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Masika Ixidar
12-26-08, 02:16 PM
Name: Masika Ixidar
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Echelonian (Human-like Appearance)
Allegiance: None
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Tan
Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 152 lbs

Appearance Description: Masika has legs that are longer than her upper torso, which makes a pretty strangle combination considering her relatively tall stature. Still, she presents more than she first appears, especially with the tightly coiled muscles that she has throughout her body. Still, her limbs are thin enough to make her appear rather gangly.

Masika has short blue hair that barely reaches her neck with stray strands of hair that hangs in straight bangs that frames her oval shaped face. She has sun-kissed yellow eyes that retain an almost melancholy light which seems to give off a somber aura. Her hands are calloused and rough, having lost their smoothness from working for most of her life. The rest of her body, on the other hand, still retains the gentle suppleness of her youth.

She wears a long, white overcoat that stretches down into a short skirt and covers the arms with long sleeves that extend up to her wrists. There is a series of large buttons along the middle, starting from the strap that close off the top of the overcoat at the neck down to the strap belt around the waist. Masika wears large, light brown boots on her feet. The only visible skin on her body that is not covered by clothing are her hands, her legs that are not covered by the skirt or boots, and everything above the upper portion of her neck.

Personality Description: While she is the least educated of the Ixidar sisters, Masika is the most polite of two. While she talks more properly than her sister, she still has an informal way of speaking, especially around family and friends.

Having to deal with a wide variety of people, she knows how to handle social situations in a formal way. For the rougher situations with more scruffy fellows, she leaves the talking to her younger sister, Isis, which ends in fights, more often than not.

Masika absolutely loves her sister, especially since she has pretty much taken care of the girl her whole life. She makes sure that her younger sister stays out of trouble, though Isis’s very nature often leads to situations where she has to get her out of trouble, especially when they involve the police in which case, she uses the many social connections that she has. She has a strong sense of responsibility that leads her to keep trying to protect her sister, even when Isis sometimes tries to refuse it. This mentality contributes to her overprotective nature when it concerns her sister.

Masika prefers to follow and blend in, rather than lead any group, but she typically likes to stay hidden if possible. She is more of a listener than a talker, with a keen ear for any relevant information that she just ‘happened’ to overhear. While having a healthy interest in the opposite sex, her shy demeanor and the knowledge that she cannot stay in any one place for long pushes her desire to the back of her mind, even though she can’t resist staring at a nice feature once in a while.


Echelons – Tattoos on her skin that were given to her by contact with her ancestors. Upon activation, these symbols glow and produce the magical effect desired. While she is able to make contact with her predecessors, her mother’s sealing had made it nearly impossible to actually make verbal communication with them, which devolved conversations to charades. Still, she was able to convince some to provide her with their powers despite the handicap.

*Constriction – She can summon ropes, chains, thread, or even vines into being with her Echelon. Magically strengthened, they can start with one end wrapped around her (or both ends, if she wanted) or shot out like a projectile to entangle enemies.

*Ice – She can summon ice powers to freeze opponents. Masika can ball up her power into her hand and launch it as a projectile or make an aura of frost. Usually, she just uses it to freeze whatever she touches.

Knife Mastery – Traveling the Multiverse isn’t a safe place. That’s why Masika had taken to learning the art of using knives, which are easily concealable under her clothing.

Leg Combat Mastery – Her legs are longer than her upper body so she uses it to her advantage in fights. She utilizes a variety of kicks and sweeps as well as other lower body techniques in her fighting style, which were incorporated from the many different arts that she witnessed on her journey.

Acrobatic Mastery – She is skilled in a large variety of acrobatic actions, even those that require the utmost dexterity and agility. This is also useful for entertaining guests and getting some money in street performances.


Throwing knives - Hidden underneath her clothing, sometimes on belts or straps, are a collection of steel throwing knives that Masika uses to fight.

Twin daggers, Siren and Scylla – Sharp, long steel daggers that have the ability to stab into the fabric of reality when they glow red, even though those wounds heal up quickly once the knives are taken out of the hole in reality. This allows her to hike into the air and virtually “swim” through the air by using the stabs like how a mountain climber moves upward with an ice pick or a skier moves forward by using ski poles. When they glow purple, they can also be moved to slice through reality in the direction the bladed side is moved, though the wounds in the fabric heals up so fast that it is more useful to use it to move than for any other utilization of the rift, like if Masika was stuck high in the sky with the daggers, she can rip downward so that she can land safely on the ground. Their hilts are also made of steel, with indentations in the handle to make it easier to grip. The knives are one-sided blades that curve up into an extremely sharp tip that makes them ideal for slashing and stabbing.

*Siren - Typically held in the left hand, Siren has the ability to emit an excruciatingly loud, piercing noise in the direction that its blade is pointed at. This is meant to cause the opponent pain and momentary deafness by damaging the eardrum.

*Scylla - Scylla is usually held in the right hand. Its blade can separate into six jagged shards that act as homing projectiles. The six shards, after being launched, can be magically retracted back to the hilt to form the blade once again, similar to how a boomerang flies back to its owner.

Technological Boots of Strength, Siegnir – Masika bought these expensive, technologically advanced light brown boots that enhances the natural strength of her feet during her journey. It’s very useful for any kick in which the opponent makes contact with the boots. Siegnir can also be activated so that the soles of boots can become magnetized, allowing her to stick to and walk on metallic surfaces. The boots are powered by their own built-in generators. The boots are lined with soft material on the inside for comfort and includes a massager, air conditioner, and heater. Not to mention that it has a built-in computer with an advance AI which talks and obeys her commands, what more could she ask for? Truly, a technological achievement.


