View Full Version : Drake Draven

Drake Draven
07-23-08, 04:55 PM
Okay well I can't find a page where I can pick what weapons etc that I am allowed to have so if this is wrong just help me out =)

Name:Drake Iron Draven
Race:dwarf/human (half)
Hair Color:black
Eye Color:black

*Personality: His childhood and past have shaped his personality today. Drake is quiet and reserved. Sometimes even introverted. He's very self conscious about himself from the treatment he's experienced racially. However, he is also very kind hearted. If someone seeks him out for help and he truly believes that their intentions are pure, he will assist them, loyally and with his life. Perhaps that is the dwarven part of his personality. When he appoints a loyalty to someone or something it will remain with him until that person or thing betrays him, or he dies, there are no other ways that he changes loyalties. When with a group of others he is the type to sit down and listen to everyone else's side first. Afterwards he will speak up with his own opinions. He is peaceful in every way, shape, and form. If there is a way to work things out without having to fight that is the road he will go down. He does not seek out companionship. Drake is more of the kind of person to wait for companionship to find him. Only occasionally will he seek people out when he needs more money for food. His father had been a blacksmith and so that is where he seeks work when he is out of money. It's very hard to actually get him angry. In the face of most situations he just looks on with his quiet, sad expression, even in the face of death. He is more quick to heart ache than anger. Not to say that he is weepy or morose, no, he just isn't very much of anything really.

Appearance: Those familiar with both the dwarf and human races might at not notice anything weird about Drake. But he is unusual. As far as he knows he is the only one of his kind. His shoulders are half the width of a mans. Meaning, even if a human man of considerable size were standing beside him chances are that Drake's shoulders are still wider. In the same fashion, his shoulders are not as wide as any dwarf's. His wide set shoulders are thick and round. They lead down in to barrel arms that look much too big for the rest of him. Also, his arms are longer than what they should be for his height, but this isn't readily noticeable. It's more of a curiosity if someone were trying to figure out if they actually were longer or not. His hands are large and his fingers very thick, and somewhat short. Drake's back and torso are also twice the size of an average man in girth. Not muscle, but in build, in frame, in bone structure. From the dwarven blood he looks like a bodybuilder in thickness, only, not so much in the muscle tone. His arms and chest are also thickly covered in black hair but his back is smooth. As with his chest and back, so is his abdomen the entire way around. Bigger than a man's but thinner than a dwarf's. His legs are the most notable and unusual thing about him. Drake's legs look much too short for his body, but they are huge, very thick and very burly just like his arms. Top that off with feet that, just like his hands, are bigger than they should be. Not comically so, but bigger, none the less.
If a face could be summed up in one word Drake's face would be summed up as sad. His face is like the rest of him, round, head larger than a mans, with very strong features. Cheekbones spread far a part. Somewhat wider set eyes. An almost flat, wide nostril nose, but the bridge is almost just as wide. As with dwarves and their noses typically not having much of a bridge outwards, Drake has one, that is more reminiscent of a humans. His mouth is wide and not attractively so. Also, his lips are a little more on the plump side. He has a strong, wide, square jaw and chin. But all of those features are mostly covered up by his beard.
Drake's beard is very thick and very black. It shines when wet and under the sunshine. He takes very good care of his beard and it is always combed and washed. It is also very straight. Unlike most dwarves that wear their beards in the fashion of nearly touching their ankles, Drake keeps his shorter, but still longer than most humans would. It's about 6 to 7 inches long, and cut in a fashion that compliments his jawline. Instead of letting it grow out in to a point. Typically it is just combed and straight, but on occasion, he will put a braid or two in it, held together with wooden beads.
His hair is also very straight. It's very thick and very black, shines just like his beard, while wet and in the sunshine. The length of it goes down to a little past his shoulders. But he always keeps it in a tail at the base of his neck.
His eyes are as black as his hair. They're very large eyes, but heavy lidded, giving him the expression of sadness or deep thought all of the time. His brows are thick and bushy but match well with the rest of his face. They're straight, for the most part, and rarely ever in a scowl.
He tries to not draw too much attention to himself. Drake somewhat tries to hide his large head and hybrid features by wearing a very wide brimmed hat made of straw. It's the sort of hat that many creatures wear to keep the sun out of their eyes and faces.
He only has two sets of clothing. The one he mostly wears is a cotton shirt of a sandy color, long sleeved, that ties at the collar. It fits him perfectly because it is custom made. Over this he ties two plates of armor on each arm. A dark metal plate for his upper arm and another for his lower arm. The plate's do not completely cover his arms but just the outer parts of them so help with random attacks. The only kind of pants he wears are black ones of thick wool, that try to hide the odd shape of his legs, and he keeps them up with a thick black leather belt. Underneath the pants he has four more plates of armor that cover the front most part of his legs. A plate on his thighs and a plate on his calves. He only has one pair of very big, very black, steel toed boots. His second set of attire is another shirt much like the first but in white cotton, and another pair of pants. Drake does not wear undergarments because he sees no purpose in it. To top all of this off he has a dark sandy colored cape of wool that he usually wears to try to hide the girth of his shoulders and form.

