View Full Version : Ji'lanha Eroved - TNR Team 1

Ji'lanha Eroved
12-09-08, 06:30 PM
NAME: Ji'lanha Eroved
AGE: 683
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'1''
WEIGHT: 90 pounds
EYE COLOR: Green, emerald green that lights up in the moonlight and speaks more of her elvish blood than her oracle raising
HAIR COLOR: A deep black that seems blue in the light, very silky and shiny

The mark of the Oracle displays itself proudly on her shoulders, dancing across her collar bones and joining together in a unique symbol in the shallow of her throat. Ji'lanha most always wears tight form fitting earth tones, an attempt to remind people that she is just as personable as they are, that she is a woman like any other. She mostly wears greens with the occasional shade of brown, complimentary colors to both her eyes and hair.

WEAPONS: Ji'lanha carries 2 tonfa swords and an intricate dagger with a red and black hilt she received from an Emissar in her past.

POWERS & ABILITIES: Ji'lanha is the halfbreed daughter of the Oracle of Pyra and an Elf of Titan. She has both magics in her, earth and fire, however because she is a half breed she cannot command them to the same level of proficiency as either a full oracle or full elf. Still, she has these powers at her disposal:

Fireball (oracle): A basic fire spell that she can use to near mastery. Fire does not need to be present for her to conjure a fireball, but it is stronger if she can use the energy from an existing flame.

Smoke Screen (oracle): Ji'lanha masters this skill. Using heat from sources near her she can mask herself and up to three others in a cloud of smoke to cover escape or to mask attacks. Useful in situations where there is not enough energy available to conjure a fireball.

Far Sight (elf): Ji'lanha can see clearer over further distances that humans but not as far as full blooded elves. Couple with her life sense she can usually anticipate and react to an attack before taking damage.

Life Sense (elf): Ji'lanha is in tune with the forest, animals and other life forms around her due to her connection with Titan. Though once again weaker than a full blooded elf, she can at times anticipate an attack or trap and avoid it.

Armor: Ji'lanha wears no armor aside from her metal gauntlets. She wears on on either arm and both have small metal nubs that curve forward and are used for catching blades. The nubs are small enough that an enemies blade won't catch too deeply and rip her arm away from her weapons, but enough to slow it down enough to give her a greater chance for a quick inside strike.


Ji'lanha was born to the Oracle of Pyra after a rare love affair with an elf from the nearby villiage. For over 650 years Ji'lanha lived in the Oracles' Hallow with her mother learning all there was to know about reading and interpreting the future. Still, after all that time training she was never as good at being an oracle as she and her mother wished she could be.

One summer a group of men came in search of her mother, not to ask questions and gain wisdom, but to take her captive and sell her into the service of a greedy nobleman who wished to use her to advance his own cause. When they arrived, her mother gave her life to help Ji'lanha escape. She ran to the nearest village for help but ran into more of the party searching for her mother. Had it not been for a man named Antharon she would surely have been captured and sold.

Antharon, and Emissar from Cendes helped her to get away from the town and took her to safety. He taught her about weapons, armor and how to fight. He trained her in self defense, outdoor survival and many other things that would prepare her and enable her to live on her own. They spent many many years together in Cendes. She met and trained with other Emissars, honing her abilities until she could have passed the test to be an Emissar had she been the right gender. When Antharon died, at his funeral, his commanding officer and other Emissar brothers presented her with his dagger, naming her an honorary Emissar.

Max Dirks
12-09-08, 06:35 PM
Can you identify the metal(s) of your weapons and armor, please?

Ji'lanha Eroved
12-09-08, 06:40 PM
Steel and Steel

Max Dirks
12-09-08, 06:41 PM
Splendid, you're approved!