View Full Version : 5 Years Time

01-16-11, 08:14 PM
We all think about it...so what do you hope you'll be doing in five years time?

It doesn't matter if it's a prospect, a dream, a wild fantasy, or just a general assumption that we'll all be typing away like monkeys about people we want to meet, be, sleep with or kill and maim with excrut....ermm, excuse me, went off on one there.

I for one hope to be finally decided on a career, or at least have travelled - most importantly, I want to be about finished with a PhD or a good way into earning £20,000 to be debt free by the time I'm 30 :).

Which sounds really mundane...

Anyone else?

01-16-11, 08:21 PM
I'd like to be done with graduate school and a year or two into my career. It's really that simple.

01-16-11, 08:29 PM
Married and away from here.
The latter of which will probably never happen.

01-16-11, 08:56 PM
Confident and experienced, that makes up the general state of where I want to be. I'd also like to be powerful in every flattering fashion, but. baring everything I can dream of, I'd like to have skills in writing, rhetoric, and persuasion.

Oh, and I'd like to be needed.

Amber Eyes
01-16-11, 09:50 PM
I hope to be in a corporate consultant role, living in Athens, Georgia and watching my amazing 9 and 7 year old play football and soccer and the like. I hope to be happily married for 10 years and *crosses fingers* to have a little girl.

Oh, and I hope to be ruler of the world if its at all possible :P

Ganlon Martel
01-16-11, 09:58 PM
I hope to be retired so I can spend all day typing in a wonderful dream world like Althanas. Oh and win mega millions so I can send my twins to college.

Jack Frost
01-16-11, 10:55 PM
At the rate the worlds going I'd like to be in a coma.

Well I'll be twenty one at the time.....
I'd like to have published a book, and be in a stable relationship with my future wife.

Yari Rafanas
01-17-11, 01:41 AM
I'll be content with just being content, whatever that requires at the time.

Silence Sei
01-17-11, 01:45 AM
Having a decent job, living well, and being able to afford anything my getting older kids want.

Oh, and spoiling my princess of a daughter.

01-17-11, 02:29 AM
5 years...

1. be Married
2. be a mommy
3. be graduated from college
4. be running my own daycare business

01-17-11, 03:59 AM
Own place, married, breeding dogs, good job, and have traveled to many places!

01-17-11, 05:33 AM
Anywhere in particular? I've had my eye on Chicago for so long it hurts :o

01-17-11, 05:49 AM
I reaaally want to check out New York. Or Las Vegas. Just something with a nightlife... I hate the daytime, hehehe.

01-17-11, 02:50 PM
I reaaally want to check out New York. Or Las Vegas. Just something with a nightlife... I hate the daytime, hehehe.
I've been to all three places, and lived in one. It's not the fun, crazy party life you're thinking of.

Yari Rafanas
01-17-11, 02:54 PM
Just don't go to Vegas in the summer.

01-17-11, 03:06 PM
Or ever, if you value money, sanity and your sexual decency :p.

01-17-11, 04:27 PM
I've been to all three places, and lived in one. It's not the fun, crazy party life you're thinking of.

Ack, it's not the the fun, crazy party life I want. I'm literally a manchild (womanchild?) and all I want to see are pretty city lights. Hahahaa.

01-17-11, 05:30 PM
Ack, it's not the the fun, crazy party life I want. I'm literally a manchild (womanchild?) and all I want to see are pretty city lights. Hahahaa.
Go to Vegas then. Looks absolutely horrible during the day, but at night it's amazing.

01-17-11, 08:49 PM
Or ever, if you value money, sanity and your sexual decency :p.

I can make it there in a week. *starts to pack bags*

I guess I'd like to be well settled into a career, hopefully owning a house. I may have travelled to Europe, or would be planning on doing it. Maybe planning on some kids, I hear they can be quite fun... and expensive.

Amber Eyes
01-17-11, 11:12 PM
I hear they can be quite fun... and expensive.

Kids aren't nearly as expensive as husbands with Video Game addictions. :P They are pretty darn fun too!

01-18-11, 12:27 AM
Baking bread and/or pastries

Amber Eyes
01-18-11, 12:30 AM
Baking bread and/or pastries to give to Jessica.

I fixed it for you

01-18-11, 03:36 AM
I would like to be in love with the woman of my dreams and for her to feel mutually. I'd also like to be playing D&D weekly and helping manage Orphans' pastry business by running the tea part of the shop.