View Full Version : The Last Purifier

Kylin Rouge
10-12-09, 11:57 PM
Things with (( )) are commented out for the sake of a level 0 profile. With approval in the respective threads I'll still use them in quests however.

Name: Kylin Rouge
Age: 21
Race: Mystic
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Crimson
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155 pounds

Occupation: Do-Gooder.


Wool shawl, cotton/silk shirt, cotton pants, boots.


5 steel throwing knives.


Legendary Item: The Shawl of Kylin Rouge, a legendary shawl that renders Kylin completely invisible to all forms of detection as long as he's standing still and in some sort of shadow.

((Boots that grant its owner extra speed and soundless footsteps.))


Physical Specs: Kylin isn't very strong, but he makes up for it with his speed. With acrobatics to make his quickness, he's an extremely hard target to hit with any physical attack. He's about ((three))1.5 times as quick as the average human. He's also ((expertly))somewhat skilled in unarmed combat and using his shadow-energy wraith-blade as a sword.

Unstable Momentum: Due to the nature of his shadowy essence, Kylin is usually not at his peak abilities. The angrier and more desperate he gets, the stronger his abilities and speed become.

((Shadow Manipulation: Kylin can use his power over Shadow to conjure a variety of ethereal objects. Most commonly seen is his Shadow-Energy Wraith-Blade: A sword made entirely out of shadow. In appearance, it's like thick shadowy mist extending from his arm about four feet, with a concentration resembling a blade if you look hard enough. This is if the hand conjuring the sword is extended. If the hand is curled up into a fist, it creates a wide mass of shadow energy that is able to deflect some physical and magical attacks. Too much force on any shadow-manipulated object will cause it to dissipate and disappear. Enemy contact with any shadow-manipulated object is like coming into contact with ((fire))a heated stove and has the same burning effects.))

((Shadow Replacement: Kylin can project a shadowy copy of himself outwards a few feet. Mainly for distraction, the copy vanishes into mist once any force is exerted towards it or it hits anything. This is only usable a couple of times due to the mental drain of creating such an accurate copy of himself on such short notice.))

Night Vision: As part of his training to become a shadow warrior, Kylin has developed an ability to see as well in the night as he does in the day.

Blue Blood: Being from the race of Mystics, Kylin and others of his race have cold, blue blood. It doesn't affect their complexion or appearance as one might think, however.

Aura of Goodness: Due to Kylin's gentle nature, those around him are more inclined to trust him.

History: Exiled from his village, Kylin goes out of his way to try to help people in need. He's fiercely loyal to his friends and will do anything to protect them. He's descended from a long line of Shadow Warriors, an ancient league of assassins dating back to the first piece of recorded Althanian history.

10-13-09, 01:41 PM
Before I go through full approvals process, I am certain you could have some exp and gold somewhere that could be applied to this profile from long ago. That way you would be starting back with what you had, instead of completely over. Unless that's what you want?

Kylin Rouge
10-13-09, 04:07 PM
I already used him for transfer purposes. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=7490&highlight=Kylin+Rouge) Pretty sure I'm not allowed to double-dip here, so I got no choice but to start over. Also I commented out more stuff.

10-14-09, 02:02 AM
In that case, approved. Makes it real easy.

Oh, and he has the steel throwing knives. 5 of them for now. Balanced and weighted for throwing. Can not be sold though. Welcome "back". Lol.

10-14-09, 07:53 PM
Due to the fact that you started over at level 0, I'm going to have to request that you make a few more edits to this profile. I can't logically approve of abilities that aren't equivalent to your respective level with the qualifications that they just won't be used unless given permission. This form of an ability being used allows for a player who isn't level 2 to use abilities equivalent to that level 2 updates before they should be.

I'd prefer it either you edit out the abilities that you can't use at this level, or change them to make them more equivalent to a level 0 character.

At this level :: Shadow Gun, Shadow Possession, Shadow Enhance, Darkness should be edited out or edited to fit the same abilities as another level 0 character. Thanks.

Kylin Rouge
10-15-09, 01:59 AM

10-15-09, 08:36 AM
Alright, thank you.

Approved again.