View Full Version : Slipping In

07-31-06, 02:46 PM
Rine opened the door to the tavern and slipped silently in, unnoticed. She stayed in the back of the crowd, out of sight, watching the people. The devil had told her to come here to wait for a sign, but he didn't say what the sign would be or when it would happen.

Rine's cloak covered her entire body, so it was easy for her to blend in with the shadows, which is exactly what she did. A tall man who was pushed to the back of the crowd by another man fell only a foot away from Rine. He scoweld and stood up, leaning against the wall for support. He was obviously drunk, and he swayed back and forth as he brushed the dust off his clothes. He took a step towards Rine, but not noticing her. She stepped away from him, gagging at the stong scent of beer.

07-31-06, 03:51 PM
The idea of having to spend the evening in another tavern didn't sit all too fondly with the necromancer. It seemed that everyday, he was left to sleep in a different room, at a different bar, filled with the same old sanity he assumed most of his kind inherited. He felt rather proud he hadn't. He was more of the responsible type of drinker. Lisean was at an empty table for four, save for himself. His hand kept a decent grip on the glass of white wine he had taken a liking to, seeing as how nobody really wished to ever commune with him. In this case, it was a good thing. He hate having to bare the stench of rum coming off a random peasant who mistook him for a family member, or something like that.

His long violet hair had fallen as it pleased down either side of his somewhat pale complexion, leaving those who looked directly at him to study those salmon coloured eyes from afar. A soft sigh escaped his lips, and with nothing better to do, his last resort was extended. The Book of Lemot. Setting the massive compilation of old pages upon the tabletop, he opened it up to a random page to absent-mindedly stare down at the runes of intricate design. Perhaps they could take him away to a far better place.. in his imagination.

Words at the bottom caught his utmost attention. Gleaming down at them in astonishment, he mouthed the words silently under his cold breath. It had been the first bit of text in english he had found since the two spells he was introduced to in the first chapters.

"The Steed of Decay.."

Lisean figured the runes may have spoke of this figure without a true name. However, the title did bring up a few things to him. He had just realized his legs were sore. Looking down under the table at his feet, he quickly sat up straight. Why couldn't he had just rented a horse in the first place to make travelling much easier for him? He wanted to smack himself across the face for rendering himself a fool. As he continued to peer down at the pages, curiousity was triggered. What if this was a spell that could possibly ressurect the undead equine? Would it be possible to hasten the decoding of the scripture? He smiled to himself, and folded the corner of the page, bookmarking it for later. He knew he was going to read the section over and over again. For now though, he just tried his best to find meaning behind the symbols, lost in his own world.

07-31-06, 04:09 PM
Rine stayed in the shadows, and watched the drunken man leave. He had hung around for a while longer, muttering threats towards the man who had pushed him. She sighed quietly, releaved that he had left without making a scene. It would've been fatal for her if she had been seen.

'Stupid devil.' She thought to herself as she watched a man walk by with two ladies under his arms. 'Stupid drunks.' She thought, resisting the urge to spit. From the corner of her eye she caught sight of a man sitting at a table. She stood on her toes to get a better look at him.

'He's a necromancer.' The voice of the devil informed her. 'Thought you'd like to know.' Rine shriveled her nose. She hated it when the devil went into her mind, but she had been curious about the fellow. She decided that since the devil had taken the time to drop in that piece of information, that the necromancer was the sign, so she inched closer to his table to see what he was doing. Her cloak swished at each foot step she took and in no time she was within five ten feet of the man.

07-31-06, 04:22 PM
Temptation was hard to endure when it came to running immediatly to the closest library that possessed books that taught the language Lisean was almost gawking at. With drink in hand, he'd suddenly down the entire glass, overcome with greed, like his father once did. Upon realizing this, his eyes snapped shut, as the wine still running down his throat suddenly lost its comforting flavour. He leaned back into his hair, setting a hand over his mouth, should the time come to cough up his discretion.

Bad memories always lasted.

Slamming the book he was too mind-boggled over shut, Lisean turned a bit to the left, draping an arm over the back of his chair as he breathed in and out heavily. He didn't feel so much.. possessed, anymore. Relief caused him to smile to himself, reassured of his score settled with the powerful urge to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Lemot bloodline.

"I'll never become that.." he spoke with such dedication to himself, as if swearing an oath upon his soul. Raising his head up, his eyes caught a single person that stood out amongst the crowd. One, because she wasn't teetering like most, and two, because she was a girl. All the other ladies would have no recollection in the morning of what they had done with total strangers, yet regret the mild hangover soon to come. Though he could not discern details with the hood enshrouding her facial features, he still just had to ask.

"Can I.. help you?"

07-31-06, 04:34 PM
Rine flinched at the words that where spoken to her. A living human had not talked to her in four years. The words flew around in her head, and it was all she could do not to run. She moved around a little, making sure the cloak was covering her face so he wouldn't see her. She nodded her head from within the cloak, and edged closer to the table, avoiding a drunk who almost ran into her.

Chills ran up her spine and she felt the devil's presence.

