View Full Version : Zieg dil' Tulfried, the Demon High General

Zieg dil' Tulfried
12-10-08, 12:49 PM
Name: Zieg dil’ Tulfried
Race: Demon
Age: 310
Gender: Male
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 290
Eye Color: Blood Red
Hair Color: Crimson

The Gamygym – An osmium elven-made demon short sword that is connected to the demon’s soul through methods only known to the sword itself.

The Rohtan – An osmium elven-made demon short sword that is connected to the demon’s soul through methods only known to the sword itself.

Blue and black titanium (breastplate) and delyn (everything else) demon armor that is enhanced by the power of fire and lightning. There are six titanium razor sharp blades attached to the armguards.

Zieg wears blue and black titanium armor. This armor covers his entire body, with few openings and weak points. His face is open allowing him to see his surroundings unhindered. A single horn is raised from the top of his armor. A red cape flows down from his armor to gracefully touch the ground behind the demon. A tiny clasp holds the left arm piece of his armor to his shoulder piece. When undone, a blazing arm emerges, in the place of a flesh and blood one. This arm cannot be extinguished and burns from the fire in Zieg’s soul.

As Zieg’s life has progressed, from the Khazzele era, through his training as a general, to his High Generalship, his look on life has grown deeper. He has a much more serious attitude, though when he feels comfortable, a more humorous side does emerge. He knows he has power, yet does not abuse that power.

Warrior (Horse)
Rakthean’s Emerald Headband
Dragonhyde Gloves
Pouch of Venom

Burning Blade - Zieg is directly connected to the Gamygym and has learned the Burning Blade ability. After a moment's concentration, he can ignite the demon blade with a fire that is fueled by the demon's heart and soul. Uncontrolled emotions cause the blade to burn hotter, though the demon has control over his emotions. The flame is fueled from within, so normal methods cannot put it out. Only separation from Zieg will put out the sword's fire.

Doppleganger - Using the Gamygym, Zieg can create two copies of himself. These copies are exactly like Zieg in every way, yet have slightly lower defenses, making them easier to destroy. These dopplegangers will last for ten minutes unless destroyed by an opponent or Zieg himself.

Flaming Cyclone - Zieg concentrates his mind and absorbs the heat from all around himself and from within. This heat concentrates around Zieg in the form of fire. Once the energy is ready, Zieg releases the fire through the Gamygym in the form of a horizontal cyclone. This cyclone is an inch thick with a diameter of about one foot. It takes Zieg about a minute to prepare this attack.

Wild Gust – Using the power of the Rohtan, Zieg can send a strong gust of wind at an opponent, with the possiblity of knocking his opponent from his or her feet.

Zieg ag’ Tulfried is a demon from deep within the core of Althanas. His past has been speckled with pain anguish, and some joy. As a child, a human sorcerer, Khazzele took Zieg from his family. Khazzele changed his name from Zieg Tulfried to Ziegfried. He gave the young demon armor and a demon blade, and claimed him as his apprentice. The demon was controlled by his new master so firmly that Zieg eventually forgot all about his former life.

Khazzele was a high general of the demon army, and continually caused torment on the upper world of Althanas. Zieg was continually being sent to the upper world continents to spy on those who lived there. The demon was also to cause chaos whenever he could. However, all was not as it seemed.

The demon knight was to prepare the way for a final demon attack on the upper world. It was to be monumental, the final triumph for the entire demon world. Zieg took up the Gamygym and traveled to Corone to prepare for the final assault. On this trip, however, he discovered that there were many powerful and friendly humans and elves.

Zieg participated in a battle with an elf by the name of Phate. The demon later met this elf again and learned that his name was in actuality Eleric. The fight was fairly short. Zieg, with a stroke of genius, killed the elf. As he died, Eleric blasted Zieg with a powerful fire attack. Zieg died from this attack and was then resurrected by his demon lord.

The armor and the Gamygym however absorbed the attack and lay dormant until Zieg was ready to release it. In a battle with Turk Shinra, Zieg was finally able to release the fire and set the Gamygym ablaze. Zieg's armor has the power to absorb strong magic attacks and use them to Zieg's advantage.

During a trip for his master to the Fountain of Truth, Zieg discovered some very disturbing things. The fountain told Zieg that the master he had served so long was actually a human. Distraught by the news, Zieg asked for a way to beat the man now known as Khazzele. Learning that the Facade was the only way to defeat the cruel man, and only then if he got his crest and the Crest of Hope. Zieg sought out the Facade and joined their ranks after obtaining the Crest of the Deimos.