History: To tell of Draven's history one would have to know how he came to be, not just with a simple thing as his mother met his father and a mix was born. Oddly enough his father was the human. In his father's young age he traveled many a places, had many different loves, and perhaps other illegitimate children. One of these travels took him to a dwarven city, where he met his mother. Oh it was not love at first site. They actually wanted to try to kill each other. Both were very racist towards each others race, you see, and so their love when it did bloom was tumultuous and stormy. Just the way his mother liked it. Being a dwarf and being able to bear a child of considerably thicker shoulder girth than Drake, it was unusual that the labor went wrong, and she lay dieing. Of course his father was there with her and holding her strong hand in the both of his humanely ones. She was determined to not let their child die, and ordered his father to kill her, to cut her open to save the babe less they both die. At first his father couldn't do it. But in the end her demands won him over. He had to cut open the love of his life, his soul mate, his true love. In blood and gore and her last dieing breath he pulled forth their son. "He's strong.." His mother used her last few breath's to name him. "Like a dragon..A drake.." before she passed away.
From that point on his father readily despised him. But for the love of his mother he raised him anyway. Drake did not develop as quickly as a human child, and this angered his father, and time and time again he would beat his own child for learning more at the pace of a dwarf. It wasn't because he was feeble minded. No, the mixed blood, you see, makes Drake age slower than humans but considerably faster than dwarf's. So this means he developed differently. He is now 35, but his outward appearance, and the shape of his body, if he were termed in human years he would only be 25. As he grew his father put his burly body to the use and had him train under every blacksmith he could. Not for his child's future, no, but for his own purse. He would work Drake to the point the lad would pass out from exhaustion and still want more. More often than not the blacksmiths would feel bad for the unusual child and send them on their way to a new city. In all of the human cities and towns they went in to he openly paraded his son about, invited insults, inviting abuse towards his own son. His father had hoped that someone would be so disgusted by his son that they would kill him. That way he would not have betrayed his wife's love, but at the same time, would be rid of his monstrous mongrel. Being raised this way Drake developed his quiet, peaceful attitude, developed his sensitivity to his own appearance and his urge to want to hide it. Drake, growing slowly, was dependent on his father for longer than he would have liked. When Drake was fifteen years old in human years, making him about the age of ten mentally and physically, his father developed some sort of disease. He lost most of his energy and would on occasion cough up big clumps of blood. This, he also blamed on his son, until his dieing day. He died a year later. Essentially a child and having no where to go, Drake wondered through the city they happened to be in when his father died, crying. There was no where he could go and no one he could turn to. It was in his broken and lost state, walking in the rain, heading nowhere, that the local blacksmith took him in. The man was about thirty at the time but took Drake in, knowing he was half dwarf, as his own son. He was the one that gave him his middle name of Iron since he is so very skilled in the workings of making anything in a forge. Drake stayed with this man until he reached the age of twenty five in human years, making him about fifteen physically and emotionally. Since he did not wish to travel by himself at the age of when he actually did turn fifteen, his adopted father didn't worry about his 'son' leaving him, however...When he turned 25 and did want to leave it crushed the man to pieces. Though, in the end, he understood that Drake needed to get out and make his own future instead of living in the past.
(This position for his adoptive father can be filled by someone around the same age that is a human and a blacksmith =) )

Skills: Able to make weapons and other items out of iron, of good quality, from having experience growing up.

Resistance to some magic: Spells of illusions or deceptions, while he still sees what the spell tries to play, he can see through it. So it's like a haze instead of a full spell.

Above average skill: Warhammer

Equipment: While during one of his travels he learned how to make dwarven warhammers. Drake is not trained in using this weapon, but he highly treasures it, having made it himself. It is the same size essentially as a normal dwarven hammer, but the shaft is longer, since his hands and arms are bigger than the average dwarf. The end of the shaft is tipped with a razor sharp spike of three inches, and at the top of the shaft, in between each side of the hammer, is another spike. Each end of the hammer is roughly a foot round and pure, solid, steel. Other than this it is pretty plain looking. He usually has it strapped to his back much like one would strap a longsword, and keeps it under his cape. Also; what traveler goes without a good utility knife? Drake has a knife that he had bought from some inventive little creatures a few years back. It folded in to the handle and was large, the right size for his hands. It had a knife, a fork, a spoon, a corkscrew, and a long skinny thing of steel that he couldn't exactly tell what was for. He keeps this knife in his pocket. Not out of malice or mistrust, no, because it is just easier to whip it out when he needs it to cut something.

*Familiars: While walking he found a stray kitten, alone, and half starved. Being the big sweet heart that he is he picked the kitten up and it has been his best friend ever since. It's a little female kitten of quite odd markings. She is predominately black with orange stripes up her right leg, white feet, white on her chest and belly, orange speckles along the black, orange tabby stripe patches on each back leg above the white and below the black, and half her black face has orange stripes. Some people might call this kind of kitten ugly, but maybe that's why he was so attracted to her. He calls her Myrrh. (She is modeled after my RL cat lol)

*Note that these fields are optional, and you may be approved without them.

07-23-08, 06:09 PM
Skills - it would be simpler if you broke up your character's skills.

Blacksmithing - At this point in time, Drake acn only forge weapons made of iron or less and only at 'good' quality.

Resistence - He can have slight resistence to illusion magic right now.

Make those changes and then post here again letting me know it's done and I'll take another look at it.

Drake Draven
07-23-08, 06:12 PM
There I fixed it, wasn't sure what I was allowed or not right off the bat but I'll get the hang of it lol. Is that okay for the magic thing? It's basically the same thing I had but...Maybe I explained it better.

07-23-08, 06:15 PM
Oh, and of course you'll want to give Drake a skill level with his warhammer! Right now he can be above average.

Drake Draven
07-23-08, 06:17 PM
Yes where can I find all of that information on the website? I can't seem to find it cause I'm a ditz! If I could have found it I prolly wouldn't have had such issues with it first off ^_^;;

07-23-08, 06:20 PM
At the top of the page you'll notice a little menu, click on the rules button and you'll see a bunch of different guides that you can peruse. Should you have any questions about anything on the forum, feel free to ask a moderator or admin, or even a regular player. By now most of them know how it all works. ;)