'You found the sign.' He whispered into her ear. She quickly turned her head, but nothing was there. She felt like a fool. From in her cloak she dug her nails into her hand, breaking skin.

She wasn't sure what to say to the man. She stood there akwardly.

Nymph and Dragon
07-31-06, 10:14 PM
With a flourishing bang the robe-clad nymph threw open the door of the tavern, the sound announcing her presence with a noise more satisfactory than the tooting of a trumpet-bearing herald. Heads and eyes swiveled to glance at the disturber of the peace, most remaining focused on Twyla as she stepped daintily into the tavern.

Not exactly elaborate, she decided, her eyes wandering around the well-patroned room, but adequate.

The tavern was well lit by glass-encased lanterns that were hung along the walls between the similarly paned windows. The walls were unpainted, the intricate swirls of the wood making decoration unnecessary. A cheery fire blazed in a hearth that was situated between two doors on the far end of the chamber. Twyla assumed, judging from the tidily-clad lasses that bustled in and out of the doors carrying trays and mugs, that the two doors led to the kitchen. Tables lined the walls, most large enough for four or five people and occupied by bearded men and weary looking women.

I reconsider, the nymph thought delightedly, a small smile pulling at her lips. This rustic little hovel is perfect.

Twyla's smile faded as she realized that the men who had turned at her entry were still staring. She pulled her purple hood down to better shield her face and stepped aside to shut the door behind herself.

You should be more careful about hiding your appearance. The voice that spoke in her mind was not her own, but its bubbling lilt was familiar to her nonetheless.

"Shut up, you," she hissed over her shoulder at the small pouch that hung inconspicuously under her purple cloak. A slight movement against her back was the only reaction she got. The nymph shuddered with distaste at the reminder of her constant companion, the green, snake-like dragon, the Elemental that had been bound to her soul against her will. "I'm working."

Scanning the room once more, Twyla's eyes lit upon a head that stood out from the normal hues of the other people's hair. Obviously his presence, though tolerated, was unwelcome by the other patrons, who had left a surreptitiously obvious ring of empty space around his table, except for a small, cloaked figure that stood before him. The purple-haired man was looking expectantly up at the shadowy person, but from her angle Twyla couldn't tell whether he or she was responding.

A slight smile returning to her face, Twyla pulled up a scarf that she had wrapped around her neck over her lower face. Though not obviously a disguise, the sheer blue cloth, working in tandem with her hood, hid her face enough that a direct look wouldn't cause her Allure to distract the men. She measured the cover's success by the way the men of the tavern gradually turned back to their drinks, none staring after her with the fevered lust that marked the success of her charm.

Twyla strode imperiously across the open floor of the tavern, her gauzy blue robes and cloak fanning out behind her as she walked up to the man with purple hair. Flashing him a smile, she fell into one of the table's four seats.

"Mind if I sit here?" She didn't wait for a response, turning instead to catch the eye of a passing barmaid.

"Please bring me a cup of your finest tea," she said sweetly. "And make sure the cup is clean."

She glanced up at the small person who stood beside him, then quickly turned away. Large, golden eyes set in milky-white skin had met her gaze, eyes that burned with a fire that did not come from within.

The green dragon in her shoulder-bag squirmed. Please, let's go! There's something powerful in here . . . something dark!

Twyla ignored the voice, hoping that her face didn't show how flustered the strange being's face had made her. She had met only a single demon in her life, and that encounter had been enough to make her wary of anything that bore eyes of a sililar golden hue to that of the cursed Ty'Alken.

Turning back to the dark-clad man across from her, Twyla gave a smile, the power of her innate- and involuntary- attraction softened by the cloth of her scarf and the shadow of her hood. She hoped that it would be enough to make the man willing to talk, but not so willing to please that he pestered her after she'd finished picking his brain.

"Sorry if I'm intruding, good sir, but I noticed that you hair is the same color as my cloak." She gave a childish giggle to set the man at ease. "Our meeting must be fate!" Her voice turned serious, though she made sure that her posture remained relaxed and unthreatening. "My name is Twyla and I'm a researcher. Would you mind answering some questions for me?"

08-09-06, 05:53 PM
Rine thought of the man's question, turning it over and over in her mind.

Could he help me? She thought for a moment of the devil, and then of the necromancer's question, and she had the urge to tell him everything. To tell him of her life with her parents, to tell him of her parent's horrible murder, to tell him how she ran, of how the villagers blamed her for the children, and how she didn't do it. And last, to tell him of her death.

Rine's eyes flickered for a moment, remebering the past, then she returned to her monotone state. She was about to answer his question, when a tall, slender, purple cloaked figure approached the table. Rine's eyes follwed the figure as she plopped down onto one of the empty seats and ordered a drink. The girl gave Rine a quick look, then immediatley turned away.

The corners of Rine's mouth curved slightly. She was delighted with the effect of her eyes on other beings, and the way their own eyes avoided looking upon her appearence. Their reactions made her feel powerful. Though it did have some negatives, when it came to blood-thirsty villagers with rather large pitchforks.

She shut off her thoughts and refocused back on her surroundings.

06-02-09, 03:42 PM
This thread has been siting for over a month and a half. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.