Zieg became an ally with Zephrys Lightblade. When they met however they were not on the best of terms. Zieg was a member of the demon army, the very army that had killed Zephrys friends. Zieg was hit by a powerful bolt of lightning and later he was able to add it to his arsenal. Zieg, however, overcame their differences and they became allies and even friends in no time.

Zieg prepared an assault on his ex-master, Khazzele. The demon led many powerful warriors against the sorcerer, and eventually prevailed. The demon himself swung the blow that ended the sorcerer’s life. Zieg solemnly left that portion of his life behind.

Later that week, Zieg discovered something that he would never had thought possible. He had a son. Kaza was a half-demon / half-human mix that Khazzele made using Zieg’s DNA. Kaza was a loving boy and wanted to be just like his father.

An army of demon hunter’s attacked the demon world. Zieg rushed to his race’s defense. He infiltrated the hunter’s base, and encountered the leader of the army. The human was an equal match for the demon and eventually won out over the demon, supposedly killing him off. Now everyone thinks him dead, except for Kaza, whom Zieg has communicated with once.

Destiny brought Zieg to Rakthean dil’ Taros, High General of the Demon Army. Intensive training ensued and soon Zieg became one of the High General’s closest generals. Zieg began learning the intricacies of the Haidian system and how the government and army operate.

During this training, Zieg ag’ Tulfried and Xeppa were called, along with Sorahn, to a strange cave in the middle of nowhere. Strange things ensued and Zieg’s mind was taken over by a element known as Chaos. Xeppa and Sorahn managed to break through to Zieg, breaking the mind control. Structure, an element opposite of Chaos, helped protect them both.

Time passed and an urgent call was received from a small town at the edge of Haidia. Zieg and Rakthean went to this town, Vla’toros, to heed the call. The underground town was under bombardment by a fire dragon, and together, Rakthean and Zieg took the dragon down. Not without a cost, though. Rakthean lost his life and passed on the title of High General to Zieg, making him Zieg dil’ Tulfried.

However, power would not last long for Zieg. Some politician under the king’s command, framed Zieg for a crime, and he was forced to flee into hiding. He moped around until a day when a strange whirlwind erupted around the small shack in which they were living. Inside the whirlwind, Zieg discovered that his own companion, Xeppa, was in actuality Structure, and had joined up with Chaos to force him to fight their ancient foe.

Zieg, not taking a liking to being used, fought against them, and was eventually killed. Kaza, who was watching at the time, underwent a strange transformation, becoming an ultimate element, Destiny. He brought his father back to life by combining him with Xeppa, who had seen the error of his ways and joined his companions. The combination was Xeik, a powerful metaform that took down Chaos. The two were then separated, but Zieg had been dead for too long. He lost his left arm after that day.

Later, he and a man by the name of Thoracis were in the Citadel fighting. Zieg’s power blossomed and his arm socket where his left arm once was burst into a fiery limb. He fought bravely and the fight ended with the two of them as allies.

Most recently, Zieg has disappeared from the face of Althanas. Haidia was left in ruins following their High General's disappearance, with the remaining demons scattered across the vast underground land. Zieg, Kaza, and Xeppa have not been heard from nor seen in quite a long time.

Name: Xeppa
Age: 5
Race: Dog / Magim Beast

Transformation – Xeppa has the ability to transform from a small brown dog into a Magim Beast. His Magim Beast form has huge claws and teeth, and leathery wings sprout from his back.

Flaming Breath – Xeppa can shoot long blasts of fire from his mouth towards an opponent. He often uses this power to protect Zieg and his son Kaza.

((Note: The descriptions, possessions, and history are all from the most recent level upgrade. The abilities are all at their level 5 strengths, which can be confirmed here: Level 5 Profile. (http://web.archive.org/web/20040624052046/www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?s=&threadid=116) The only change is that 'Wild Gust' has replaced 'Lightning Blade'. ))

12-10-08, 03:13 PM
Armour - considering the armour covers so much of his body, you can have one piece of it made from Titanium (probably the breatplate) and the rest of Delyn.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
12-10-08, 03:19 PM
Reasonable. Done.

12-11-08, 07:27 AM