View Full Version : The Tree Of Life

10-12-10, 04:56 AM
Cydnar walked with a strong conviction and determined bounce in his step. When things needed to be done, he had been taught, you had to rise to the occasion and do it yourself. In a world of war, struggle and moral turbulence, there was no other way, no other opportunity, no denying the course of action.

In his recent spate of conflicts, his tools, once poignant reminders of his title amongst his people, had been tried and shown to be wanting. If he was to battle the darkest of foes and split asunder the world to walk to other realms, he would require stronger metals, brighter enchantments, more robust defences. He walked, as a part of this new desire, into the blacksmith few did not know in Donnalaich and set his blades crossed over one another on the counter as a form of announcing his arrival.

"Good day sir, I have come to discuss enchantment, reforging and the reconstruction of damaged goods," he tapped his hauberk in several places, where Niddhogg's maw had shattered his bones before his revival. "Tell me your trade and I shall relish in the purchase!"

Amber Eyes
10-17-10, 01:33 AM
The blacksmith looked up at the voice, and wiped the sweat from his brow. He had been working on his current piece all morning and it was a tiring job. More intricate work to hours, and this one was a doozy. Glad to have a distraction he stood and laid down the bow. He wiped the metal shavings off himself and made his way to the counter.

"How do you do? Name's John. What can I do for you today?" He eyed the two swords, which had obviously seen better days as he spoke. "Looks like you may need something a bit tougher huh?"

11-03-10, 11:03 AM
Cydnar smiled politely, "That is the gist of it, strengthening the material in both blades and enchanting their parrying potential is the first order of the day."

"I didn't mean to caus' offence, hematite is not a material many surface dwellers can work with, except the dwarves but they hibernate this time of year. Whatever you can do, and whatever can be added to the hauberk as well - tell me my options," he smiled and tried to come across as relaxed.

Amber Eyes
11-23-10, 11:11 PM
"Well," John spoke as he bit his lips, eyeing the blades once over, "I could give you a super upgrade to the blades power levels. Make em strong as Prevalida. That's about all I can do, but it'll cost ya about 1500 GP. Something else I could do is jut out the edges a lil bit, make it to were you essentially have a saw and a sword in one,that'd be about 700 GP for parts and labor. Whichever lil deal you wanna go with, I can do."