In an era long past, there used to be a widely known and feared kingdom in the Multiverse called the Echelon Imperium. Based on the religious practices of honoring their ancestors, and in return, gaining magical powers in the form of tattoos – known as Echelons – imprinted onto their skin, they sought to place the Multiverse under their religious dominion. Thus began a crusade that converted any intelligent species they encountered to the worship of their religion. Any heathens that sought otherwise were cleansed from existence.

Countless wars were waged with planets wiped out completely or their world converted to a colony in the Imperium. With each razed or conquered planet, the capital planets under the kingdom became richer and richer, with those founding planets having the highest standings above the rest. Under an ancient Monarchy that began fifty thousand years after the founding population escaped from the hands of planet destroying creatures known as Slivers, the royal family of Kalahari had kept their rule and right to the throne by inbreeding their children to sustain one bloodline, but this same incestuous duty would be their undoing.

The second emperor, Ixidar Kalahari, ruled the Imperium until one of the World Slivers, creatures that were as large as planets and immensely powerful, devoured his home world along with Ixidar’s wife and children. In a great battle with the being, he defeated the creature and consumed its body, thereby gaining its power as it changed him into a Sliver. He went insane in the process and became a traitor to his own kingdom until the soldiers of the Echelon Imperium sealed him away on a desolate planet. His family and descendants became outcasts, taking Ixidar as their last name as a dark mark on their ancestry and to differentiate themselves from the ruling class of Kalahari. Even though they remained loyal and proved their worth through their numerous deeds, they were still looked upon with shame.

The fall of the Imperium began with Ruby Kalahari’s ascension to the throne, her abilities to properly govern her kingdom in its continued expansion and defense soon brought about its fall by the Mystic Empire, a magically-inclined kingdom that rivaled the Echelon Imperium in both power and worlds. Their inhabitants used magic of every kind, worshipping numerous gods and goddesses. These same beliefs put them at odds with the Imperium and began a war that would last a very long time and consume many planets on both sides.

During the last battles on the Kalahari’s capital planet against the Mystics, Ixidar freed himself, but upon seeing how the Echelon Imperium had decayed under the rulership of Ruby Kalahari, he destroyed the kingdom, taking even his descendants along with him to death. But there was a survivor of the Ixidar lineage.

Izuza Samyaza, born under the mixed lineage of both Samyaza and Ixidar, served as a maid in the Samyaza household. She hid her bloodline connection to Ixidar in order to avoid the shame and stained carried by descendents of the lineage. While she served mainly as caretaker of the leader of the Samyaza household, she was skilled in the fighting arts of the house. In the last battle for the Imperium, she was defeated by a member of the Brotherhood of the Watchful Dragon, Nailo, but spared death by his act of mercy. When she awoken, she found that the Echelon Imperium was crumbling and Ixidar was beginning his vengeance.

Injured and with no other choice, Izuza fled from the Imperium just in time to avoid its fate. After that, she changed her last name to Ixidar and fled the universe. A millennia would past before she appeared on a Frontier planet in the Multiverse. She used her skills as a warrior and a maid to secure enough financial gain in order to live comfortably. During her daily life, she met a local named Roderick. While he was just a petty noble, he loved her so she eventually settled with him. Soon afterwards, she became pregnant with Masika and gave birth to the healthy daughter. Masika was raised in a happy and caring family until after the birth of the second child, Isis.

Izuza eventually went mad from the nonstop voices of her ancestors speaking to her and ran away from her home. She soon afterwards committed suicide, but not before sealing contact with the ancestors to keep them away from her children by using her spirit weapon. Her husband, Roderick, went out to find her, leaving the children to fend for themselves for what he thought would be a short time. He never returned to his daughters.

Following the instructions given to her by her father, Masika took her baby sister to a small island where they would live with Roderick’s distant relations. While they were able to provide shelter for the children, they couldn’t support them financially so Masika started using some of the skills that she had to learned from his mother to use. She became a sort of ‘novelty maid’ that would clean the houses of rich families while wearing eccentric dresses provided by her employers. Her young age and cute features made her absolutely adorable, so much so that she became used to being watched while she went about her chores. The families would show her off to other people by having her come with them on trips or bringing tea for guests. Most of the money that she earned was spent for living conditions or on Isis.

Throughout most of her life, she took care of Isis and forced her to attend school, even when she herself couldn’t because of work. Still, she learned as much as she could from the conversations with Isis about her lessons and the textbooks that her younger sister brought home.

Despite her comfortable living, Masika felt unsatisfied with her life. Wanting to find the spirit weapon that she remembered her mother having, she decided to go out and search for it when she became sixteen years old. She gave Isis her savings, which was enough to keep her younger sister fed until she was old enough to work, but instead of staying with the family taking care of them, Isis wanted to come with her. In spite of her refusal, Isis eventually got Masika to agree and so, they went on a journey that would span years. Unfortunately, during those years, Masika was not able to find any clue as to its whereabouts. Still, they were happy, even with the small amounts of money they were scavenging here and there, working the odd jobs with her skills to earn enough for food, clothing, and shelter.

On one particular day, Isis came into possession of a sword that claimed that the young girl was royalty. With that thought stuck in her head, Isis on a journey through the Multiverse to seek out the kingdom that she is supposed to rule while Masika followed her as her older sister and to make sure that she keeps out of trouble.

12-26-08, 02:56 PM
Looks beautiful! Just be careful with the dagger that changes into homing daggers... too much use of that can warrant a warning of powergaming if you're not careful.
