so kind enough to extract it."

"A memory?" The monk questioned. It had been quite some time since he had exercised his ability to create physical entities from memories, but far from beyond his power. "Anything or anyone in particular?"

"Gideon Gabriel Xerxes of the Khaian."

There was a shocked silence. What Canen was asking was thought to be a cultural taboo of the Nocturn, and whilst most people in modern times had no recollection of the Khaian's ever existing, the monks in the Citadel had been around their resident Khaian Canen long enough to know the wives tales and his own story about their extinction and the death of his brother. The monk, feeling it rude to question his guest, nodded slowly and proceeded towards a nearby portal.

Canen, why the silence?

The stories of your death are taboo here. I once said i'd never bring you to The Citadel.

Why the sudden change in attitude then, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm a bad liar. I had every intention of bringing you here. I just...couldn't find you.

There was a magnesium flash, the sound of rushing wind, and then silence as the brothers entered their arena, reunited for the very first time in almost ten years.